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Wood Stocks List

Wood Stocks List is a list of public traded Wood companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Wood Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AMWD American Woodmark Corporation 77.45 78.77 76.19 76.24 127.6K -1.68%
APDN Applied Dna Scns 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 1.08M 0.00%
BCC Boise Cascade L.L.C. 124.97 124.97 121.57 123.28 190.3K -1.46%
BSET Bassett Furniture Industries Inc 13.90 14.32 13.82 14.15 6.9K 1.36%
GMS Gms Inc 83.84 84.14 83.13 84.07 357.4K 0.06%
HNI HNI Corporation 48.88 48.88 47.68 48.16 206.7K -1.47%
JELD Jeld-Wen Holding Inc 8.69 8.69 8.40 8.57 804.3K -1.61%
KAI Kadant Inc 370.55 372.07 362.70 364.83 70.7K -1.23%
LOVE The Lovesac Company 22.93 23.10 22.01 22.30 391.7K -3.09%
LPX Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 117.47 117.75 115.06 115.22 388.8K -2.12%
MAS Masco Corporation 77.22 77.72 76.46 77.25 1.83M -0.26%
MEOH Methanex Corporation (USA) 51.41 51.54 50.51 50.66 430.4K -0.59%
PATK Patrick Industries, Inc 95.11 96.25 93.61 94.75 350.5K -0.27%
PRPL Purple Communications, Inc 1.06 1.10 1.04 1.05 310.1K -2.78%
SCS Steelcase Inc 11.47 11.47 11.24 11.36 494.5K -1.90%
SSD Simpson Manufacturing Co, Inc 168.11 168.34 164.82 165.42 190.3K -1.37%
TANH Tantech Holdings 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.14 1.15M 0.00%
TREX Trex Company, Inc. 73.01 73.49 69.93 70.24 948.7K -4.07%
UFPI Universal Forest Products, Inc 117.05 117.13 114.80 115.62 242.7K -1.12%

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