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Top Healthcare Stocks

This is a list of the top healthcare stocks today that are trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. These stocks are the top moving healthcare stocks and may be useful for swing traders and day traders who trades healthcare stocks.

Best Healthcare Stocks

The best healthcare stocks list is updated daily after market close.

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CUTR 0.73 0.85 0.72 0.82 627.4K 20.59%
SMMT 27.50 33.60 27.41 31.93 24.29M 16.49%
NVAX 11.87 14.03 11.82 13.61 12.19M 14.18%
MSTX 19.19 22.29 18.94 21.84 4.24M 13.87%
NVRO 5.20 5.83 5.20 5.79 763.6K 13.53%
FGEN 0.42 0.48 0.42 0.47 1.06M 11.90%
CGNT 6.57 7.16 6.57 6.94 721.1K 9.98%
ESPR 1.78 1.91 1.78 1.91 3.45M 9.14%
VCYT 31.04 32.95 30.90 32.92 766.4K 8.22%
CRBP 51.75 56.47 51.75 55.81 319.2K 8.20%
STAA 30.14 32.66 30.13 32.38 862.6K 8.04%
OMI 14.61 15.64 14.55 15.53 670.3K 7.92%
MRNS 1.40 1.51 1.40 1.50 1.61M 7.91%
FATE 3.81 4.02 3.80 4.02 901.3K 7.49%
ADPT 4.36 4.72 4.30 4.61 1.13M 7.21%
NVCR 17.69 18.60 17.53 18.57 904.9K 7.16%
BLUE 0.58 0.63 0.58 0.61 6.66M 7.02%
AUPH 6.85 7.19 6.72 7.03 1.95M 6.84%
CORT 35.94 38.18 35.87 38.11 777.5K 6.72%
PRTA 21.07 22.33 21.03 22.11 393.2K 6.71%
CVM 1.20 1.31 1.19 1.28 702.4K 6.67%
ALGN 230.22 243.96 230.22 243.73 887.2K 6.50%
SAGE 7.50 7.85 7.44 7.83 523.4K 6.39%
GLYC 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.17 537.5K 6.25%
VKTX 63.08 67.94 62.63 66.73 3.73M 6.24%
ARWR 20.39 21.90 20.39 21.49 1.37M 6.18%
TDOC 7.77 8.14 7.75 8.09 4.45M 6.17%
OGEN 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.53 378.5K 6.00%
CLDX 42.16 44.28 41.97 44.16 545.4K 5.77%
BPMC 85.09 89.05 84.38 88.90 617.6K 5.71%
TRUP 45.40 47.24 44.94 47.08 1.08M 5.63%
AGEN 5.94 6.31 5.91 6.26 412.4K 5.56%
RGNX 12.28 12.97 12.19 12.84 325.3K 5.42%
EDIT 3.78 3.97 3.78 3.95 1.29M 5.33%
HCSG 10.77 11.14 10.65 11.14 331.6K 5.00%
KURA 20.17 21.09 19.90 20.88 313.1K 4.98%
SGMO 0.87 0.87 0.82 0.85 2.99M 4.94%
NKTR 1.27 1.34 1.24 1.31 592.8K 4.80%
ASND 116.29 119.49 114.53 119.22 575.9K 4.75%
MYGN 26.50 27.84 26.50 27.59 733K 4.55%
FMS 20.99 21.19 20.86 21.09 1.17M 4.51%
OSUR 4.31 4.46 4.26 4.45 684.1K 4.46%
ANIP 56.82 58.78 56.28 58.51 595K 4.20%
WBA 8.96 9.30 8.84 9.21 18.15M 4.19%
MCRB 0.94 1.00 0.91 1.00 3.06M 4.17%
ALKS 26.83 27.69 26.76 27.66 1.08M 4.14%
NEOG 15.81 16.14 15.59 16.13 697.8K 4.06%
PTCT 33.19 34.89 33.19 33.99 395.5K 3.94%
HAE 74.62 76.52 74.26 76.09 670.5K 3.86%
DVA 159.31 163.59 157.59 163.56 806.7K 3.76%

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