Stock Screener

EMA Crossover Screener

Our EMA Crossover Screener scans the stock market and find stocks that are making an exponential moving average crossover pattern. These patterns are considered bullish for short term swing traders.

To scan for simple moving average crossover patterns, please use our Moving Average Crossover Stock Screener. To learn how to trade moving average, check out Top Trading Strategies.

EMA Stock Screener

EMA Stock Screener is useful for swing traders to find bullish trade setups.

& Crossover

& Cross down

5day & 9day Exponential Moving Average Crossover 2/14/2025
Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
SRM SRM Entertainment Inc 0.73 0.85 0.60 0.70 253.25M 94.44%
SPGC Sacks Parente Golf Inc 0.63 1.34 0.57 0.89 131.16M 48.33%
TCX Tucows Inc 15.16 20.42 15.07 19.15 225K 26.57%
ANTE Airnet Technology Inc 0.48 0.55 0.46 0.54 481.8K 22.73%
SOBR Sobr Safe Inc 0.95 1.12 0.89 1.05 7.47M 22.09%
RCEL Avita Medical Ltd 9.92 11.25 9.70 10.57 951.7K 20.39%
ASYS Amtech Systems, Inc 5.30 6.10 5.15 5.84 208K 19.18%
NUS Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc 8.88 10.04 7.44 7.56 3.58M 17.76%
PCOR Procore Technologies Inc 81.05 87.90 77.61 87.50 4.58M 16.51%
VRCA Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc 0.66 0.76 0.65 0.74 468.4K 13.85%
VRPX Virpax Pharmaceuticals Inc 0.45 0.47 0.31 0.33 120.41M 13.79%
MSAI Infrared Cameras Holdings Inc 1.31 1.51 1.31 1.45 580.1K 13.28%
GRYP Gryphon Digital Mining Inc. 0.32 0.36 0.30 0.35 1.71M 12.90%
SOFX 18.68 21.25 18.54 20.80 361.7K 12.86%
SPCB Supercom Ltd 9.80 10.90 9.80 10.68 229.1K 11.25%
PROP Prairie Operating Co 9.17 9.32 8.50 8.75 730.8K 11.18%
FLYX flyExclusive Inc. 3.97 4.38 2.73 3.72 197.1K 11.04%
APLT Applied Therapeutics Inc 0.59 0.67 0.59 0.65 3.05M 10.17%
NKTR Nektar Therapeutics 0.93 1.08 0.90 0.98 6.87M 10.11%
ANAB Anaptysbio Inc 19.06 21.47 19.06 21.22 1.4M 10.01%
OM Outset Medical Inc 0.80 0.97 0.80 0.90 2.69M 9.76%
HIMX Himax Technologies, Inc 10.22 11.14 10.22 10.88 6.21M 9.68%
POAI Predictive Oncology Inc 1.48 1.62 1.47 1.62 308.9K 9.46%
SER Serina Therapeutics Inc. 4.60 5.64 4.60 5.09 63.3K 9.23%
MLCO Melco Resorts & Entertainment 5.88 6.28 5.87 6.27 10.58M 9.04%
CHRO Chromocell Therapeutics Corp. 1.70 1.99 1.64 1.88 52.4K 8.67%
MASS 908 Devices Inc 2.60 2.82 2.48 2.78 444.2K 8.59%
ESTA Establishment Labs Holdings Inc 34.18 36.36 33.04 36.08 600.4K 7.41%
WYY WidePoint Corporation 3.90 4.34 3.76 4.15 72.8K 7.24%
LC Lendingclub Corp 13.27 14.25 13.21 14.09 2.12M 7.15%
BRZU Brazil Bull 3X Direxion 54.28 56.39 54.18 56.02 326.9K 6.91%
SOFI SoFi Technologies Inc 15.41 16.42 15.24 16.21 63.13M 6.71%
TARK Investment Managers Series Trust II 57.79 59.62 57.41 59.13 125.2K 6.68%
EHTH eHealth, Inc 10.53 11.16 10.42 11.14 498.4K 6.60%
PROF Profound Medical Corp 6.28 6.76 6.28 6.70 349.6K 6.52%
LGVN LogicVision, Inc 1.60 1.71 1.60 1.67 189.3K 6.37%
