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Recreational Stocks List

Recreational Stocks List is a list of public traded Recreational companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Recreational Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AOUT American Outdoor Brands Inc 12.75 13.09 12.48 13.03 70.6K 2.52%
BC Brunswick Corporation 56.14 57.37 54.97 56.22 733.7K -0.55%
BHAT Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Tech 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 37.02M -25.00%
CLAR Clarus Corp 3.97 4.11 3.86 4.06 270.7K 2.53%
DOOO Brp Inc 39.39 39.88 37.40 38.20 155.5K -3.44%
EA Electronic Arts Inc 135.79 138.26 135.23 137.72 2.98M 1.18%
ESCA Escalade, Inc 14.88 15.25 14.49 14.76 13.1K -5.45%
FNKO Funko Inc Cl A 7.68 7.85 7.10 7.22 1.38M -2.17%
FOXF Fox Factory Cp 25.05 25.30 24.19 24.31 495.5K -3.49%
GIGM GigaMedia Limited 1.58 1.60 1.58 1.58 37.4K 0.00%
GOLF Golfsmith International Holdings, Inc 66.14 66.35 64.27 64.40 622.9K -3.04%
HAS Hasbro, Inc 61.70 62.23 59.10 59.30 2.17M -4.14%
JAKK JAKKS Pacific, Inc 26.27 26.27 24.42 24.45 151.5K -5.71%
JOUT Johnson Outdoors Inc 25.82 25.82 24.86 24.86 27.5K -3.57%
MAT Mattel, Inc 20.52 20.61 19.63 19.66 2.94M -4.05%
MBUU Malibu Boats Inc 30.98 31.00 29.85 30.70 193.4K -0.78%
MCFT Mcbc Holdings 17.68 17.68 17.06 17.17 94.7K -1.21%
MPX Marine Products Corp 8.50 8.56 8.38 8.44 16.6K -0.82%
PII Polaris Industries Inc 43.71 45.15 41.19 42.23 2.09M -4.95%
POOL Pool Corporation 332.25 334.86 320.22 320.75 396.3K -3.78%
R Ryder System, Inc 144.94 144.94 134.41 136.38 761.2K -5.71%
RGR Sturm, Ruger & Company 39.56 40.31 39.42 40.17 160K 1.83%
THO Thor Industries, Inc 77.76 79.27 75.78 76.77 959K -2.13%
TTWO Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc 204.48 206.20 201.93 203.63 1.26M -0.83%
VMAR Vision Marine Technologies Inc 0.63 0.65 0.62 0.62 50.1K -3.13%
WGO Winnebago Industries, Inc 35.92 36.61 34.23 34.55 982.4K -4.03%

Recreational Vehicle Stocks

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