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MKC Stock Predictions

MKC Stock Buy or Sell? - Get a free MKC stock trend analysis report to help you analyze and make a better MKC stock predictions. The stock analysis service is provided by MarketClub, using their Smart Scan and Trade Triangle technology. It uses technical analysis and the current market condition to give you the best MKC stock forecast.

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McCormick & Company, Incorporated Stock Forecast

The McCormick & Company, Incorporated Stock Prediction is based on short term trend analysis and is best used for short term swing traders or day traders rather than long term investors.

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MKC Stock Analysis

MKC is down -0.19% on 09/06/24.
MKC is trading in the range of $74.90 - $83.58 in the past 30 days.
Bullish Indicators
Bearish Indicators
Neutral Indicators
Overbought - RSI is indicating the stock is in the overbought territory. However, sometimes a strong stock can be in the overbought zone for a very long time. So just because of a stock is overbought, it does NOT mean it is a SELL.
ADX > 50 (Strong Trend) - ADX is an indicator to measure the strength of a trend regardless the direction of the trend.

Short term rating on the MKC stock: NEUTRAL with a score of 3/5.

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To get the market cap of MKC, go to MKC market cap.

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