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Warehousing Stocks List

Warehousing Stocks List is a list of public traded Warehousing companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Warehousing Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ANDE The Andersons, Inc 49.02 50.64 48.58 49.06 132.8K -0.14%
ARCB Arcbest Corp 107.87 114.38 107.56 110.66 444K 2.61%
ARW Arrow Electronics, Inc 130.31 132.62 128.99 129.57 305.6K -0.03%
BSET Bassett Furniture Industries Inc 14.30 14.95 14.25 14.78 29.4K 4.45%
BZUN Baozun Inc Ads 2.55 2.68 2.55 2.64 309.3K 2.72%
CANG Cango Inc ADR 1.54 1.69 1.48 1.50 48.7K -4.46%
CHRW C 100.59 103.64 99.99 102.04 1.65M 1.78%
CMCO Columbus McKinnon Corp 31.76 32.38 31.19 31.28 269.9K -1.51%
CVLG Covenant Logistics Group Inc 52.40 53.63 52.32 52.60 28.5K -0.19%
EXPD Expeditors International of Washington 123.93 125.10 123.04 123.39 750.3K -0.25%
FWRD Forward Air Corporation 36.42 37.25 35.94 36.43 791.2K 0.55%
GEF Greif, Inc 61.73 63.39 61.54 61.82 142.5K -0.16%
HQI Hirequest Inc 14.00 14.70 14.00 14.17 10.2K 0.64%
HUBG Hub Group, Inc 45.07 46.13 44.87 45.18 472.4K -0.09%
KNX Knight Transportation 52.68 54.12 52.44 52.68 2.03M 0.38%
MATX Matson Inc 131.05 135.25 131.05 132.36 278.9K 0.80%
MBIN Merchants Bancorp 45.49 47.42 45.00 45.82 77.2K 0.81%
MHH Mastech Holdings, Inc 9.95 10.15 9.73 9.92 7.2K 0.30%
MRC Mrc Global Inc 12.40 12.91 12.34 12.50 451.3K 0.40%
PRPH ProPhase Labs Inc 2.57 2.69 2.45 2.45 38.6K -6.84%
R Ryder System, Inc 143.00 145.04 141.37 143.09 264.8K 0.13%
RFIL RF Industries, Ltd 3.53 3.86 3.53 3.71 11.5K -2.37%
ROK Rockwell Automation 265.78 268.58 261.92 262.74 691.3K -0.17%
SGH SWEDISH EXPORT 19.28 19.97 19.07 19.10 977.6K -1.04%
SGMA SigmaTron International 2.72 2.73 2.64 2.64 7.5K -2.22%
SNDR Schneider National Inc 28.14 28.87 28.03 28.18 602.9K 0.46%
STRL Sterling Construction Company, Inc 131.00 139.28 131.00 134.94 432.7K 3.52%
TBI TrueBlue, Inc 7.88 8.42 7.88 8.08 216.2K 2.28%
ULH Universal Logis Hld 43.29 44.48 43.15 43.27 15.6K 1.12%
VIPS Vipshop Holdings Ltd 12.95 13.00 12.78 12.84 1.86M -0.70%
WORX Scworx Corp 1.22 1.27 1.13 1.13 19.8K -8.13%
XPO Express-1 Expedited Solutions Inc 111.46 113.64 109.78 111.49 1.14M 0.61%
YI 111 Inc ADR 0.62 0.64 0.58 0.60 149.3K -7.69%

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