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Top Gold Stocks

This is a list of the top gold stocks today that are trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. These stocks are the top moving gold stocks and may be useful for swing traders and day traders who trades gold stocks.

Gold Stocks

The best gold stocks list is updated daily after market close.

Symbol Chart Open High Low Close Volume % Change
VGZ 0.67 0.73 0.67 0.71 918.6K 7.58%
HMY 9.98 10.00 9.67 9.80 3.88M 2.94%
RGLD 142.00 145.59 142.00 143.19 395.6K 1.68%
AEM 83.11 83.95 82.81 83.17 2.64M 1.60%
NEM 53.41 54.25 53.36 53.71 7.33M 1.57%
GFI 14.31 14.34 14.12 14.21 3.38M 1.43%
GOLD 20.84 21.13 20.77 20.84 16.55M 1.26%
MUX 9.61 9.72 9.42 9.47 552.5K 1.18%

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