ARKG Ark Genomic Revolution ETF 28.29 29.73 28.27 29.42 6.74M 6.36%
TLPH Talphera Inc. 0.63 0.68 0.62 0.67 96.8K 6.35%
NMRK Newmark Group Inc Cl A 14.77 15.52 14.35 14.69 2.29M 6.30%
WIMI Wimi Hologram Cloud Inc ADR 1.04 1.05 0.98 1.02 3.15M 6.25%
ATLX Atlas Lithium Corporation 5.73 6.06 5.71 6.05 213.3K 6.14%
BLRX Biolinerx Ltd 3.51 3.86 3.44 3.71 99.8K 5.70%
SOAR Volato Group Inc 0.17 0.19 0.17 0.19 1.44M 5.56%
SYRS Syros Pharmaceuticals 0.19 0.20 0.18 0.19 1.19M 5.56%
CLNN Clene Inc 4.58 4.91 4.58 4.81 52.8K 5.48%
MMI Marcus & Millichap 39.00 41.94 39.00 39.30 209.9K 5.45%
CDXC Chromadex Corp CS 5.65 5.96 5.62 5.87 541.8K 5.20%
SNBR Sleep Number Corp 17.86 18.67 17.75 18.40 219.8K 5.02%
LIND Lindblad Expd Hld 12.72 13.56 12.59 13.20 468K 4.85%
OMGA Omega Therapeutics Inc 0.21 0.25 0.15 0.23 10.28M 4.55%
DXPE DXP Enterprises, Inc 97.99 102.53 97.25 102.27 213.3K 4.38%
EBR Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (ADR) 6.50 6.64 6.48 6.58 988.7K 4.11%
IPW SPDR S&P Interntil Ergy Sect (ETF) 0.72 0.78 0.72 0.76 58K 4.11%
ADGM Adagio Medical Holdings Inc 1.24 1.36 1.19 1.29 282.7K 4.03%
PCT PureCycle Technologies Inc 9.02 9.65 9.00 9.31 2.15M 4.02%
NN NextNav Inc 12.30 12.77 12.16 12.72 867.2K 4.01%
SSD Simpson Manufacturing Co, Inc 168.87 174.70 168.87 174.28 376.7K 3.98%
PAGS Pagseguro Digital Ltd Cl A 7.85 8.14 7.83 8.04 2.46M 3.88%
ACCO Acco Brands Corp 5.21 5.42 5.21 5.37 652.7K 3.87%
NEO Neogenomics Inc 13.95 14.73 13.95 14.42 962.2K 3.67%
ATKR Atkore International Group 70.82 72.71 70.07 72.51 697.3K 3.66%
WSM Williams-Sonoma, Inc 209.71 215.43 209.52 214.60 1.13M 3.64%
SITE Siteone Landscape Supply 142.80 147.87 142.80 146.09 498.9K 3.49%
ARKK Ark Innovation ETF 66.01 67.16 65.85 67.02 10.52M 3.46%
OGEN Oragenics Inc 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.30 665.5K 3.45%
ARKO ARKO Corp 7.50 7.75 7.46 7.71 947.7K 3.35%
SEI Solaris Energy Infrastructure Inc 27.40 28.40 27.18 28.16 496.8K 3.26%
DTC Solo Brands Inc 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 120.4K 3.09%
BDMD Baird Medical Investment Holdings 6.12 6.85 6.09 6.44 95.8K 3.04%
HDSN Hudson Technologies, Inc 5.70 5.86 5.65 5.84 309.1K 3.00%
PMM Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust 6.25 6.38 6.24 6.38 324.3K 2.90%
SBGI Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc 14.76 15.01 14.52 15.01 125.8K 2.81%
MCHP Microchip Technology Inc 54.45 55.90 54.22 55.76 7.12M 2.76%
OMH Ohmyhome Ltd 0.38 0.45 0.37 0.38 1.33M 2.70%
HMC HONDA MOTOR CO 28.81 28.97 28.61 28.69 1.15M 2.65%
KCCA Krane Shares Trust 16.69 17.03 16.63 17.02 65.8K 2.65%
CAPR Capricor Therap 15.54 16.23 15.39 15.95 1.96M 2.57%
ADI Analog Devices, Inc 211.24 215.15 210.63 214.61 3.94M 2.52%
MCHX Marchex, Inc 2.03 2.09 2.02 2.07 127.7K 2.48%
CIVI Civitas Resources Inc 49.50 50.35 49.31 50.24 875.3K 2.47%
FL Foot Locker, Inc 20.05 20.35 19.87 20.31 2.8M 2.42%
