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Nuclear Stocks List

Nuclear Stocks List is a list of public traded Nuclear companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Nuclear Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AEP American Electric Power Company, Inc 102.81 104.29 102.70 104.24 1.91M 1.24%
ALE ALLETE, Inc 65.25 65.38 65.23 65.31 219.3K -0.02%
CIG Companhia Energetica Minas Gerais (ADR) 1.88 1.94 1.88 1.94 4.34M 1.57%
DUK Duke Energy Corporation 116.95 118.34 116.37 118.21 5.37M 1.35%
DUKB Duke Energy Corp 5.625% 24.94 24.96 24.86 24.91 23K -0.12%
EDN EDENOR S 33.40 34.09 31.63 31.82 84.8K -5.41%
EIX Edison International 55.48 56.38 55.26 55.83 3.5M 0.63%
ELP Companhia Paranaense de Energia (ADR) 6.74 7.00 6.74 6.95 128.8K 1.31%
ES EnergySolutions, Inc 59.66 60.50 59.52 60.11 2.17M 1.11%
ETR Entergy Corporation 82.65 83.23 81.75 82.84 2.76M 0.24%
EXC Exelon Corporation 42.84 43.51 42.75 43.47 5.98M 2.02%
FE FirstEnergy Corp 38.30 39.18 38.18 39.14 4.97M 2.43%
FTS Fortis Inc 44.54 45.05 44.54 44.85 359.5K 0.74%
GNE Genie Energy Ltd Cl B 14.38 14.61 14.04 14.04 42.8K -1.47%
GPJA Georgia Power Company Series 2017A 5.00% Jr 22.50 22.74 22.50 22.69 22.4K 0.84%
HE Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc 11.00 11.20 10.79 10.90 1.8M 0.00%
IDA IDACORP, Inc 114.74 115.96 114.09 115.06 275.9K 0.32%
KEP Korea Electric Power Corporation (ADR) 7.66 7.68 7.61 7.67 113.2K 0.13%
LNT Alliant Energy Corporation 62.24 62.92 61.88 62.23 1.95M 0.08%
NEE NextEra Energy, Inc. 73.20 73.55 72.05 72.73 11.25M -0.26%
OGE OGE Energy Corp 44.52 45.05 44.21 44.39 746.6K 0.09%
OTTR Otter Tail Corporation 80.79 82.48 80.62 82.42 217K 2.36%
PCG PG&E Corporation 16.15 16.44 16.12 16.40 10.77M 1.11%
PNW Pinnacle West Capital Corporation 91.40 92.37 91.16 91.82 843.6K 0.65%
POR Portland General Electric Company 43.83 44.44 43.71 44.31 932.4K 1.70%
PPL PPL Corporation 34.09 34.27 33.91 34.15 4.86M 0.53%
SO The Southern Company 89.11 90.00 88.68 89.63 3.59M 1.07%
SOJC Southern Company Series 2017B 5.25% Junior 21.83 21.85 21.74 21.84 24.6K 0.09%
XEL Xcel Energy Inc 69.27 69.76 68.15 68.67 2.41M -0.26%

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