Stock Screener

Stainless Stocks List

Stainless Stocks List is a list of public traded Stainless companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Stainless Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ATI Allegheny Technologies Incorporated 61.84 62.08 60.82 61.04 1.29M -0.31%
CIX CompX International Inc 25.32 25.71 24.81 25.71 6.5K 2.84%
CLF Cliffs Natural Resources Inc 11.50 11.60 11.16 11.48 14.74M 0.79%
CPS Cooper Std Hld Inc 14.03 14.09 12.77 13.51 989.1K -9.27%
CRS Carpenter Technology Corporation 184.64 190.74 180.17 188.44 974.2K 2.88%
HUDI Huadi International Group Co Ltd 1.62 1.74 1.58 1.58 20.5K -2.47%
IEX IDEX Corporation 194.05 197.99 193.69 195.21 644K 1.13%
LEG Leggett & Platt, Inc 10.77 11.47 10.40 10.45 3.41M 4.50%
MIDD The Middleby Corporation 167.00 170.50 166.54 168.33 636.8K 0.80%
MLI Mueller Industries, Inc 80.84 82.49 80.56 81.28 880.9K 0.82%
MRC Mrc Global Inc 13.10 13.48 13.10 13.46 756.3K 2.83%
NL NL Industries, Inc 7.21 7.34 6.85 7.22 27.1K 0.14%
RAIL FreightCar America, Inc 11.81 11.90 11.01 11.17 227.9K -6.29%
RS Reliance Steel & Aluminum 292.94 298.99 292.42 297.69 513.3K 2.21%
RYI Ryerson Holding Corp 22.03 22.24 21.62 21.96 166.2K 0.73%
SPLP Steel Partners Hlds 42.25 42.25 41.53 41.53 1K -1.12%
STLD Steel Dynamics, Inc 133.31 136.23 132.82 135.83 1.61M 2.22%
TOMZ Tomi Environmental Solutions Inc 0.98 1.02 0.95 0.97 65.8K -2.02%
VHI Valhi, Inc 19.18 20.05 19.18 19.63 8.8K 1.08%
WNC Wabash National Corporation 12.60 13.16 12.35 12.40 987.1K 0.00%
WTS Watts Water Technologies, Inc 220.24 222.22 213.72 213.87 225K -2.82%
ZEUS Olympic Steel, Inc 35.40 36.01 34.37 35.35 64.3K 1.14%
ZKIN Zk International Group CO Ltd 2.03 2.06 1.93 1.98 28.6K -1.98%

Stainless Steel Stocks

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