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MACD Crossover Screener

MACD Crossover is a bullish signal for technical traders such as swing trading and day trading. Our MACD Crossover Screener scans the stock market and find all stocks with a MACD bullish crossover pattern. MACD crossover works best when you combine it with other technical indicators rather than rely on it as a sole indicator.

MACD Crossover

The following is list of stocks with a MACD crossover pattern today detected by the MACD stock screener. For traders who use the MACD indicator, you may find some good trade setups with a bullish macd crossover pattern for your watchlist. The MACD screener is updated daily after market close.

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
PLCE 6.81 10.20 6.60 9.10 73.05M 85.71%
PCT 5.18 6.99 5.07 6.76 10.21M 44.14%
UTSI 2.73 3.20 2.73 3.04 7.4K 18.75%
OSCR 18.70 20.73 18.60 20.67 9.25M 18.66%
FSLR 215.50 241.66 214.42 239.84 5.49M 15.19%
ALB 90.21 91.81 84.75 89.30 6.35M 13.58%
APP 87.55 98.10 87.12 97.57 7.85M 13.15%
UEC 4.58 5.22 4.58 5.18 10.29M 12.36%
CSIQ 12.83 13.89 12.78 13.83 3.08M 11.80%
DDD 1.94 2.22 1.92 2.19 3.62M 11.73%
WIMI 0.74 0.83 0.74 0.82 221.2K 10.81%
VRT 75.95 82.62 75.50 82.39 9.96M 9.17%
BNGO 0.43 0.48 0.42 0.48 999K 9.09%
BLNK 1.71 1.83 1.66 1.81 5.17M 9.04%
TWST 40.24 44.73 39.94 44.36 1.34M 8.94%
CHWY 27.63 30.24 27.55 30.24 8.79M 8.12%
ROKU 68.11 70.20 66.95 70.15 4.66M 6.84%
DNN 1.49 1.60 1.48 1.59 20.18M 6.71%
CCJ 37.95 40.26 37.86 39.98 8.18M 6.05%
QS 5.56 5.88 5.50 5.86 6.32M 5.59%
AMD 145.32 150.16 140.71 149.86 50.55M 4.91%
AR 25.72 26.71 25.41 26.49 4.14M 4.91%
LSCC 42.90 44.91 42.02 44.81 2.07M 4.82%
MRVL 72.87 75.15 70.95 74.89 14.52M 4.59%
COMM 4.96 5.21 4.74 5.14 6.18M 3.84%
EME 372.69 385.07 364.50 385.07 338.4K 3.72%
BEPC 28.35 29.15 28.16 29.07 1.02M 3.42%
ASX 9.19 9.59 9.09 9.56 15.18M 3.24%
PLUG 1.92 2.00 1.81 1.94 42.33M 3.19%
DY 179.43 185.59 176.46 184.94 289.8K 3.16%
DNMR 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.33 257.5K 3.13%
OLLI 93.28 96.83 92.66 96.35 1.2M 3.08%
TPC 21.98 22.88 21.57 22.77 294.9K 3.08%
ENTG 108.32 111.14 105.83 110.67 2.71M 3.07%
ETN 289.50 297.68 284.55 297.14 2.39M 3.07%
ALTO 1.38 1.40 1.35 1.40 397.6K 2.94%
SWN 6.03 6.20 5.96 6.20 17.16M 2.82%
U 16.71 17.27 16.23 17.22 11.95M 2.81%
NVT 62.27 64.27 61.14 63.89 1.24M 2.73%
TGI 12.85 13.22 12.66 13.17 770.7K 2.73%
CMLS 1.48 1.55 1.48 1.54 83.9K 2.67%
TUP 1.13 1.17 1.11 1.16 297.7K 2.65%
CARR 71.76 74.07 70.37 73.67 5.27M 2.56%
NEP 24.88 25.36 24.69 25.25 1.13M 2.56%
BXP 73.82 76.37 73.23 76.29 1.27M 2.39%
KNDI 1.70 1.75 1.69 1.75 44.4K 2.34%
FSLY 5.76 5.97 5.65 5.92 2.05M 2.25%
REAL 2.38 2.45 2.33 2.42 2.31M 2.11%
FICO 1792.00 1836.77 1764.01 1834.23 133.8K 2.06%
SKM 23.86 24.00 23.72 23.98 164.7K 2.04%
CPNG 22.97 23.78 22.73 23.42 7.73M 1.83%
AVTR 26.29 27.01 26.14 26.91 4.76M 1.66%
INTU 631.69 645.75 613.95 643.92 1.32M 1.63%
ITCI 73.62 74.92 73.05 74.72 257.1K 1.58%
HON 200.84 204.36 197.36 204.04 2.73M 1.54%
FRHC 93.00 94.52 91.80 94.40 54.7K 1.52%
CORT 35.04 36.13 34.87 35.55 478.2K 1.48%
POWW 1.44 1.48 1.41 1.46 178.5K 1.39%
BABA 83.57 84.84 83.50 84.81 11.53M 1.21%
LXRX 1.68 1.70 1.62 1.69 1.12M 1.20%
BVN 11.80 12.06 11.74 11.99 532.4K 1.18%
BYND 6.09 6.28 5.98 6.18 1.11M 1.15%
GWW 977.26 990.04 957.45 988.64 198K 1.12%
USEG 0.89 0.90 0.87 0.90 7.9K 1.12%
PZZA 48.28 48.85 47.50 48.73 625.1K 1.02%
NCZ 2.98 3.01 2.98 3.01 514.6K 1.01%
DOV 180.66 183.44 176.62 183.16 1.21M 0.94%
EXPD 121.65 123.00 119.45 122.87 698.7K 0.91%
ACRS 1.18 1.19 1.17 1.18 140.2K 0.85%
WNC 18.34 18.66 18.05 18.66 615.8K 0.76%
SCHW 62.80 63.66 61.49 63.41 8.75M 0.56%
FTV 72.09 72.63 70.23 72.51 3.09M 0.55%
NAD 12.15 12.18 12.10 12.18 1M 0.50%
AMH 39.57 40.14 39.23 40.10 1.83M 0.48%
CRDF 2.20 2.32 2.20 2.31 323.6K 0.43%
BSM 14.70 14.78 14.48 14.65 396.1K 0.41%
ARLO 11.14 11.27 10.77 11.24 608.7K 0.36%
XLU 77.05 77.36 76.15 77.28 10.28M 0.31%
APPN 31.17 31.73 30.60 31.45 376.5K 0.16%
ALC 97.93 98.49 96.47 98.22 708.5K 0.10%
AZEK 41.63 42.10 40.40 41.82 1.45M 0.05%
NFG 60.09 60.55 59.52 60.51 470.2K 0.03%
SFIX 3.56 3.63 3.50 3.59 764K 0.00%
WY 30.44 30.91 30.28 30.86 3.71M -0.10%
CRSP 45.23 45.50 44.21 45.44 695.9K -0.33%
MARA 15.44 16.19 14.88 15.79 35.37M -0.94%
API 1.91 2.00 1.91 1.97 74.8K -1.01%
IMMR 8.82 8.90 8.59 8.70 783.2K -1.58%
RIOT 7.00 7.19 6.70 7.09 15.46M -2.07%
HE 11.46 11.46 11.12 11.28 1.29M -2.76%
IRBT 7.01 7.11 6.67 6.79 1.06M -4.77%

