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Candlestick Stock Screener

Candlestick patterns are powerful chart patterns for finding trade setups. This candlestick stock screener allows a trader to find some of the most popular candlestick patterns that swing traders use. Simply click on any candlestick pattern scanner below and start scanning for bullish or bearish candlestick patterns.

For best result, you should combine candlestick patterns with other technical indicators such as volume. To start using our candlestick screener, just click on any of the candlestick pattern below and you will get the result instantly.

Candlestick Pattern Scanner

The candlestick pattern scanner updates every trading day after market close. Traders can find both bullish and bearish trade setups with the following candlestick scanners.

Candlestick Screener

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
VRCA 1.10 1.58 1.10 1.45 11.11M 30.63%
CMCT 0.50 0.63 0.50 0.63 1.23M 23.53%
HUSA 1.25 1.61 1.25 1.49 6.21M 17.32%
BW 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.19M 11.73%
SSTI 10.78 12.16 10.78 12.02 71.9K 10.38%
RMBL 4.30 4.77 4.10 4.75 138.4K 10.21%
RAIL 10.92 12.19 10.76 12.04 585.9K 9.85%
SPWH 2.44 2.76 2.44 2.68 378.5K 9.39%
DK 18.67 20.44 18.48 20.37 1.6M 9.05%
EONR 1.52 2.07 1.42 1.78 7.84M 8.54%
PHAT 16.67 18.97 16.53 18.15 1.38M 8.29%
ZCMD 2.14 2.68 2.05 2.55 456.7K 6.25%
BBAR 10.36 11.11 10.35 11.09 613.2K 6.12%
NUVB 2.18 2.41 2.13 2.34 1.44M 5.88%
RIG 4.30 4.61 4.25 4.58 25.34M 5.77%
BIOA 19.55 21.10 19.54 20.86 692.3K 5.73%
BYRN 16.43 17.33 16.23 17.32 444.7K 4.65%
AAP 36.90 39.24 36.40 38.89 4.84M 4.63%
PAL 13.14 13.97 12.79 13.78 286.3K 4.39%
CTBB 15.35 16.16 15.35 16.11 50.5K 4.07%
MBX 23.50 25.50 23.20 24.50 118.6K 3.99%
PAM 59.78 62.16 59.02 62.12 105.7K 3.57%
GGAL 41.80 43.63 41.35 43.41 858.2K 3.51%
IGMS 14.19 15.40 13.78 14.90 246K 3.47%
FBL 32.39 33.89 32.22 33.80 553.6K 3.43%
BMA 64.57 67.41 64.50 67.23 177.9K 3.43%
METU 33.17 34.71 33.07 34.63 88.8K 3.34%
IFS 25.61 26.61 25.61 26.59 121.7K 3.18%
NPWR 6.58 7.03 6.58 6.94 311.3K 3.12%
HPP 4.50 4.70 4.44 4.69 2.8M 3.08%
SUPV 7.10 7.42 7.09 7.38 1.32M 3.07%
VVOS 2.37 2.52 2.31 2.50 135.1K 2.88%
NATL 26.89 27.97 26.87 27.94 411K 2.83%
ATLX 6.35 6.67 6.35 6.58 78.4K 2.65%
MURA 3.10 3.32 3.07 3.20 222.5K 2.56%
CLPR 5.59 5.79 5.53 5.75 90.6K 2.31%
DJT 15.55 16.56 15.53 16.17 9.66M 2.28%
SITC 16.56 17.07 16.56 16.95 1.42M 2.23%
ACB 5.35 5.55 5.35 5.49 595.7K 2.23%
BCOV 2.32 2.42 2.32 2.39 103K 2.14%
KRUS 76.00 78.30 74.63 78.29 128.7K 2.05%
PYXS 3.40 3.52 3.38 3.51 276.9K 2.03%
BJ 83.85 85.64 83.81 85.63 1.62M 2.00%
BRBR 60.15 61.96 59.94 61.58 920K 1.99%
AMAL 29.68 30.41 29.50 30.41 122.5K 1.98%
MU 99.47 102.53 99.40 101.82 22.1M 1.97%
PERI 7.70 7.95 7.70 7.92 183K 1.93%
PPBI 23.60 24.29 23.50 24.26 434.4K 1.89%
CUBI 43.81 45.07 43.64 45.04 226.9K 1.83%