WLK Westlake Chemical Corporation 113.77 117.71 113.77 115.27 919.5K 2.39%
LAZ Lazard Ltd 54.18 55.45 53.95 55.24 730.3K 2.35%
BYND Beyond Meat Inc 3.91 3.99 3.84 3.95 3.19M 2.33%
KEYS Keysight Technologies Inc Comm 179.30 184.35 178.97 183.46 1.34M 2.32%
BLFS Biolife Solutions 27.58 27.98 26.80 27.77 293.7K 2.32%
MPW Medical Properties Trust, Inc 4.86 4.95 4.84 4.95 6.38M 2.27%
DLO DLocal Limited 13.20 13.66 13.00 13.39 1.14M 2.21%
TSLX Tpg Specialty Lending Inc 22.51 23.15 22.51 22.96 730.7K 2.18%
CRK Comstock Resources, Inc 18.26 18.88 18.10 18.56 1.83M 2.15%
SIMO Silicon Motion Technology Corp 55.96 56.94 54.94 56.47 340.7K 2.15%
ACIC American Coastal Insurance Corp 12.19 12.38 11.94 12.35 136.9K 2.07%
AVO Mission Produce Inc 11.76 12.18 11.76 12.04 566.6K 2.03%
NVNO enVVeno Medical Corporation 3.56 3.80 3.34 3.56 235.4K 2.01%
BRY Berry Petroleum Company 4.28 4.45 4.27 4.35 707.5K 1.87%
EPAC Actuant Corp 45.57 46.40 45.52 46.14 264.9K 1.85%
KRUS Kura Sushi USA Inc Cl A 76.44 77.67 74.05 77.44 309.6K 1.79%
IGT International Game Technology 17.22 17.43 17.13 17.43 2.19M 1.75%
CHRS Charming Shoppes, Inc 1.15 1.21 1.15 1.18 946.2K 1.72%
CCIF Carlyle Credit Income Fund 7.78 7.89 7.74 7.88 129.9K 1.55%
WSO Watsco, Incorporated 479.10 486.16 478.89 483.69 429.6K 1.51%
INFU Infusystems Holdings 8.04 8.12 7.91 8.12 80.8K 1.50%
GPRK Geopark Hlds Lmtd 9.05 9.29 8.97 9.11 809.3K 1.45%
GCT GigaCloud Technology Inc 20.80 21.35 20.19 20.46 679.7K 1.44%
AVT Avnet, Inc 50.90 51.38 50.85 51.21 732.5K 1.37%
THO Thor Industries, Inc 103.80 105.74 102.76 103.92 667.5K 1.36%
HOV Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc 135.16 138.50 133.97 135.77 50.7K 1.32%
EHAB Enhabit Inc 8.65 8.83 8.57 8.70 176.1K 1.28%
EVEX Eve Holding Inc 4.85 4.85 4.74 4.80 163.3K 1.27%
TRUP Trupanion Inc 49.51 50.01 48.87 49.63 416.8K 1.22%
DNOW Now Inc 17.10 17.76 16.88 17.18 1.59M 1.18%
AYI Acuity Brands, Inc 327.76 331.64 326.44 329.09 198.6K 1.17%
QS QuantumScape Corp 5.24 5.49 5.18 5.23 15.38M 1.16%
BSY British Sky Broadcasting Group plc (ADR) 46.86 47.28 46.54 47.25 895.7K 1.16%
POOL Pool Corporation 341.64 348.18 340.56 344.28 325.3K 1.16%
KBDC Kayne Anderson BDC Inc 17.41 17.76 17.41 17.62 91.1K 1.15%
REX Rex American Resources Corp. 43.07 43.76 42.98 43.49 93.3K 1.14%
APLY Tidal Trust II 16.72 16.83 16.68 16.83 79.9K 1.14%
YMAB Y-Mabs Therapeutics Inc 6.31 6.65 6.17 6.24 903.6K 1.13%
ASND Ascendis Pharma Ads 142.85 146.91 141.82 144.08 551.2K 1.12%
MED Medifast, Inc 16.30 16.66 16.12 16.21 235.9K 1.12%
HTGC Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc 20.50 21.34 20.50 21.27 1.93M 1.05%
MAS Masco Corporation 77.93 79.16 77.93 78.39 1.29M 0.99%
CDZI Cadiz Inc 5.01 5.19 4.93 5.16 285.5K 0.98%
ARLO Arlo Technologies Inc 11.41 11.60 11.35 11.59 301.2K 0.96%
AMWD American Woodmark Corporation 77.53 78.88 77.09 77.60 108.3K 0.95%
INO Inovio Biomedical Corp 2.15 2.24 2.12 2.15 992.7K 0.94%
