Stock Screener

Bullish Harami Stocks

Bullish harami stocks scanner to find a list of stocks with Bullish Harami pattern. Bullish Harami pattern is a type of candlestick pattern that produces a bullish signal for traders. It is a powerful candlestick patterns for both swing trading and day trading.

Bullish Harami Screener

Bullish Harami Screener is updated each day after market close. You will find the latest stocks with bullish harami pattern in this page.

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
PITA 1.27 1.45 1.26 1.37 61.8K 11.38%
JUNE 4.45 5.16 4.36 4.76 115.1K 10.70%
OMGA 1.12 1.28 1.11 1.14 314.6K 4.59%
CMPS 5.65 5.96 5.57 5.89 882.8K 4.43%
MMYT 87.08 90.85 86.78 90.36 1.19M 3.97%
GYRE 11.99 12.55 11.81 12.25 51.5K 3.73%
AENT 2.55 2.65 2.44 2.59 57K 2.78%
SKYH 10.73 11.16 10.71 10.98 53.1K 2.52%
ACRE 6.71 6.80 6.64 6.75 407.7K 0.75%
JMST 50.80 50.81 50.78 50.81 387.7K 0.04%

Candlestick Stock Screener
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