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Stocks With the Highest Dividends

Stocks With the Highest Dividends is a list of publicly traded companies that paid a high dividend to their shareholders in 2021. Some of these high dividend-paying companies are blue chip stocks trading on the NYSE and NASDAQ.

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CQP Cheniere Energy Partners, L 50.37 52.22 50.37 51.94 249.4K 4.30%
BWLP BW LPG Limited 12.73 13.17 12.73 13.03 337.4K 3.41%
TRMD Torm AS (ADR) 23.00 24.08 23.00 23.73 2.22M 3.40%
PFE Pfizer Inc 26.23 26.75 25.98 26.72 47.91M 2.02%
MO Altria Group, Inc 54.72 55.40 54.40 55.25 7.23M 1.49%
BP BP plc (ADR) 28.14 28.67 27.82 28.57 12.24M 1.46%
HAFN Hafnia Ltd 5.14 5.28 5.14 5.23 2.96M 1.16%
HSBC HSBC Holdings Plc 44.87 45.14 44.54 45.00 1.28M 0.85%
ENB Enbridge Inc 42.22 42.58 41.99 42.49 3.73M 0.73%
NLY Annaly Capital Management, Inc 19.60 19.73 19.53 19.62 4.19M 0.72%
T AT&T Inc 22.17 22.39 22.06 22.30 29.33M 0.68%
EQNR Equinor ASA 22.53 22.81 22.31 22.67 3.44M 0.67%
PBR Petroleo Brasileiro SA (ADR) 13.73 13.86 13.58 13.81 16.07M 0.66%
BTI British American Tobacco (ADR) 35.44 35.46 35.19 35.42 4.22M 0.51%
CCI Crown Castle International Corp 103.51 104.16 102.06 102.76 2.32M 0.50%
TTE TotalEnergies SE 59.00 60.66 58.46 59.87 4.56M 0.50%
BBD Banco Bradesco SA (ADR) 2.30 2.33 2.28 2.32 21.08M 0.43%
LYG Lloyds Banking Group PLC (ADR) 2.77 2.78 2.74 2.75 12.74M 0.36%
VICI Vici Properties Inc 31.49 31.55 31.11 31.31 3.6M 0.35%
PAGP Plains Gp Holdings LP 17.95 18.09 17.81 17.96 1.15M 0.34%
PAA Plains All American Pipeline, L 17.00 17.09 16.80 16.95 4.7M 0.30%
ET Energy Transfer LP 17.12 17.15 16.99 17.10 29.49M 0.29%
BEN Franklin Resources, Inc 21.50 21.78 21.37 21.52 3.07M 0.23%
AFG American Financial Group 143.45 144.81 142.50 143.79 263.1K 0.20%
TRP TransCanada Corporation (USA) 48.50 48.70 48.16 48.44 1.2M 0.19%
ARCC Ares Capital Corporation 21.49 21.71 21.47 21.54 3.57M 0.05%
ABEV Ambev S.A. 2.19 2.22 2.18 2.22 25.06M 0.00%
BEP S&P 500 Covered Call Fund Inc 25.47 25.98 25.20 25.29 368K 0.00%
F Ford Motor Company 11.12 11.17 11.02 11.10 55.06M 0.00%
CNA CNA Financial Corporation 48.14 48.64 47.94 48.29 216.5K -0.08%
DOW The Dow Chemical Company 44.90 45.12 44.70 44.99 5.98M -0.11%
TD Toronto-Dominion Bank (USA) 56.00 56.32 55.80 56.08 1.42M -0.11%
EPD Enterprise Products Partners L 30.38 30.42 30.18 30.39 4.87M -0.13%
GLPI Gaming & Leisure 49.61 49.72 48.64 49.09 1.36M -0.14%
LYB LyondellBasell Industries NV 83.37 83.80 83.02 83.44 1.39M -0.19%
TEF Telefonica S 4.29 4.30 4.25 4.28 719.4K -0.23%
BAP Credicorp Ltd 186.89 189.22 182.34 187.02 241.9K -0.25%
TLK PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (ADR) 16.35 16.35 16.19 16.19 256.3K -0.43%
BORR Borr Drilling Ltd 4.05 4.09 3.94 3.98 3.91M -0.50%
VIV Vivo Participacoes SA (ADR) 8.98 9.02 8.93 9.00 479.5K -0.55%
TU TELUS Corporation (USA) 15.61 15.77 15.56 15.58 3.35M -0.57%
DOC Physicians Realty Trust 22.03 22.20 21.64 21.65 6.9M -0.64%
BCH Banco de Chile (ADR) 23.11 23.13 22.96 22.96 263.4K -0.69%
BNS The Bank of Nova Scotia (USA) 53.94 54.12 53.52 53.57 773.7K -0.72%
E Eni S 29.04 29.29 28.74 29.14 283.4K -0.78%
MPLX Mplx LP 46.13 46.17 45.53 45.63 8.89M -0.80%
VALE Vale S 9.93 9.99 9.83 9.89 26.06M -0.80%
RIO Vale (ADR) 60.91 60.97 60.31 60.62 2.16M -0.95%
UMC United Microelectronics Corp (ADR) 6.98 7.01 6.90 6.92 12.43M -1.00%
BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA (ADR) 9.41 9.43 9.28 9.34 1.53M -1.06%
BSBR Banco Santander (Brasil) SA(ADR) 4.55 4.56 4.50 4.50 301.9K -1.10%
KSPI JSC 113.50 114.98 112.00 112.52 239.3K -1.17%
EC Ecopetrol S 7.44 7.44 7.21 7.36 5.85M -1.34%
STLA Stellantis N.V 13.09 13.18 13.02 13.12 6.82M -1.35%
AEG AEGON N 6.31 6.37 6.27 6.34 2.32M -1.40%
ITUB Itau Unibanco Banco Multiplo SA (ADR) 5.97 5.98 5.89 5.93 22.02M -1.66%
BCE BCE Inc 27.73 27.74 27.14 27.21 7.3M -1.73%
ING ING Groep N 15.50 15.50 15.29 15.38 2M -2.16%
OHI Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc 41.00 41.03 39.38 40.06 2.72M -2.22%

Best dividend stocks 2023

For investors who are looking to invest in dividend stocks, you may find this high dividend stocks list useful. You may find some of the best dividend stocks 2023 that you can consider investing in. 

Please keep in mind this is just a top dividend stocks list, but you will still need to do your own research on which stocks to own.

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