CNNE Cannae Holdings Inc 19.71 19.87 19.61 19.78 234K 0.92%
CODI Compass Diversified Holdings 20.91 21.13 20.91 20.97 102.5K 0.91%
BN Brookfield Corporation 61.38 61.50 60.64 60.92 2.34M 0.89%
VRNS Varonis Systems Inc 43.81 44.32 43.42 44.10 1.11M 0.87%
EXPD Expeditors International of Washington 113.05 113.96 112.33 113.65 1.64M 0.81%
BIZD Bdc Income Vaneck ETF 17.47 17.61 17.44 17.60 1.5M 0.80%
FPF First Trust Intermediate Durat 18.85 18.88 18.72 18.88 94.3K 0.80%
PBD PowerShares Glbl Clean Enrgy Port (ETF) 11.57 11.65 11.55 11.61 109.2K 0.78%
KEX Kirby Corporation 107.92 108.98 107.42 108.41 455K 0.77%
USB U 47.56 48.05 47.50 47.75 5.4M 0.76%
BCSF Bain Capital Specialty Finance Inc 18.21 18.35 18.15 18.34 179.5K 0.71%
GRBK Green Brick Partners 60.96 61.82 60.28 60.78 175.4K 0.71%
EEFT Euronet Worldwide, Inc 104.48 105.21 101.07 104.64 587.3K 0.70%
GSBD Goldman Sachs Bdc Inc 12.95 13.01 12.92 12.97 515.1K 0.70%
PBDC Putnam ETF Trust 36.06 36.35 36.06 36.35 70.2K 0.66%
OAKM 25.09 25.19 25.09 25.12 61.8K 0.64%
DTB Dte Energy Company 2020 Series G 4.375% Junior S 19.00 19.00 18.70 18.81 82.6K 0.59%
CIF MFS Intermediate High Income Fund 1.73 1.75 1.73 1.75 83.1K 0.57%
SNT Senesco Technologies, Inc 3.49 3.57 3.43 3.56 50.7K 0.56%
PSO Pearson PLC (ADR) 16.93 17.02 16.91 16.94 214.3K 0.53%
GRC The Gorman-Rupp Company 38.00 38.79 37.60 38.11 74.4K 0.45%
PFFD Global X U.S. Preferred ETF 19.80 19.86 19.79 19.82 381.3K 0.41%
QQQX NASDAQ Premium Income & Growth Fund Inc 27.21 27.29 27.13 27.25 139.4K 0.41%
FERG Ferguson Plc. 185.00 186.26 183.78 184.25 1.11M 0.40%
TOTL Total Return Tactical ETF SPDR 39.77 39.83 39.74 39.76 246K 0.38%
FCT First Trust/Four Corners SFRI Fund II 10.44 10.47 10.43 10.47 100.5K 0.38%
TER Teradyne, Inc 112.26 113.64 112.07 113.25 1.84M 0.36%
AOS A 66.35 67.07 65.92 66.22 1.72M 0.33%
SDIV G-X Superdividend ETF 21.36 21.42 21.31 21.31 230.8K 0.33%
BITQ Exchange Traded Concepts Trust 18.38 18.51 18.23 18.39 64.6K 0.33%
PFF iShares S&P US Pref Stock Idx Fnd (ETF) 31.79 31.86 31.77 31.80 2.64M 0.32%
PFFA Virtus Infracap U.S. Preferred Stock ETF 22.16 22.18 22.07 22.14 342.1K 0.32%
XEL Xcel Energy Inc 68.60 69.59 68.42 68.61 4.17M 0.31%
PAVE G-X US Infr Development ETF 41.94 42.10 41.81 41.92 3.8M 0.31%
IBD Inspire Corporate Bond Impact ETF 23.65 23.69 23.63 23.67 243.7K 0.30%
PFXF Preferred Securities Vaneck ETF 17.50 17.50 17.42 17.44 401.6K 0.29%
AVLV American Century ETF Trust 69.77 70.03 69.76 69.79 397.6K 0.27%
BSCS Bs 2028 Corp Bond Invesco ETF 20.26 20.26 20.23 20.25 659.9K 0.25%
SFD Smithfield Foods, Inc 21.06 21.40 20.85 21.23 199.6K 0.24%
FLGT Fulgent Genetics Inc 17.02 17.20 16.85 16.90 174.9K 0.24%
SCYB Schwab Strategic Trust 26.44 26.48 26.40 26.45 355.1K 0.23%
BSJT Invesco Exchange-Traded Self-Indexed Fund Trust 21.60 21.68 21.60 21.64 80.4K 0.23%
GOGL Golden Ocean Gp 9.47 9.52 9.33 9.37 1.92M 0.21%
