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AI Stocks

AI Stocks is a complete list of artificial intelligence stocks that are trading on the US stock market. AI stocks are hot since 2023, and NVIDIA is clearly the biggest winner of this AI trend with its stock price appreciates 10 fold over the past few years. Microsoft is also one of the best companies to benefit from the AI trend with its investment in OpenAI's chatgpt, and overtaken Apple to become the largest public company in the world.

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
JG Aurora Mobile Ltd ADR 6.98 8.33 6.98 7.83 30.4K 12.02%
AAP Advance Auto Parts, Inc 36.90 39.24 36.40 38.89 4.84M 4.63%
INUV Inuvo, Inc. 0.24 0.25 0.24 0.25 141.5K 4.17%
NVDA NVIDIA Corporation 120.92 124.36 120.34 122.85 275.41M 3.37%
LX Lexinfintech Holdings Ltd 3.13 3.57 3.03 3.40 6.9M 3.03%
TTD Trade Desk Inc 108.37 111.58 108.00 111.46 2.25M 2.53%
VERI Veritone Inc 3.52 3.88 3.45 3.61 698.1K 2.27%
MU Micron Technology, Inc 99.47 102.53 99.40 101.82 22.1M 1.97%
AMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc 159.71 166.79 159.40 162.85 29.53M 1.92%
BTAI Bioxcel Therapeutics Inc 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.55 200.1K 1.85%
BILL Holdings Inc 50.72 52.64 50.72 52.30 804.6K 1.75%
DBX Dropbox Inc 25.02 25.56 25.02 25.53 2.2M 1.63%
IBM International Business Machines Corp 219.50 222.83 219.27 222.72 3.79M 1.36%
DT Deutsche Telekom AG (ADR) 52.18 52.96 51.99 52.77 1.65M 0.76%
CRM Salesforce 278.99 281.12 277.73 280.91 3.87M 0.51%
ZIG The Acquirers Fund ETF 38.99 39.30 38.99 39.30 2.1K 0.31%
OBLG Oblong Inc 3.96 4.04 3.84 3.96 30.9K 0.00%
AIO Allianzgi Artificial Intelligence & Technology 21.70 22.00 21.65 21.85 74.2K 0.00%
GOOG Google Inc 165.82 167.91 165.37 167.21 10.97M -0.06%
MSFT Microsoft Corporation 417.63 419.55 414.29 416.54 13.63M -0.14%
TWLO Twilio 65.54 66.79 65.50 66.27 1.83M -0.18%
AIQ Alliance Healthcare Services, Inc 36.76 37.16 36.76 36.97 124.6K -0.32%
AIEQ Ai Powered Equity ETF 36.67 36.76 36.57 36.70 17.2K -0.38%
AAPL Apple Inc 225.14 226.81 223.32 225.67 33.9M -0.49%
INTC Intel Corporation 22.14 22.73 21.65 22.26 49.37M -0.58%
NFLX Netflix, Inc 704.26 708.81 700.00 706.80 2.25M -0.60%
BOTZ G-X Robotics & Artificial Intel Thmtc ETF 31.54 31.74 31.46 31.56 235.2K -0.63%
KOMP SPDR Kensho & New Economies Composite ETF 48.63 48.73 48.39 48.59 60K -0.76%
AMST Amesite Inc 2.36 2.48 2.36 2.41 2.2K -0.82%
ROKT SPDR Kensho Final Frontiers ETF 50.62 50.62 50.59 50.59 1.4K -0.94%
ROBT Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ETF FT 42.75 43.08 42.72 42.89 34.3K -0.97%
UBOT Robotics Artificial Intelligence Direxion 22.87 22.99 22.82 22.85 1.6K -1.21%
AMZN Amazon 183.04 183.44 180.88 181.96 29.68M -1.52%
APTV Aptiv Plc 68.95 69.40 68.42 68.97 1.98M -1.54%
CNRG SPDR Kensho Clean Power ETF 64.12 64.32 63.17 63.36 2.6K -1.55%
OPRA Opera Ltd ADR 14.86 14.87 14.57 14.63 283.3K -1.61%
LTRN Lantern Pharma Inc 3.70 3.89 3.52 3.60 28.4K -2.96%
YEXT Yext Inc 6.70 6.73 6.43 6.52 843.2K -3.12%
QD Qudian Inc ADR 2.23 2.32 2.15 2.20 855.9K -3.51%
DUOT Duos Technologies Group Inc 3.13 3.14 2.97 2.98 36.2K -3.87%
BIDU Baidu, Inc 108.61 111.24 107.67 109.23 6.38M -5.12%
IQ Iqiyi Inc ADR 2.99 3.15 2.96 2.98 28.11M -6.58%
NIO Nuveen Insured Municipal Opp 6.86 6.99 6.67 6.70 98.16M -7.07%
POAI Predictive Oncology Inc 0.74 0.74 0.67 0.67 127.1K -8.22%
OCFT Oneconnect Financial Technology CO Ltd America 2.64 2.64 2.31 2.40 134K -11.11%

AI Stocks Under $5
AI Stocks Under $10
EV Stocks

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