META 570.15 583.36 568.73 582.77 11.54M 1.74%
CYBR 274.00 279.25 269.00 279.05 423.3K 1.71%
NEXN 7.61 8.01 7.51 7.86 55.4K 1.68%
SNBR 16.67 17.16 16.35 17.14 253.2K 1.66%
WDAY 235.36 242.48 235.00 240.94 1.68M 1.60%
SJT 3.74 3.89 3.73 3.84 134.2K 1.59%
DXLG 2.68 2.82 2.66 2.75 309.8K 1.48%
AMC 4.30 4.50 4.29 4.43 5.84M 1.37%
BHC 8.12 8.29 8.10 8.27 1.14M 1.35%
IRS 11.29 11.57 11.17 11.57 74.2K 1.31%
HELE 60.43 61.79 59.51 61.54 382.7K 1.22%
AEIS 100.60 102.98 100.60 102.94 211.8K 1.21%
PATK 141.56 145.00 141.12 144.61 132.8K 1.20%
OZK 41.28 41.98 40.90 41.97 734.8K 1.16%
OGI 1.73 1.79 1.72 1.76 279.5K 1.15%
APGE 55.18 57.89 55.18 56.85 224.1K 1.10%
LINE 75.86 77.01 75.73 76.75 2.63M 1.09%
MQ 4.73 4.85 4.73 4.84 2.66M 1.04%
HWC 48.57 49.77 48.36 49.61 365.3K 1.00%
BGFV 1.97 2.04 1.97 2.02 99.8K 1.00%
FBY 19.98 20.27 19.96 20.27 61K 1.00%
KEY 16.12 16.38 15.95 16.37 8.06M 0.99%
TREX 66.90 68.45 66.88 68.12 1.5M 0.99%
FLUT 230.50 235.41 230.50 234.91 818.5K 0.97%
UCB 27.47 28.08 27.46 28.07 746.7K 0.97%
RUM 5.17 5.26 5.09 5.23 737.1K 0.97%
X 34.45 35.10 34.30 34.93 1.77M 0.95%
CMA 58.00 58.69 57.24 58.68 1.19M 0.95%
RSG 199.60 202.04 199.60 201.90 1.38M 0.90%
SQ 64.50 65.71 64.39 65.64 4.34M 0.89%
DKNG 37.26 38.01 37.07 38.00 6.07M 0.88%
AX 59.68 60.48 59.46 60.46 729.9K 0.88%
JBI 9.44 9.64 9.35 9.61 1.9M 0.84%
ORMP 2.36 2.42 2.35 2.41 67.8K 0.84%
CASH 64.01 64.97 62.79 64.75 96K 0.83%
GAP 20.59 20.98 20.31 20.94 4.47M 0.82%
NBHC 39.93 40.46 39.72 40.45 137.2K 0.82%
DPST 87.60 90.29 85.67 89.75 719.6K 0.80%
FIVE 88.02 89.84 87.47 89.75 1.06M 0.77%
SNOW 109.00 110.81 108.71 110.47 4.11M 0.75%
PRLB 27.80 28.31 27.65 28.25 193.6K 0.75%
LOB 45.37 46.30 45.37 46.27 127.3K 0.72%
GABC 37.38 38.02 36.24 37.75 55.9K 0.69%
FDMT 10.18 10.36 9.92 10.34 725.8K 0.68%
TRUP 41.02 41.79 40.75 41.36 271.4K 0.66%
MBIN 43.03 43.69 42.36 43.45 65.5K 0.63%
TCBI 69.42 70.38 68.96 70.31 207.2K 0.62%
TRMK 30.84 31.22 30.72 31.13 209.9K 0.61%
IBTX 55.17 56.34 55.11 56.06 125.4K 0.61%
TRNO 64.53 65.42 64.40 65.12 690.7K 0.60%
VFLO 33.30 33.55 33.19 33.53 273.8K 0.60%
WGO 56.80 57.80 56.11 57.60 570.3K 0.56%
AME 167.59 169.24 166.17 169.10 2.13M 0.54%
WASH 30.12 30.68 30.05 30.56 54.1K 0.53%
BRDG 9.79 9.87 9.62 9.86 451.1K 0.51%
ENLC 14.55 14.72 14.54 14.72 1.85M 0.48%
TOL 152.69 153.98 151.06 153.74 851.7K 0.46%
ELS 69.49 69.89 68.85 69.81 1.01M 0.45%
BC 80.98 82.09 80.33 82.07 517.4K 0.43%
INFY 22.19 22.43 22.19 22.41 7.82M 0.40%
CATY 41.33 41.91 41.08 41.77 151.2K 0.34%
AUB 35.76 36.54 35.75 36.25 344.8K 0.33%
INDB 56.66 57.26 56.23 57.21 185.3K 0.30%
KRE 54.23 54.87 53.89 54.72 8.08M 0.24%
COWZ 57.58 57.88 57.20 57.87 1.46M 0.21%
BMO 90.54 91.50 90.34 91.22 1.38M 0.20%
BDC 115.37 116.38 114.57 115.72 235.4K 0.20%
RLI 156.49 157.69 155.53 157.65 143.9K 0.19%
FHB 22.21 22.54 22.08 22.37 423.9K 0.18%
M 15.17 15.44 15.05 15.37 4.41M 0.13%
TMDX 143.48 145.08 141.72 143.80 754.3K 0.13%