BINC BlackRock ETF Trust II 52.48 52.52 52.47 52.49 1.07M 0.21%
BSCQ Bs 2026 Corp Bond Invesco ETF 19.48 19.51 19.48 19.51 866.8K 0.21%
JAVA Sun Microsystems, Inc 66.39 66.55 66.26 66.32 401.6K 0.21%
VFC V 25.55 25.72 25.06 25.59 4.69M 0.20%
DFVE DoubleLine ETF Trust 29.61 29.61 29.50 29.54 50.1K 0.20%
PYLD Pimco Exchange Traded Fund 26.21 26.23 26.18 26.20 2.16M 0.19%
UBS UBS AG (USA) 33.63 33.81 33.50 33.55 1.3M 0.18%
PSH PGIM ETF Trust 50.56 50.62 50.52 50.55 67K 0.18%
HYGH Int Rate Hedged High Yield Bond Ishares ETF 87.27 87.40 87.23 87.31 57.1K 0.18%
COWZ Pacer US Cash Cows 100 ETF 58.30 58.65 58.11 58.16 2.01M 0.17%
IBDS Dec 2027 Term Corp Ishares Ibonds ETF 24.03 24.05 24.02 24.04 336K 0.17%
JPLD J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fund Trust 51.71 51.74 51.71 51.72 163.5K 0.17%
JSI Janus Detroit Street Trust 52.03 52.16 52.00 52.06 55.3K 0.17%
FV Dorsey Wright Focus 5 ETF FT 62.36 62.67 62.36 62.53 60.3K 0.16%
CBTJ 24.96 25.18 24.91 24.94 57.2K 0.16%
BSCR Bs 2027 Corp Bond Invesco ETF 19.53 19.54 19.52 19.53 1.29M 0.15%
IGSB Short-Term Corp Bond Ishares ETF 51.96 52.00 51.95 51.96 1.19M 0.15%
SPYT Tidal Trust II 19.42 19.42 19.36 19.39 93.3K 0.15%
HYGV Flexshares High Yield Value-Scored Bond Fund 41.08 41.16 41.08 41.10 91.6K 0.15%
NPKI 7.00 7.16 6.96 6.97 349.7K 0.14%
HYBL SSgA Active Trust 28.48 28.51 28.47 28.49 67.3K 0.14%
SPSB SPDR Short Term Corporate Bond Portfolio ETF 29.94 29.97 29.94 29.95 3.48M 0.13%
IBHG iShares Trust 22.49 22.49 22.43 22.47 161.4K 0.13%
HYDB High Yield Defensive Bond Ishares Edge ETF 47.49 47.59 47.49 47.51 136.5K 0.13%
HYFI AB Active ETFs Inc 37.34 37.58 37.33 37.36 70.4K 0.13%
JNK SPDR Barclays Capital High Yield B (ETF) 96.67 96.84 96.67 96.68 2.24M 0.12%
SJNK ST High Yield Bond ETF SPDR 25.52 25.56 25.52 25.53 1.6M 0.12%
STIP iShares Barclays 0-5 Year TIPS Bond Fund 101.85 101.85 101.73 101.78 1.24M 0.12%
HYG iShares iBoxx $ High Yid Corp Bond (ETF) 79.79 79.89 79.72 79.76 25.72M 0.11%
NML Neuberger Berman MLP Income Fun 9.19 9.22 9.16 9.16 117.9K 0.11%
BKLN Senior Loan Invesco ETF 21.07 21.07 21.04 21.07 12.59M 0.10%
PLMK 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 159K 0.10%
XONE The Exone Company 49.56 49.58 49.56 49.58 90.2K 0.10%
SHYG 0-5 Year High Yield Corp Bond Ishares ETF 43.08 43.16 43.07 43.10 1.81M 0.09%
BBHY J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fund Trust 46.63 46.69 46.61 46.61 113K 0.09%
USHY Broad USD High Yield Corp Bond Ishares ETF 37.25 37.33 37.24 37.26 6.43M 0.08%
SPHY SPDR Portfolio High Yield Bond ETF 23.75 23.79 23.74 23.75 2.27M 0.08%
HYLB D-X USD HI Yld Corp Bond ETF 36.55 36.60 36.53 36.53 608.7K 0.08%
IBDR Dec 2026 Term Corp Ishares Ibonds ETF 24.11 24.13 24.11 24.12 303K 0.08%
LONZ Pimco Exchange Traded Fund 50.90 51.03 50.90 50.98 175.4K 0.08%
IBMP Ishares Ibonds Dec 2027 Term Muni Bond ETF 25.25 25.26 25.21 25.23 71.1K 0.08%
