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MFI Stock Screener

Scan the stock market based on the Money Flow Index or MFI indicator. The MFI indicator uses data from both the price and volume to find out buying and selling pressure for a particular stock. When the buying pressure is high, it indicate strength. On the other hand, when the selling pressure is high, it indicates weakness.

MFI Between &

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ARWR 20.00 21.36 19.79 20.78 1.55M 3.85%
IART 17.07 18.02 17.01 17.53 857.6K 2.16%
TM 175.66 178.52 175.66 176.71 559.4K 2.06%
AMRN 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.60 497.1K 1.69%
SD 12.10 12.53 12.06 12.22 220K 1.16%
HUM 312.00 317.63 311.28 315.29 1.78M 1.12%
DG 85.77 87.75 85.77 86.86 3.51M 0.99%
CHRS 1.04 1.14 1.02 1.05 2.61M 0.96%
BMRN 70.87 71.58 70.11 71.14 2.17M 0.84%
DSX 2.37 2.40 2.34 2.39 230.6K 0.84%
NWSA 26.38 26.87 26.34 26.45 2.44M 0.42%
ACI 18.55 18.76 18.51 18.52 3.18M -0.11%
LEA 107.92 110.32 107.04 107.21 469.8K -0.15%
DKS 214.45 219.03 210.50 212.58 1.01M -0.32%
NTES 77.29 78.00 76.64 76.70 462.2K -0.42%
COST 899.94 904.98 890.95 892.52 1.34M -0.53%
FORM 43.14 44.31 42.54 42.84 635K -0.70%
SU 37.16 37.61 36.84 36.97 2.34M -0.75%
BRY 5.51 5.67 5.48 5.49 755.3K -1.08%

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