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Top Oil Stocks

This is a list of the top oil stocks today that are trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. These stocks are the top moving oil stocks and may be useful for swing traders and day traders who trades oil stocks.

Best Oil Stocks

The best oil stocks list is updated daily after market close.

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
VTNR 0.35 0.40 0.35 0.40 1.49M 14.29%
WTI 1.96 2.04 1.96 2.04 1.34M 5.15%
GE 169.41 179.32 169.21 178.28 7.36M 5.06%
IEP 10.24 10.88 10.24 10.80 1.07M 5.06%
BLDP 1.72 1.84 1.72 1.80 3.91M 4.65%
BC 76.86 79.84 76.63 79.15 1.13M 4.41%
CVI 21.50 22.17 21.50 22.15 958.4K 3.99%
GTE 5.91 6.15 5.90 6.10 335.1K 3.92%
SSL 7.00 7.05 6.87 6.91 801.4K 3.60%
PBF 31.87 32.84 31.56 32.61 2.09M 3.52%
CLMT 16.21 17.35 16.21 17.16 1.07M 3.50%
BTU 21.62 22.37 21.53 22.07 2.4M 3.47%
DNOW 12.05 12.49 11.98 12.27 698.9K 3.28%
CRK 9.91 10.08 9.88 10.02 1.61M 2.77%
DK 19.30 19.57 19.05 19.40 709.7K 2.75%
EGY 5.53 5.65 5.53 5.59 618.7K 2.38%
REI 1.70 1.75 1.69 1.72 1.23M 2.38%
CRC 49.27 50.44 49.18 49.93 721.6K 2.36%
OIS 4.56 4.62 4.49 4.58 555.7K 2.23%
KOS 4.00 4.08 3.99 4.01 4.94M 2.04%
CLB 16.89 17.32 16.77 17.00 313.2K 1.98%
OLO 4.78 4.86 4.75 4.81 743.9K 1.91%
PARR 18.57 19.09 18.50 18.70 757.5K 1.91%
CNXC 67.21 68.00 66.50 67.61 525.1K 1.79%
PAA 17.43 17.73 17.38 17.71 1.92M 1.72%
CMI 298.25 303.72 298.05 302.13 472.8K 1.64%
PAGP 18.50 18.74 18.44 18.73 1.28M 1.63%
OII 23.30 23.82 22.90 23.20 1.13M 1.53%
SN 101.76 104.13 101.58 103.24 1.11M 1.41%
FTI 24.14 24.46 24.09 24.25 3.28M 1.38%
SWN 6.24 6.28 6.20 6.26 17.96M 1.29%
MPC 162.73 165.81 161.97 163.58 2.56M 1.29%
E 31.08 31.30 30.89 30.93 480.9K 1.28%
CHK 72.74 73.49 72.35 73.22 1.38M 1.22%
PBA 40.85 41.41 40.84 41.28 1.37M 1.18%
MPLX 43.35 43.82 43.35 43.78 1.07M 1.09%
CNX 27.27 27.52 27.15 27.34 1.53M 1.07%
SDRL 39.01 40.07 38.86 38.99 1.56M 1.06%
NOG 34.47 35.02 34.33 34.44 879.6K 1.03%
PLUG 1.95 2.03 1.93 1.96 29.84M 1.03%
CVX 139.87 141.53 139.71 140.61 5.89M 1.01%
APA 23.98 24.49 23.73 23.94 6.08M 1.01%
EQT 33.60 33.90 32.83 33.19 7.09M 1.00%

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