BGX Blackstone Gso Long Short Credit Fund 12.94 13.00 12.88 12.94 56.1K 0.08%
SYFI AB Active ETFs Inc 36.12 36.14 36.09 36.09 55.8K 0.08%
DXUV Dimensional US Vector Equity ETF 54.88 55.41 54.76 54.76 91.4K 0.07%
JPST JPM Ultra-Short Income ETF 50.49 50.51 50.48 50.50 6.54M 0.06%
QCOM QUALCOMM, Inc 172.60 172.82 171.04 172.23 4.68M 0.05%
SHV iShares Barclays Short Treasury Bd(ETF) 110.28 110.28 110.27 110.28 3.53M 0.05%
SRLN Blackstone Gso Senior Loan SPDR 41.76 41.76 41.73 41.74 1.85M 0.05%
BILS SPDR Barclays 3-12 Month T-Bill ETF 99.30 99.31 99.30 99.30 309.5K 0.05%
HYLS Tactical High Yield ETF FT 41.75 41.78 41.65 41.73 212.7K 0.05%
PHB PowerShares Hgh Yield Corporate Bnd(ETF) 18.28 18.32 18.28 18.28 84.1K 0.05%
TBIL Rbb Fund Inc 49.94 49.94 49.93 49.94 1.13M 0.04%
XHLF BondBloxx ETF Trust 50.25 50.26 50.25 50.25 627.2K 0.04%
CLOI VanEck ETF Trust 53.02 53.05 53.00 53.04 317.7K 0.04%
FTSL Senior Loan ETF FT 46.27 46.30 46.26 46.27 266K 0.04%
FLBL Franklin Liberty Senior Loan ETF 24.30 24.30 24.28 24.29 261.9K 0.04%
IBN ICICI Bank Limited (ADR) 29.18 29.41 29.10 29.16 3.99M 0.03%
SUB iShares S&P Short Term Natnl Mupl Bd ETF 105.93 105.93 105.83 105.87 368.1K 0.03%
VUSB Vanguard Group, Inc. 49.71 49.72 49.70 49.71 1.52M 0.02%
ICSH Ultra Short-Term Ishares ETF 50.56 50.56 50.54 50.55 818.8K 0.02%
YEAR AB Active ETFs Inc 50.47 50.48 50.44 50.45 204.4K 0.02%
MEAR Short Maturity Muni Bond Ishares ETF 50.19 50.20 50.13 50.15 185.2K 0.02%
LDUR Pimco Low Duration ETF 95.57 95.63 95.40 95.46 123.2K 0.02%
FNDX Schwab Fundamental U.S. Large CO ETF 24.85 24.92 24.79 24.81 1.68M 0.00%
INFN Infinera Corp 6.64 6.67 6.64 6.65 1.27M 0.00%
AMRN Amarin Corporation plc (ADR) 0.60 0.62 0.60 0.61 922.3K 0.00%
CLOZ Series Portfolios Trust 27.16 27.18 27.16 27.17 711.1K 0.00%
BXSL Blackstone Secured Lending Fund. 33.85 34.08 33.73 33.88 677.7K 0.00%
CVAC Curevac N.V. 3.62 3.69 3.53 3.65 420.4K 0.00%
DSU BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund, Inc 10.74 10.80 10.73 10.79 321.2K 0.00%
SEER Seer Inc 2.31 2.37 2.27 2.31 269.3K 0.00%
SKIN Beauty Health Company (The) 1.69 1.70 1.64 1.67 197.6K 0.00%
WRAP Wrap Technologies Inc 2.15 2.15 2.07 2.13 182.9K 0.00%
RVP Retractable Technologies, Inc 0.78 0.80 0.77 0.80 110.2K 0.00%
ATXI Avenue Therapeutics Inc 1.36 1.39 1.33 1.36 103.6K 0.00%
KRON Kronos Bio Inc 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.02 98.5K 0.00%
FTLS Long/Short Equity ETF FT 67.80 67.95 67.55 67.75 219.8K -0.01%
SCUS Schwab Ultra-Short Income ETF 25.11 25.14 25.11 25.12 208.4K -0.04%
FNDB Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market ETF 24.32 24.40 24.29 24.31 158.1K -0.04%
DSI iShares KLD 400 Social Index Fund (ETF) 112.43 112.43 112.05 112.20 90.1K -0.04%
GSEW Equal Weight U.S. Large Cap Equity ETF 80.60 80.79 80.41 80.44 66.5K -0.06%
RSP Rydex S&P Equal Weight (ETF) 181.75 182.18 181.02 181.08 10.41M -0.10%
