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Shipping Stocks List

Shipping Stocks List is a list of public traded Shipping companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Shipping Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AMRK A-Mark Precious Meta 28.50 30.17 26.15 28.58 786.6K 0.99%
AMZN Amazon 232.50 234.81 228.06 229.15 77.41M -4.05%
ARCB Arcbest Corp 93.87 95.67 91.00 91.17 268.9K -3.01%
BBSI Barrett Business Services, Inc 43.17 43.63 42.38 42.38 70.4K -2.06%
BLFS Biolife Solutions 26.10 26.62 25.25 26.10 297.7K -0.34%
BSET Bassett Furniture Industries Inc 13.90 14.32 13.82 14.15 6.9K 1.36%
CARR Carrier Global Corp [Carr/I] 65.24 65.65 63.54 64.17 7.05M -1.59%
CYRX Cryoport Inc 6.96 7.03 6.63 6.81 206.3K -2.85%
ETSY Etsy Inc 55.59 55.75 54.27 54.40 2.18M -1.91%
EXPD Expeditors International of Washington 110.50 111.43 110.26 110.39 1.06M -0.30%
FF First Opportunity Fund, Inc 5.06 5.07 4.93 4.95 174.7K -1.98%
FTAI Fortress Transportation & Infra 119.32 119.67 109.86 112.84 2.28M -5.02%
GNK Genco Shipping & Trading Limited 14.54 14.61 14.29 14.39 335.5K -0.90%
HEES H&E Equipment Services, Inc 88.14 88.33 87.31 87.40 573.1K -0.88%
HUBG Hub Group, Inc 42.00 43.49 41.15 41.45 1.31M -4.23%
MOV Movado Group, Inc 19.59 19.59 19.10 19.31 170.3K -0.82%
MYE Myers Industries, Inc 12.20 12.20 11.95 12.06 190.1K -1.71%
NFE New Fortress Energy Llc 12.29 12.82 12.13 12.26 6.45M -2.47%
ODP Office Depot, Inc 21.46 21.50 20.52 20.56 337.1K -4.77%
OGI Organigram Hlds Inc 1.67 1.73 1.61 1.68 1.25M 1.20%
OTTR Otter Tail Corporation 79.03 79.50 77.61 77.68 254.1K -1.73%
PACK Ranpak Holdings Corp 7.70 7.78 7.50 7.55 326.8K -2.96%
PBI Pitney Bowes Inc 8.64 8.71 8.43 8.62 1.52M -0.46%
PKG Packaging Corporation of America 213.18 213.18 209.09 210.22 663.7K -0.99%
SCSC ScanSource, Inc 38.61 39.39 37.80 38.02 210.4K -1.96%
SEB Seaboard Corporation 2503.86 2534.03 2482.00 2529.09 3.1K 1.36%
SEE Sealed Air Corp 34.52 34.52 33.80 34.06 1M -1.50%
SGBX Sg Blocks Inc 0.95 0.97 0.64 0.64 5.55M -44.83%
SNDR Schneider National Inc 29.63 29.63 28.56 28.65 681.9K -3.05%
UFPI Universal Forest Products, Inc 117.05 117.13 114.80 115.62 242.7K -1.12%
UPS United Parcel Service, Inc 113.87 113.96 112.62 113.11 4.82M -0.32%
UVV Universal Corporation 52.53 53.16 52.34 52.66 98.7K -0.06%
VERB Verb Technology Company Inc 5.73 5.79 5.64 5.69 8.7K -1.90%
WNS WNS (Holdings) Limited (ADR) 59.90 60.55 58.87 60.33 671.3K 0.75%

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