Stock Screener

RSI Stock Screener

RSI Stock Screener scans the stock market based on the relative strength index or the RSI indicator. You can find trade setups such as Oversold Stocks, or overbought stocks based on the RSI indicator using RSI Screener.

You also have the option to find stocks with a custom RSI value as well as the RSI direction, whether RSI is going up or going down. To combine RSI with other technical indicators, check out our technical stock screener. If you are stock market beginner, check out Swing Trading Strategy.

RSI Screener

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RSI Between &

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
FTEL Fitell Corp 0.91 1.42 0.85 1.21 8.25M 35.96%
ICON Iconix Brand Group, Inc 0.34 0.36 0.31 0.35 14.94M 12.90%
WST West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 202.67 223.44 201.86 214.73 5.02M 7.84%
ULH Universal Logis Hld 28.53 30.60 28.53 30.44 93.6K 6.77%
MAZE 11.79 13.00 11.48 12.00 286.8K 6.01%
ANVS Annovis Bio Inc 2.65 2.79 2.61 2.73 504.4K 5.00%
THRD TF Financial Corporation 3.45 3.70 3.45 3.60 630.4K 4.96%
PEPG PepGen Inc 1.24 1.31 1.22 1.27 111.1K 4.96%
VG Vonage Holdings Corp 15.45 16.55 15.14 15.96 5.4M 4.38%
IGMS Igm Biosciences Inc 1.39 1.54 1.33 1.43 335.5K 4.38%
STBX Starbox Group Holdings Ltd 0.23 0.25 0.23 0.24 2.11M 4.35%
CHSN Chanson International Holding 0.45 0.49 0.43 0.49 1.45M 4.26%
STRK 90.20 94.35 90.02 94.04 241K 4.19%
FLNC Fluence Energy Inc 6.44 6.87 6.32 6.43 10.98M 4.05%
GRO Agria Corporation (ADR) 3.04 3.22 2.87 3.08 225.5K 3.70%
UPB Upstream Bio Inc 7.48 7.87 7.07 7.60 118.1K 3.68%
TRNR Interactive Strength Inc 1.28 1.31 1.16 1.31 243.1K 3.15%
NMRA Neumora Therapeutics Inc. 1.72 1.80 1.70 1.74 1.19M 2.96%
FBGL 1.11 1.18 0.95 1.16 3.94M 2.65%
VERX Vertex Inc Cl A 45.29 46.77 44.79 46.51 1.36M 2.24%
CMPR Cimpress N.V. Ord 53.07 53.85 52.56 53.85 126.2K 2.14%
GPRE Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc 6.57 6.76 6.25 6.67 2.12M 1.99%
ANNX Annexon Inc 3.03 3.24 3.00 3.07 844.6K 1.99%
SMTC Semtech Corporation 36.87 37.43 36.11 37.38 2.18M 1.77%
KROS Keros Therapeutics Inc 10.22 10.70 10.18 10.32 966.9K 1.67%
SMWB Similarweb Ltd 10.56 11.05 10.51 10.76 1.11M 1.61%
USLM U 102.75 104.43 102.22 104.32 125.2K 1.61%
MANH Manhattan Associates, Inc 187.59 192.29 186.71 190.41 857.8K 1.51%
HBIO Harvard Bioscience, Inc 1.35 1.43 1.34 1.35 175.4K 1.50%
NSSC NAPCO Security Technologies, Inc 25.44 25.88 25.21 25.65 446.6K 1.46%
ULTA Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc 362.37 365.74 357.92 365.14 1.18M 1.30%
MKTX MarketAxess Holdings Inc 192.63 195.47 191.95 193.49 642.6K 1.08%
CVLG Covenant Logistics Group Inc 26.68 26.99 26.50 26.91 56.5K 0.98%
PALI Palisade Bio Inc 1.03 1.07 1.01 1.04 119.1K 0.97%
EHGO Eshallgo Inc Cl A 1.09 1.10 1.07 1.10 39.4K 0.92%
IZM Iczoom Group Inc 1.25 1.25 1.22 1.25 25.5K 0.81%
NWL Newell Rubbermaid Inc 7.00 7.15 7.00 7.06 6.67M 0.71%
SAIC Science Applications International 100.35 102.69 99.99 100.93 808.1K 0.71%
MMS MAXIMUS, Inc 67.69 68.36 66.82 67.85 711.5K 0.67%
APOG Apogee Enterprises, Inc 49.36 49.97 48.86 49.56 191.4K 0.53%
FORR Forrester Research, Inc 13.32 13.33 13.09 13.22 103.3K 0.53%
CTNM Contineum Therapeutics Inc. 7.79 8.12 7.54 7.73 48.7K 0.52%
GNTX Gentex Corporation 24.65 24.80 24.39 24.48 1.6M 0.49%
TCRX Tscan Therapeutics Inc 2.03 2.15 2.03 2.05 263.7K 0.49%
RBB Rbb Bancorp 17.70 18.20 17.42 17.69 44.8K 0.40%
MTH Meritage Homes Corporation 74.20 75.64 73.32 73.78 632.1K 0.38%
WD Walker & Dunlop, Inc. 86.24 86.73 84.75 86.44 255.5K 0.32%
HII Huntington Ingalls Industries 161.98 163.39 159.41 161.27 847.9K 0.28%
BBNX 21.72 22.30 21.35 21.81 281.3K 0.28%
CRGX CARGO Therapeutics Inc 3.68 3.89 3.64 3.70 974.4K 0.27%
PVH Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation 77.62 78.64 77.30 77.71 669.7K 0.27%
PI Impinj Inc 103.60 105.64 102.92 103.82 366.7K 0.27%
TSCO Tractor Supply Company 57.21 57.37 56.59 57.14 4.9M 0.26%
SCSC ScanSource, Inc 37.35 37.81 37.08 37.42 149.1K 0.21%
FLOC 26.12 26.51 25.62 26.30 286.3K 0.19%
ZFEB 23.99 24.03 23.99 24.03 116.3K 0.13%
XNCR Xencor Inc 16.41 16.78 15.93 16.31 416.7K 0.12%
DSGR Distribution Solutions Group Inc 30.39 30.72 30.10 30.44 41.1K 0.10%
PSN Parsons Corp 73.40 73.69 72.12 73.46 1.4M 0.08%
INR MARKET VECTORS RUPEE 20.26 20.74 20.19 20.26 67.5K 0.05%
VBIL 75.22 75.22 75.06 75.07 453.7K 0.04%
VGUS 75.17 75.19 75.06 75.07 130.1K 0.04%
LYT Lytus Technologies Holdings PTV Ltd 0.26 0.27 0.25 0.26 1.09M 0.00%
WNC Wabash National Corporation 12.60 13.16 12.35 12.40 987.1K 0.00%
AIFU 0.32 0.35 0.32 0.32 319.5K 0.00%
GREE Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc 1.08 1.11 1.06 1.09 136.4K 0.00%
SRG Seritage Growth Properties 3.59 3.62 3.56 3.57 128.4K 0.00%
SHYM 22.87 22.94 22.83 22.83 106.7K 0.00%
EVTV Envirotech Vehicles Inc 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.35 65.8K 0.00%
PITA Heramba Electric Plc 0.42 0.46 0.42 0.43 46.6K 0.00%
QTTB Q32 Bio Inc. 2.67 2.73 2.64 2.67 174.5K -0.37%
RETO Reto Eco-Solutions Inc 0.40 0.41 0.39 0.39 38.2K -2.50%
NAYA 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.35 131.4K -2.78%
DGLY Digital Ally, Inc 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 66.41M -11.11%