SHOO Steven Madden, Ltd 39.67 39.76 39.00 39.63 750K -0.10%
RWL RevenueShares Large Cap Fund (ETF) 103.66 103.82 103.27 103.42 231.8K -0.15%
HEWJ Japan Curr Hedged Ishares MSCI ETF 42.91 42.97 42.77 42.87 93.7K -0.16%
SPYV SPDR S&P 500 Value Portfolio ETF 52.82 53.00 52.68 52.71 1.28M -0.17%
VOOV Vanguard S&P 500 Value ETF 190.75 191.26 190.12 190.19 66.4K -0.19%
IUSV S&P US Value Ishares Core ETF 95.63 96.01 95.39 95.39 416.8K -0.20%
IVE iShares S&P 500 Value Index (ETF) 197.20 197.85 196.58 196.62 982.2K -0.21%
SCHD Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF 27.87 28.01 27.76 27.79 10.04M -0.22%
CHT Chunghwa Telecom Co 38.78 38.85 38.45 38.52 68.4K -0.23%
DSTL Distillate U.S. Fundamental Stability & Value Et 57.16 57.26 56.82 56.85 64.1K -0.28%
VSTS Vestis Corp 13.71 13.85 13.65 13.69 570.5K -0.29%
TFII Tfi International Inc 130.15 130.69 128.64 128.94 236.7K -0.30%
USOY Tidal Trust II 13.50 13.51 13.32 13.38 71.3K -0.30%
FDLO Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF 62.90 63.01 62.59 62.68 62.3K -0.30%
TALO Talos Energy Inc 9.46 9.70 9.27 9.36 1.04M -0.32%
DXJ WisdomTree Japan Total Dividend Fd (ETF) 110.18 110.38 109.81 110.14 173.9K -0.32%
XLB Materials SPDR (ETF) 90.42 90.87 89.83 89.85 4.81M -0.34%
BHE Benchmark Electronics, Inc 41.75 41.81 41.24 41.60 142K -0.34%
MOB Mobilicom Limited 2.65 2.80 2.57 2.65 200.6K -0.38%
NDSN Nordson Corporation 218.77 220.81 216.06 216.42 299.6K -0.40%
WT WisdomTree Inc 9.80 9.87 9.73 9.76 1.23M -0.41%
CERT Certara Inc 15.18 15.69 14.17 14.19 2.07M -0.42%
M Macys, Inc 15.15 15.29 14.89 15.04 4.2M -0.46%
SDY SPDR S&P Dividend (ETF) 135.01 135.58 134.26 134.26 225.3K -0.46%
ARCB Arcbest Corp 95.19 96.23 93.33 94.56 213K -0.46%
FXG First Trust Cnsumer Stapl Alpha Fd (ETF) 65.59 65.59 64.66 64.67 160.1K -0.48%
SPPP Sprott Physical Platinum and Palladium 9.91 9.91 9.80 9.87 779.1K -0.50%
TRU Torch Energy Royalty Trust 100.24 101.19 98.93 99.74 2.43M -0.51%
REXR Rexford Industrial Realty Inc 40.90 41.31 40.34 40.34 1.57M -0.57%
KDP Keurig Dr Pepper Inc 31.89 32.20 31.62 31.65 9.64M -0.69%
HUSA Houston American Energy Corporation 1.43 1.45 1.38 1.41 220.8K -0.70%
HD The Home Depot, Inc 415.00 418.00 408.56 409.50 3M -0.71%
USOI CS X-Links Crude Oil Covered Call ETN 64.10 64.35 63.65 63.77 55.1K -0.73%
KMLM Krane Shares Trust 26.98 26.98 26.80 26.82 91.4K -0.74%
USO United States Oil Fund LP (ETF) 76.58 76.74 75.63 75.82 2.42M -0.75%
DBO PowerShares DB Oil Fund (ETF) 14.45 14.46 14.27 14.30 153.1K -0.76%
NHC National HealthCare Corporation 104.21 104.54 102.56 102.76 61.1K -0.76%
HVT Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc 22.32 22.63 21.82 21.93 96.4K -0.77%
O Realty Income Corp 55.08 55.43 54.47 54.49 3.72M -0.78%
RCI Rogers Communications Inc 28.47 28.64 27.87 28.03 833.1K -0.81%
CAL Continental Airlines, Inc 17.69 17.88 17.06 17.33 518.9K -0.91%
YHC 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.05 55.5K -0.94%
