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PATK vs. SWBI Stock - Which Is the Better Buy?

PATK vs. SWBI Stock - Which is the better buy? If you are planning to trade PATK or SWBI stock, then get a free analysis on PATK or SWBI.

Click here for a FREE Trend Analysis on PATK.

PATK Stock Analysis

PATK is up 2.01% on 11/13/24.
PATK is trading in the range of $114.68 - $148.35 in the past 30 days.
Bullish Indicators
Bearish Indicators
Neutral Indicators

Short term rating on the PATK stock: NEUTRAL with a score of 3/5.

Click here for a FREE Trend Analysis on SWBI.

SWBI Stock Analysis

SWBI is down -1.51% on 11/13/24 and has lost a total of -4.54% in the past 2 days.
SWBI is trading in the range of $12.25 - $14.10 in the past 30 days.
Bullish Indicators
Bearish Indicators
Macd Cross Down - When the MACD crossover, it generates a bearish signal.
5 day EMA & 12 day EMA Cross Down
5 day EMA & 22 day EMA Cross Down
5 day EMA & 26 day EMA Cross Down
5 day EMA & 28 day EMA Cross Down
5 day EMA & 9 day EMA Cross Down
5 day SMA & 15 day SMA Cross Down
5 day SMA & 20 day SMA Cross Down
Neutral Indicators

Short term rating on the SWBI stock: BEARISH with a score of 2/5.

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