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Department Store Stocks List

Department Store Stocks List is a list of public traded Department Store companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Department Store Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CAL Continental Airlines, Inc 20.43 20.62 19.75 19.75 462.6K -1.94%
COLM Columbia Sportswear Company 83.57 84.34 82.98 83.62 267.8K 0.94%
COTY Coty Inc 7.24 7.27 7.13 7.14 3.33M -0.83%
CREX Creative Realities Inc 2.49 2.61 2.43 2.53 25K 1.61%
CRI Carters, Inc 54.05 54.24 53.04 53.56 1.08M -0.50%
DDS Dillards, Inc 455.89 467.15 447.64 466.98 106.8K 3.59%
DECK Deckers Outdoor Corporation 210.23 212.85 208.41 209.91 1.31M 0.81%
EL The Estee Lauder Companies Inc 77.73 78.36 76.87 77.86 2.95M -0.27%
ESCA Escalade, Inc 14.95 15.14 14.78 15.00 14.8K 1.56%
FOSL Fossil, Inc 1.77 1.83 1.73 1.77 338.6K 1.72%
HAS Hasbro, Inc 58.29 58.29 57.00 57.34 1.18M -0.69%
HBB Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company Cl A 17.68 18.22 17.39 17.45 66.4K -0.29%
HOFT Hooker Furniture Corporation 13.37 13.37 13.15 13.25 19.4K 0.53%
HSY The Hershey Company 153.47 155.22 152.12 152.87 1.94M -0.75%
IPAR Inter Parfums, Inc 138.60 139.75 136.09 138.59 127.1K 0.54%
JAKK JAKKS Pacific, Inc 27.45 27.77 27.21 27.70 47.5K 1.58%
KMB Kimberly-Clark Corporation 126.77 127.89 126.16 127.22 2.06M 0.45%
KOSS Koss Corporation 6.90 6.96 6.55 6.62 100.3K -2.50%
KR The Kroger Co 58.78 59.07 58.12 58.36 5.51M -0.44%
KTB Kontoor Brands Inc [Ktb/I] 85.54 86.84 85.32 85.98 266.4K 1.34%
LCUT Lifetime Brands, Inc 5.92 6.22 5.79 6.12 44.1K 4.62%
LEG Leggett & Platt, Inc 10.81 10.90 10.56 10.64 1.5M -1.21%
LEVI Levi Strauss & CO Cl A 17.53 17.75 17.30 17.37 1.4M -1.14%
M Macys, Inc 14.05 14.16 13.91 13.99 6.07M 0.87%
MAT Mattel, Inc 18.08 18.12 17.81 17.93 2.4M -0.06%
MOV Movado Group, Inc 19.03 19.35 18.99 19.12 101.6K 1.49%
NKE NIKE, Inc 71.43 71.52 70.84 70.84 9.69M -0.38%
NWL Newell Rubbermaid Inc 10.25 10.37 10.08 10.12 4.36M -0.39%
OXM Oxford Industries, Inc 86.73 86.91 85.13 85.28 269.6K -1.54%
PG The Procter & Gamble Company 159.74 161.75 159.60 161.13 6.61M 0.39%
RL Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation 239.72 242.68 237.03 240.46 618.4K 1.15%
SHOO Steven Madden, Ltd 41.33 41.33 40.71 41.12 617K 0.78%
UA Under Armour, Inc 7.25 7.49 7.21 7.34 2.84M 1.80%
UAA Under Armour 8.14 8.39 8.04 8.20 7.37M 1.49%
VFC V 23.73 24.00 23.51 23.67 5.21M 0.08%
VNCE Vince Holding Corp 3.54 3.80 3.40 3.40 212.6K -7.36%
VRA Vera Bradley, Inc. 3.92 3.96 3.75 3.78 167.5K -3.32%
WWW Wolverine World Wide, Inc 23.14 23.41 22.78 22.79 936.4K -0.26%

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