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Supplement Stocks List

Supplement Stocks List is a list of public traded Supplement companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Supplement Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AAME Atlantic American Corporation 1.64 1.64 1.55 1.55 3.5K -4.32%
AEI Alset EHome International Inc 1.14 1.25 1.14 1.21 14.3K 1.68%
AFL AFLAC Incorporated 109.72 110.55 108.87 108.96 2.12M -0.55%
AIG American International Group, Inc 73.71 74.11 73.08 73.30 3.65M -0.41%
ANIK Anika Therapeutics, Inc 25.08 26.00 25.01 25.47 43.5K 1.07%
ASH Ashland Inc 87.48 88.36 86.70 87.25 373.7K 0.07%
BRBR Bellring Brands Inc Cl A 59.63 60.12 59.26 59.36 464.8K -0.39%
BRO Brown & Brown, Inc 103.33 103.86 102.19 102.51 2.61M -0.67%
BTTR Better Choice Company Inc 2.61 2.72 2.46 2.49 36.8K -5.32%
CAR Avis Budget Group Inc 83.09 89.90 83.09 85.08 1.06M 2.39%
CDXC Chromadex Corp CS 3.44 3.65 3.30 3.55 347.3K 4.11%
CELH Celsius Holdings, Inc. 34.73 35.47 33.91 34.28 3.39M -1.49%
CENT Central Garden & Pet Co 37.77 39.10 37.65 38.33 120.9K 1.48%
CHD Church & Dwight Co 103.70 104.14 101.89 102.61 1.52M -1.17%
CI CIGNA Corporation 356.23 362.25 354.86 355.39 824.4K -0.24%
CJJD China Jo Jo Drugstores Inc 1.58 1.65 1.55 1.55 1.3K -6.63%
CLNN Clene Inc 5.25 5.46 4.89 5.02 106.1K -5.10%
CLX The Clorox Company 164.69 165.61 161.75 163.47 868K -0.74%
CMP Compass Minerals International, Inc 11.12 11.43 10.71 10.86 1.82M -2.60%
CNO Conseco, Inc 34.42 35.20 34.42 34.79 646.2K 0.84%
COSM Cosmos Holdings Inc 1.12 1.18 1.00 1.11 719.9K -2.63%
CPHI China Pharma Holdings, Inc. 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.23 229.7K 0.00%
CRON Cronos Group Inc 2.24 2.35 2.23 2.27 1.4M 0.44%
CTLT Catalent Inc 60.35 60.47 60.12 60.32 2.43M -0.05%
DIT AMCON Distributing Co 134.21 134.21 134.21 134.21 100 -3.45%
EHTH eHealth, Inc 4.20 4.28 4.01 4.01 159.9K -3.37%
FISI Financial Institutions, Inc 26.29 27.00 25.67 26.03 44.9K -0.19%
GL Globe Life Inc 106.16 108.00 105.94 106.65 813.1K 0.44%
GOCO Gohealth Inc Cl A 9.01 9.58 9.01 9.44 18.5K 4.31%
HIMS Hims & Hers Health Inc 16.27 16.80 16.15 16.31 4.65M 1.30%
HLF Herbalife Ltd 7.03 7.38 6.98 7.01 1.92M -1.27%
HMN Horace Mann Educators Corporation 34.23 34.63 34.08 34.23 200.9K 0.44%
HRL Hormel Foods Corporation 32.39 32.83 32.28 32.40 1.7M 0.09%
HUM Humana Inc 312.00 317.63 311.28 315.29 1.78M 1.12%
HWKN Hawkins, Inc 120.24 123.16 119.07 121.07 85.6K 0.67%
ICCC ImmuCell Corporation 3.60 3.88 3.46 3.60 42.3K -2.96%
IFF International Flavors & Fragrances Inc 104.50 104.50 102.96 103.46 840.1K -0.73%
INGN Inogen Inc 10.76 11.05 10.56 10.68 249.8K -1.48%
IPI Intrepid Potash, Inc 25.02 25.46 24.44 24.45 76.3K -3.28%
JD Inc Ads 27.02 27.14 26.67 26.92 10.33M 0.00%
KMPR Kemper Corp 61.17 61.85 60.39 60.79 150.2K -0.75%
LFMD LifeMD Inc 5.20 5.45 5.18 5.24 276.9K 0.77%
LFVN Lifevantage Cp 10.00 10.33 9.95 10.14 78.9K 1.40%
LRN K12 Inc 81.88 83.46 81.39 81.92 1.43M -0.09%
LSF Laird Superfood Inc 3.71 3.78 3.63 3.64 52.7K -2.15%
LYFT Lyft Inc Cl A 12.29 12.66 12.11 12.17 11.05M -0.65%
MFH Mercurity Fintech Holding Inc 1.21 1.23 1.20 1.23 1.2K 2.50%
MTEX Mannatech, Inc 7.64 7.64 7.50 7.53 1.7K -0.40%
NAII Natural Alternatives International, Inc. 6.50 6.73 6.43 6.43 4.2K 0.16%
NGVC Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage Inc 29.52 30.32 29.07 29.29 166.2K -0.14%
NUS Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc 7.19 7.62 7.04 7.32 1.3M 1.53%
OPK Opko Health Inc 1.61 1.70 1.59 1.62 3.6M -2.41%
PETQ Petiq Inc Cl A 30.77 30.84 30.77 30.78 542.3K 0.07%
PETS PetMed Express, Inc 3.66 3.78 3.61 3.62 250K -1.36%
PG The Procter & Gamble Company 175.05 175.90 172.57 173.92 5.1M -1.11%
POST Post Holdings Inc 114.08 116.19 113.89 115.15 382.3K 0.44%
PRI Primerica, Inc. 257.30 259.54 254.10 255.84 126.8K -0.28%
PRPH ProPhase Labs Inc 2.57 2.69 2.45 2.45 38.6K -6.84%
PRU Prudential Financial, Inc 119.17 120.54 118.39 119.44 1.3M 0.64%
SBFM Sunshine Biopharma Inc 2.88 3.20 2.84 2.99 221.5K 5.65%
SCL Stepan Company 75.24 78.70 75.23 76.53 116.2K 1.22%
SFM Sprouts Farmers Mark 106.38 106.84 104.33 104.86 2.04M -1.84%
SKT Tanger Factory Outlet Centers Inc 31.43 31.83 31.04 31.30 620.1K -0.35%
SLQT Selectquote Inc 2.04 2.16 1.98 1.99 2.86M -3.86%
UHAL AMERCO 73.34 74.33 72.21 72.72 60.6K -1.03%
UNFI United Natural Foods, Inc 15.83 16.14 15.35 15.56 484K -2.26%
UNM Unum Group 56.45 56.94 56.22 56.24 1.74M -0.28%
UPC Universe Pharmaceuticals INC 0.37 0.37 0.34 0.36 2.77M -10.00%
USNA USANA Health Sciences, Inc 39.95 40.93 39.60 39.82 66.8K -0.35%
VIPS Vipshop Holdings Ltd 12.95 13.00 12.78 12.84 1.86M -0.70%
WD Walker & Dunlop, Inc. 107.44 111.26 107.21 107.96 315.1K -0.24%
YI 111 Inc ADR 0.62 0.64 0.58 0.60 149.3K -7.69%

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