RSI Trading Strategy

When the RSI is below 30, a stock is considered oversold whereas a stock is overbought when the RSI indicator is above 70.
It is important to note that when a stock is overbought by the RSI indicator, it doesn't necessary means it is time to sell because a trending stock can stay in the overbought zone for a long time. For instance, the daily chart of SHOP showing the RSI indicator as overbought in January and it stays overbought throughout the month while its stock price climbed from low $400 to almost $500.

The daily stock chart of JPM is showing oversold (RSI below 30) in March, while its stock price kept declining to new lows.

The above two charts show us it is not a good idea to use the RSI indicator to enter and exit trade based the overbought and oversold signal.
A better way to find entry signal is to combine the RSI indicator with MACD or other technical indicators that you prefer.

Let's look at JPM again, instead of buying the stock when it dips below 30, we will watch the stock when it rises above 30. We will then wait for the MACD to crossover and buy the stock when both the RSI and MACD is showing strength.

The RSI rises above 30 in March, and the MACD crossover in late March 26, this is when we go long on this stock.

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RSI Below 10
RSI Below 20
RSI Below 30
RSI Below 50
RSI Ablove 50
RSI Ablove 70
RSI Ablove 80
RSI Ablove 90

RSI Below 10
RSI Below 35
RSI Below 70
RSI Below 50
RSI Ablove 60
RSI Ablove 40
RSI Ablove 30
RSI Ablove 20
RSI Ablove 55
RSI Ablove 85
RSI Bearish Divergence Screener
RSI Divergence Screener

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