Stock Screener

ADX Stock Screener

ADX Stock Screener scans the stock market based on the Average Directional Index or ADX technical indicator. The ADX indicator measures the strength of a stock trend without regard to its direction. When a stock is moving in an uptrend, a high ADX indicates a strong trend or a bullish signal.

When a stock is moving in a down trend, a high ADX indicates a strong negative trend or bearish signal. You can visitTop Trading Strategies to learn how to trade stocks using technical analysis.

ADX Screener

Select an ADX value from the ADX Screener to start filtering stocks with strong trends.

ADX value
Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CRNT Ceragon Networks Ltd 4.23 4.48 4.14 4.39 1.83M 5.53%
NAT Nordic American Tanker Shipping Limited 2.64 2.81 2.64 2.78 3.59M 5.30%
TNK Teekay Tankers Ltd 40.06 41.78 39.70 41.65 445.6K 4.44%
FTK Flotek Industries, Inc 8.43 8.81 8.30 8.79 234.3K 4.27%
IDCC InterDigital, Inc 196.53 201.00 196.22 200.08 477.2K 1.79%
MASI Masimo Corporation 171.49 174.73 170.11 174.19 311.8K 1.46%
TWM ProShares UltraShort Russell2000 (ETF) 38.11 38.74 37.97 38.57 236.7K 1.45%
TTEK Tetra Tech, Inc 41.80 42.66 41.57 42.34 2.61M 1.36%
BCE BCE Inc 27.11 27.45 27.10 27.31 5.02M 1.00%
WMT Wal-Mart Stores, Inc 92.78 93.59 92.26 93.51 13.04M 0.94%
CNX CONSOL Energy Inc 39.78 39.92 39.13 39.83 1.3M 0.91%
CCL Carnival Corporation 26.09 26.57 25.93 26.11 19.02M 0.46%
SCHF Schwab International Equity ETF 19.70 19.75 19.61 19.71 6.04M 0.41%
BAM Brookfield Asset Management Inc 57.02 57.90 57.02 57.29 1.43M 0.40%
B Barnes Group Inc 47.00 47.14 46.93 47.06 335.7K 0.26%
TTWO Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc 187.40 188.38 186.94 188.06 926.1K 0.06%
SCHX Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF 23.96 23.98 23.90 23.97 3.89M 0.04%
RDY Dr 14.25 14.33 14.16 14.30 1.39M 0.00%
SH ProShares Short S&P500 (ETF) 41.77 41.85 41.72 41.75 4.01M 0.00%
RCL Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 247.50 248.88 243.68 245.90 1.22M -0.21%
ATSG Air Transport Services Group Inc 22.05 22.05 21.97 21.98 672K -0.27%
LYV Live Nation, Inc 136.36 137.99 135.44 137.35 4.59M -0.30%
IDA IDACORP, Inc 117.27 117.89 116.47 116.49 252.7K -0.33%
SCHW The Charles Schwab Corporation 81.78 81.97 80.88 81.12 4.79M -0.33%
UNM Unum Group 76.48 76.69 75.67 76.04 1.23M -0.41%
SNA Snap-on Incorporated 366.69 368.54 362.26 365.10 271.3K -0.49%
NTRS Northern Trust Corporation 110.94 111.35 109.27 109.34 1.64M -0.50%
FHN First Horizon National Corporation 20.81 20.84 20.50 20.62 3.27M -0.53%
DIS The Walt Disney Company 117.00 117.23 115.45 116.45 8.35M -0.61%
AME AMETEK, Inc 195.45 195.90 193.32 194.33 1.57M -0.63%
EAT Brinker International, Inc 129.70 131.15 128.29 129.08 840.5K -0.87%
RJF Raymond James Financial, Inc 168.24 168.24 164.81 165.45 1.25M -0.90%
EPD Enterprise Products Partners L 33.84 33.90 33.28 33.30 6.3M -1.51%
WFC Wells Fargo & Company 75.81 75.85 74.02 74.14 9.69M -1.51%
REGN Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc 760.99 770.00 747.57 749.57 631.6K -1.68%
ENR Energizer Holdings, Inc 39.31 39.45 38.58 38.72 426.2K -1.70%
CE Celanese Corporation 74.55 74.77 72.21 72.50 2.18M -2.32%
FCEL FuelCell Energy, Inc 11.50 11.65 10.05 10.55 1.63M -7.05%

The ADX stock screener is a good technical indicator to measure the trend of a stock. It is best to combine the ADX indicator with other stock screens such as top trending stocks, Up Trend Stocks and the best momentum stocks.

ADX Above 20
ADX Above 25
ADX Above 30
ADX Above 40
ADX Above 40
ADX Above 50
ADX Above 60
ADX Above 70
ADX Below 15
ADX Below 20
ADX Below 25

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