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ADL Stock Screener

Scan the stock market based on the Accumulation Distribution Line or ADL indicator. The ADL indicator indicates whether traders and investors are buying or selling and which measures the supply and demand for a particular stock. When the demand is strong for a stock, it indicates strength and therefore bullish. On the other hand, when the demand is low, it indicates weakness and a bearish signal.

ADL is
for Days

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
USEG 1.30 1.50 1.26 1.49 786.9K 16.41%
WTI 2.48 2.72 2.43 2.70 5.13M 11.11%
CHCI 10.25 11.65 10.00 11.16 30.1K 9.41%
NOG 36.94 39.15 36.66 39.08 2.2M 5.97%
DIG 41.37 42.56 40.69 42.46 106.6K 3.54%
ERX 63.64 65.63 62.73 65.49 1.04M 3.46%
XOP 135.71 140.07 134.75 139.81 5.66M 3.29%
DVN 40.52 41.91 40.40 41.79 11.7M 3.19%
IEO 94.82 97.39 94.13 97.32 177.1K 3.07%
TTEK 47.15 48.49 46.99 48.23 1.86M 2.88%
CNX 33.07 34.03 32.81 34.01 1.96M 2.87%
FCG 24.59 25.20 24.42 25.19 560K 2.82%
OXY 53.53 54.89 53.23 54.79 17.46M 2.53%
JKHY 179.35 183.75 179.04 183.58 795.5K 2.24%
MRO 27.99 28.54 27.81 28.54 4.62M 2.04%
EOG 128.66 131.05 127.57 130.79 2.6M 1.92%
COP 110.70 112.51 109.99 112.42 7.39M 1.87%
VDE 127.01 128.94 125.97 128.81 576.1K 1.81%
GSG 21.60 21.98 21.58 21.94 244K 1.81%
XLE 91.04 92.44 90.35 92.32 22.34M 1.76%
ICE 161.14 163.35 160.68 163.26 2.59M 1.45%
LNG 184.56 187.63 183.69 187.18 1.25M 1.45%
OKE 93.62 95.12 92.97 94.71 2.76M 1.40%
IXC 41.87 42.44 41.60 42.36 929.7K 1.34%
WMB 47.97 48.33 47.52 48.21 5.93M 1.20%
XOM 121.90 123.17 120.93 122.58 16.51M 0.87%
MERC 6.89 7.12 6.71 7.00 537.7K 0.72%
TOL 152.69 153.98 151.06 153.74 851.7K 0.46%
PHK 5.07 5.10 5.07 5.10 766.7K 0.39%
HES 140.23 141.78 139.49 140.87 1.23M 0.38%
SF 93.95 94.98 92.89 94.76 373.3K 0.37%
ENR 31.40 31.83 31.06 31.82 774.8K 0.35%
AWI 132.99 133.96 132.21 133.87 144.9K 0.31%
CVX 151.31 152.17 150.02 151.25 6.54M 0.20%
ETR 133.00 133.17 132.12 133.00 844.6K 0.20%
ELTK 10.31 10.40 10.05 10.32 26.5K 0.19%
CAH 110.38 110.51 109.75 110.35 2.47M 0.13%
ATO 139.22 139.33 138.06 139.22 744.2K 0.07%
WEC 96.55 96.55 95.90 96.31 1.42M 0.05%
MMT 4.88 4.90 4.86 4.88 57.8K 0.00%
ALGT 55.07 55.65 53.92 55.00 466.1K -0.09%
LEN 186.77 188.19 184.35 186.90 1.37M -0.11%
ETJ 9.20 9.23 9.16 9.20 104K -0.11%
PHM 142.99 143.81 141.09 142.97 1.12M -0.23%
KBH 83.49 83.86 82.49 83.60 735.6K -0.33%
UNM 59.38 59.47 58.66 59.30 863.3K -0.40%
BXP 79.79 79.87 78.95 79.82 750.9K -0.40%
MHK 158.13 160.00 156.65 158.50 685.2K -0.62%
IYZ 25.42 25.46 25.30 25.38 698.3K -0.63%
BX 151.73 152.54 149.79 151.20 2.11M -0.66%
SBAC 240.94 241.58 237.62 239.91 880.5K -0.85%
DIOD 62.55 63.38 61.75 62.65 232.9K -1.04%

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