Stock Screener

CCI Stock Screener

Scan the stock market based on the popular Commodity Channel Index CCI technical indicator. CCI is a popular technical indicator that traders use to find trade setups for the stock and forex market. Visit Top Trading Strategies to learn about technical analysis and trading strategies.

CCI Between &

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
PLCE 6.81 10.20 6.60 9.10 73.05M 85.71%
BAM 42.63 44.34 42.45 44.27 1.42M 3.63%
SIRI 27.80 29.05 26.60 28.31 11.3M 3.40%
SOL 2.28 2.39 2.17 2.35 485.4K 2.62%
ERY 26.50 27.83 26.50 27.01 467.2K 1.89%
DUG 10.98 11.55 10.98 11.21 393.4K 1.72%
DLR 155.40 158.84 154.54 158.42 1.92M 1.06%
ORCL 156.78 159.44 154.84 157.18 12.32M 0.83%
VZ 43.51 43.82 42.94 43.80 21.9M 0.34%
EQIX 854.48 869.27 847.00 867.70 651.1K 0.34%
EDR 27.53 27.60 27.52 27.59 1.51M 0.07%

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