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CCI Stock Screener

Scan the stock market based on the popular Commodity Channel Index CCI technical indicator. CCI is a popular technical indicator that traders use to find trade setups for the stock and forex market. Visit Top Trading Strategies to learn about technical analysis and trading strategies.

CCI Between &

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CHRS Charming Shoppes, Inc 2.04 2.43 1.67 1.71 114.72M 24.82%
SHO Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc 11.62 12.19 11.60 11.86 16.21M 10.12%
DAN Dana Holding Corporation 11.63 12.25 11.10 12.10 4.6M 6.80%
SKX Skechers USA, Inc 68.34 69.71 68.00 69.17 3.23M 5.36%
DRH DiamondRock Hospitality Company 9.49 10.00 9.48 9.74 10.61M 4.28%
EWJ iShares MSCI Japan Index (ETF) 71.48 71.66 71.20 71.55 9.11M 1.43%
SAP SAP AG (ADR) 242.31 245.02 242.00 243.90 787.9K 0.96%
ASML ASML Holding N 703.01 721.33 700.62 718.06 1.62M 0.93%
URBN Urban Outfitters, Inc 51.08 51.49 50.60 50.70 2.1M -0.69%
FOSL Fossil, Inc 2.30 2.30 2.02 2.11 2.07M -10.21%

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