Candlestick Patterns

There are mainly two categories of candlestick patterns, continuation and reversal patterns. Continuation candlestick patterns gives signals for traders to ride an existing trend whereas reversal patterns allows a traders to get on or get out of a trade before the stock takes off on a new trend.

If you are new to trading or candlestick patterns, read How to Read a Candlestick Chart.

Following are the major candlestick patterns that are useful in finding trade setups.

Doji - a doji is a powerful reversal candlestick pattern that you will see on a candlestick chart. When a doji occurs on an uptrend, a trader should take cautious.

Bullish Engulfing - it is a bullish reversal pattern. It occurs on a downtrend and when this pattern occurs, it is time to add the stock to your watchlist.

Bearish Engulfing - a bearish reversal pattern and occurs on an uptrend. When you see this pattern on an uptrend, it is time to be cautious.

Bullish Harami - another bullish reversal pattern that occurs on a downtrend. It signals that a stock trend may be at the bottom and the trend is about to be reversed.

Bearish Harami - a bearish reversal pattern that occurs on an uptrend. It is a pattern used by short traders to find entries for shorting a stock.

Hammer - is a pattern that occurs on a downtrend and it signals an uptrend is coming. It requires confirmation on the next day where the stock should be up on the second day after this pattern occurs on a chart.

Inverted Hammer - is a bullish reversal pattern that occurs on a downtrend.

Shooting Star - is a bearish reversal pattern that occurs on an uptrend. When this pattern occurs on a stock chart, trade with a long position must be cautious.

Hanging Man - another bearish reversal pattern that occurs on the peak of an uptrend. Dark Cloud Cover - is a continuation pattern that occurs on an uptrend.

All the reversal patterns require a confirmation day whereas the second day after the pattern occurs must confirm the new trend. Of course just like any other technical indicators or chart patterns, candlestick patterns is a signal, but it won't be 100% accurate. Therefore, traders need to use stop loss to protect themselves when a pattern fails to deliver.

Candlestick Screener

To learn more about candlestick patterns and how to use the candlestick screener, check out the candlestick trading strategy and read the top 10 candlestick patterns to learn how to use candlestick patterns for profitable trading.

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