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William %R Stock Screener

William %R Stock Screener to scan the stock market based on the William %R indicator. You can search for a custom william %R value and the range option for consecutive days.

William %R Value >= & William %R <= consecutive days

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
MCK McKesson Corporation 606.28 616.51 573.74 607.51 2.47M 10.60%
TTWO Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc 174.00 180.53 171.40 179.17 3.78M 7.53%
GILD Gilead Sciences, Inc 94.00 98.32 93.51 97.90 14.39M 6.77%
ATEC Alphatec Holdings, Inc 8.86 9.52 8.68 9.41 2.63M 6.09%
CLS Celestica Inc 81.79 85.67 79.80 85.33 3.68M 5.35%
UIS Unisys Corporation 7.98 8.28 7.92 8.20 1.24M 2.63%
TS Tenaris S 36.60 37.80 36.32 37.42 3.32M 2.44%
INCY Incyte Corporation 81.00 82.97 79.53 82.34 2.64M 1.72%
CDNS Cadence Design Systems, Inc 298.73 304.35 297.73 301.72 1.51M 1.67%
ULTA Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc 389.64 395.93 388.42 393.26 767.5K 1.48%
UTHR United Therapeutics Corporation 397.00 405.98 394.68 402.57 372.6K 1.28%
IDCC InterDigital, Inc 176.22 180.81 175.81 179.25 341.8K 1.11%
EXEL Exelixis, Inc 35.38 36.17 35.26 35.80 1.76M 0.82%
GVA Granite Construction Inc 94.96 97.25 94.43 95.75 726.6K 0.64%
PEGA Pegasystems Inc 86.00 86.88 85.13 86.13 417.3K 0.50%
GRMN Garmin Ltd 210.14 212.28 209.53 210.34 903.3K 0.32%
SEIC SEI Investments Company 80.38 80.80 79.42 80.17 743.9K 0.17%
IMAX IMAX Corporation (USA) 24.86 24.87 24.02 24.72 934.3K -0.04%
ATSG Air Transport Services Group Inc 22.04 22.18 22.03 22.04 1.06M -0.05%
WAT Waters Corporation 390.00 393.15 384.85 386.12 401.7K -0.15%
MD Mednax, Inc 15.99 16.27 15.86 16.04 647K -0.25%
SNA Snap-on Incorporated 353.82 355.05 350.21 353.13 346.9K -0.31%
HURN Huron Consulting Group 127.55 127.73 124.94 127.66 126.1K -0.37%
SANM Sanmina-SCI Corporation 83.50 83.89 82.03 83.40 514.1K -0.57%
IP International Paper Company 58.68 59.14 58.16 58.41 4.29M -0.71%
PKG Packaging Corporation of America 242.36 242.50 238.37 239.48 571.6K -0.87%
ITW Illinois Tool Works Inc 275.68 275.96 271.29 272.91 833.5K -0.93%
SCI Service Corporation International 86.79 87.00 85.07 85.96 855.2K -1.20%
HALO Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc 60.66 60.95 58.76 59.65 1.06M -1.62%
GPN Global Payments Inc 114.40 115.02 111.78 111.92 2.14M -2.71%

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