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Force Index Stock Screener

Force Index Stock Screener to scan the stock market with the Force Index indicator. Force Index Screener will find stocks with strong force index as well as weak siginals. Force Index is a popular technical indicator that swing traders to measure the force of a trend.

Force Index is
for Days

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
TTEK 47.15 48.49 46.99 48.23 1.86M 2.88%
ASTC 8.25 8.29 8.02 8.15 18.6K 0.00%
CTAS 204.39 204.91 203.14 204.55 1.39M -0.37%
DECK 157.11 159.14 156.01 156.79 1.57M -0.55%
WPRT 4.46 4.54 4.43 4.45 35.9K -1.11%
BMRN 69.58 69.81 68.10 68.16 1.4M -2.15%

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