VEON Veon Ltd 47.09 47.50 44.38 45.25 175.7K -0.96%
RKLB Rocket Lab USA Inc 28.24 28.65 27.04 28.02 15.15M -0.99%
SCL Stepan Company 62.82 63.51 61.36 61.72 91.8K -0.99%
SUPN Supernus Pharm 39.59 39.59 38.98 39.11 331K -1.06%
WIX Ltd 223.85 224.50 220.86 223.70 608K -1.10%
MCRB Seres Theraptc 0.84 0.86 0.83 0.83 491K -1.19%
PAYC Paycom Software Inc 213.27 213.27 207.53 209.22 900.2K -1.30%
SMRT Stein Mart, Inc 1.52 1.54 1.49 1.49 647.7K -1.32%
CARS Inc 17.88 18.01 17.54 17.58 262.8K -1.35%
CWT California Water Service Group 45.56 45.99 44.62 44.93 529.3K -1.36%
WCLD Wisdomtree Cloud Computing Fund 40.89 41.00 40.14 40.40 130.9K -1.37%
PATH NuPathe Inc 15.28 15.30 14.71 14.93 7.49M -1.39%
CROX Crocs, Inc 109.65 110.73 106.25 108.43 2.47M -1.47%
STR Questar Corporation 20.13 20.32 19.63 19.66 757.7K -1.60%
AGQ ProShares Ultra Silver (ETF) 44.91 45.08 41.50 41.78 2.92M -1.65%
CLOV Clover Health Investments Corp 4.54 4.57 4.43 4.46 3.12M -1.76%
VLTO Veralto Corp 99.99 99.99 97.98 97.99 974.4K -1.76%
LGCL Lucas GC Ltd 0.55 0.56 0.52 0.55 78.4K -1.79%
LPTX Leap Therapeutics Inc 0.51 0.53 0.50 0.50 418K -1.96%
QBTS D-Wave Quantum Inc 6.56 6.80 6.33 6.37 52.03M -2.00%
SMMT Summit Therapeu ADR 21.99 22.14 20.79 21.37 2.36M -2.06%
SVRE SaverOne 2014 Ltd 0.47 0.55 0.44 0.47 814.1K -2.08%
WGS GeneDx Holdings Corp 77.39 78.49 74.45 76.35 1.27M -2.12%
VSTM Verastem Inc 6.14 6.17 5.87 5.97 409.3K -2.29%
HNST Honest Company Inc (The ) 6.41 6.46 6.20 6.23 1.45M -2.50%
SND Smart Sand Inc 2.33 2.34 2.25 2.29 53K -2.55%
QUAD Quad/Graphics, Inc. 7.84 7.98 7.53 7.61 234.8K -2.93%
FCUV Focus Universal Inc 4.90 5.15 4.82 4.89 61.9K -2.98%
TH Target Hospitality Corp 9.47 9.72 9.08 9.21 995.3K -3.05%
LOGC LOGIC Devices Incorporated 8.28 8.28 7.90 7.94 136.1K -3.41%
GB Greatbatch Inc 6.70 6.76 6.17 6.54 68.8K -3.54%
RNG Ringcentral Inc 35.17 35.25 33.31 33.74 1.3M -4.09%
JJSF J&J Snack Foods Corp 130.53 130.53 124.12 124.85 115.5K -4.25%
VSTE Vast Renewables Ltd 0.76 0.77 0.71 0.72 651.4K -5.26%
STSS Sharps Technology Inc 0.36 0.37 0.34 0.35 1.86M -5.41%
GWAV Greenwave Technology Solutions Inc 0.35 0.35 0.33 0.33 4.56M -5.71%
QNRX Quoin Pharmaceuticals Ltd 0.33 0.33 0.30 0.31 966.8K -6.06%
WATT Energous Corp 0.42 0.45 0.42 0.44 709.5K -6.38%
RDZN Roadzen Inc 1.55 1.57 1.33 1.38 174.2K -7.38%
AIEV Thunder Power Holdings Inc 0.24 0.25 0.24 0.24 216.6K -7.69%
COIN Converted Organics Inc 288.02 291.55 274.00 274.31 19.19M -7.98%
MKZR 2.88 3.18 2.17 2.40 1.13M -9.43%
MHLD Maiden Holdings, Ltd 1.05 1.05 0.92 0.92 107.9K -10.68%
AUUD Auddia Inc 0.51 0.52 0.46 0.49 480.5K -10.91%
OCEA Ocean Biomedical Inc. 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.13 41.8M -13.33%
CONL GraniteShares ETF Trust 44.10 45.31 39.75 39.87 11.57M -16.03%
AVGR Avinger Inc 0.56 0.61 0.46 0.47 2.44M -21.67%

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