What is MACD Crossover

MACD Crossover is a bullish signal for short term traders. The pattern occurs when the MACD line crossover the signal line.
Following are two charts that show how a MACD crossover look like.

In the above daily stock chart of COUP, the stock was oversold in March based on the RSI indicator (RSI below 30). It then cross above 30 which is a sign of recovery, and then the MACD crossover triggers a buy signal for COUP.

The stock WORK had a very similar result as the COUP stock. It was oversold in mid March and then recovered where the RSI indicator cross above 30. The MACD then crossover the siginal line and the stock rose from there.

How to Trade MACD Crossover

Like any other technical indicator, MACD Crossover is a lagging indicator based on previous price data, so it will not work on every trade. Traders must be prepared to exit a trade when the MACD crossover pattern fails to deliver.

Short term swing traders usually use the daily stock charts to look for signals whereas day traders use intraday 5-minutes charts. It is recommended that traders combine the MACD Crossover pattern with one or two other indicators for finding entries for better results. In the above examples, we combined the MACD crossover with the RSI indicator.

Entry Strategy
  1. When the RSI cross above 30, we add the stock to our watchlist
  2. When the MACD crossover, it triggers a buy signal

Trade with the trend is a strategy that trend following traders use. To check if the general trend is up, use the weekly chart for swing trading, and the daily chart for day trading. For instance, if we want execute the above trade for COUP, trend following traders will want to check if the weekly chart for COUP is up. Making sure the longer term chart is trending up.

Stop Loss
We should always have a stop loss for any trade we enter. It could be anywhere from 2% to 6% depending on how volatile the stock is, and your own tolerance for risks. You have to test your stop loss with your own trading strategy to find the sweet spot. There is no single right answer for a stop loss.

Exit Strategy
  1. Profit Target - You can use a profit taking strategy to sell your stocks after a certain percentage gain.
  2. You can also use the MACD indicator to trigger a sell signal when it started to pointing downwards.
  3. You can also use ride with the trend until the stock shows weakness based on your technical indicators.
  4. You can move up your stop loss when the stock rises to lock in some of your profit.
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When the trade is working, there are unlimited ways that you can take profit. Most traders have problem taking a loss. Many let a small loss to become a big loss, and big losses to turned into disasters that ruined their portfolio.

To learn more about MACD crossover and combinning multiple technical indicators, read MACD Strategy article to learn how to use MACD indicator and MACD screener.

MACD Stock Screener

To find other MACD patterns such as MACD cross down, MACD crossover above 0, you can use our MACD stock screener below.
MACD stock screener.

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