Stock Screener

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Trading Success With 1 Pattern

Price EMA Crossover Screener

Price ema crossover stock screener is used to scan the market for a list of stocks with their stock price crossover or cross down the exponential moving average. Price and ema crossover generates bullish signal while crossdown is bearish.

Price >= & <=

Volume >= & <=

Price & Exponential Moving Average

Friday, December 06, 2024
Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BAC Bank of America Corporation 47.06 47.06 46.40 46.75 26.87M -0.53%
EWC iShares MSCI Canada Index (ETF) 43.20 43.26 42.86 42.88 1.52M -0.92%
EQH Axa Equitable Holdings Inc 47.82 47.99 46.95 47.25 1.5M -1.01%
TRP TransCanada Corporation (USA) 48.80 48.82 48.21 48.25 1.41M -1.43%
ENB Enbridge Inc 43.87 43.87 43.12 43.14 4.66M -1.78%
GDX Market Vectors Gold Miners (ETF) 37.41 37.41 36.75 36.82 13.22M -1.89%
LKQ LKQ Corp 39.99 40.04 38.80 38.89 3.15M -2.09%
GDXJ Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 48.21 48.28 47.14 47.31 3.6M -2.47%
TS Tenaris S 38.80 38.84 37.75 37.77 1.7M -3.28%
FTI FMC Technologies, Inc 32.26 32.40 30.71 30.73 5.2M -3.82%
AA Alcoa Inc 44.70 44.76 41.58 42.49 9.49M -7.97%
AMSC American Superconductor Corporation 35.30 35.85 30.13 31.20 2.64M -10.58%

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