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52 Week Low Stocks

52 week low stocks screener to scan for a list of stocks at 52 week low. 52 week low stock screener to find weak stocks that are in a down trend. Sometimes, this down trend can last for a long time and that's why many traders like to short stocks with a 52 week low.

It is generally safer to buy a stock when a stock is coming out of a 52 week low, because buying a stock at 52 week low is like catching a falling knife.

52 Week Low Stock Screener

The 52 week low stock screener is updated daily after market close. Note, the 52 week low stock screener filters out low volume and low price stocks from this list.

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AXL 5.65 5.67 5.55 5.65 1.39M 0.00%
OIH 269.95 270.11 262.18 268.61 1.12M -0.01%
XOP 127.22 127.46 124.12 126.87 2.76M -0.04%
SLB 39.56 39.77 38.66 39.57 15.56M -0.05%
CVX 138.21 138.48 135.37 137.88 9.47M -0.25%
VAL 54.65 55.20 53.10 54.46 1.63M -0.27%
PTEN 7.82 7.93 7.60 7.83 6.95M -0.38%
RC 7.82 7.86 7.66 7.79 1.22M -0.64%
EL 84.90 85.00 82.39 84.52 2.99M -0.72%
DVN 40.25 40.26 39.02 39.93 10.25M -0.75%
BRY 5.30 5.35 5.09 5.24 1.74M -0.76%
WDS 15.57 15.74 15.32 15.64 1.11M -0.82%
INDV 9.56 9.60 9.33 9.58 1.21M -1.03%
APA 23.94 24.02 22.72 23.61 10.97M -1.05%
VTLE 27.10 27.33 26.38 26.72 1.19M -1.15%
DAN 9.46 9.47 9.19 9.38 1.22M -1.16%
MODG 9.30 9.35 9.06 9.24 4.13M -1.18%
HAL 28.39 28.39 27.53 27.97 10.94M -1.20%
IEP 10.02 10.13 9.72 10.02 1.48M -1.28%
NUE 138.51 139.18 133.42 137.77 1.89M -1.32%
COP 103.80 104.04 101.30 102.57 6.79M -1.38%
PUMP 7.16 7.16 6.75 7.06 1.67M -1.40%
OXY 51.51 51.51 49.91 50.66 16.93M -1.42%
GO 16.66 16.91 16.33 16.49 1.57M -1.49%
NAPA 5.72 5.72 5.55 5.62 1.71M -1.75%
ATEC 5.56 5.56 5.28 5.45 1.79M -2.15%
ARWR 21.32 21.32 20.63 20.94 1.42M -2.47%
CVI 21.84 21.88 21.20 21.22 1.37M -2.84%
PBF 32.25 32.36 30.61 31.15 2.98M -3.65%
DINO 46.25 46.25 44.26 44.42 2.01M -4.04%
ADNT 20.88 20.94 19.74 20.00 1.07M -4.21%
DJT 15.77 16.80 15.30 16.68 17.01M -10.47%
DBI 4.42 5.32 4.36 5.14 10.56M -11.53%

Stocks at 52 Week Low

52 week lows are stocks that are bearish. One short selling strategy many traders use is to short stocks that are making new 52 week lows. To find other bearish stocks, try stocks gappend down, bearish candlestick pattern, MACD Cross Down.
52 week high stock screener

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