Stock Screener

Securities Stocks List

Securities Stocks List is a list of public traded Securities companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Securities Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ABR Arbor Realty Trust, Inc 14.10 14.34 14.06 14.31 1.64M 2.21%
ACR ACRES Commercial Realty Corp 17.60 17.60 17.36 17.37 10K -1.42%
ACRE Ares Commercial Real Estate Cor 7.00 7.10 7.00 7.06 250.3K 1.15%
ACV Alberto-Culver Company 23.05 23.26 22.97 23.20 27.6K 0.74%
AFB AllianceBernstein Natnl Muncpl Incm Fnd 11.42 11.42 11.36 11.40 53.2K -0.09%
AGM Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp 213.31 214.10 211.79 213.80 39K 0.46%
AGNC American Capital Agency Corp 9.60 9.72 9.60 9.71 15.31M 1.68%
ALLY Ally Financial 38.60 38.75 37.81 38.55 3.37M 0.47%
AMTB Mercantil Bank Holding Cl A 25.48 25.78 25.23 25.61 259.5K 1.67%
APO American Community Properties Trust 176.77 178.11 174.17 177.85 3.79M 1.21%
ARDC Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation 15.40 15.48 15.27 15.30 58.2K -0.65%
ARR ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. 19.09 19.39 19.06 19.31 1.76M 1.69%
AUB Atlantic Union Bancshares Corp 42.45 42.45 41.81 42.17 52.9K -1.43%
AVK Advent Claymore Convertible Sec & Inc Fd 12.33 12.36 12.29 12.34 175.5K 0.24%
AWF AllianceBernstein Global Hgh Incm Fd Inc 10.99 11.00 10.93 10.94 244.6K -0.36%
AX Axos Financial Inc 81.00 81.08 79.34 80.85 251.2K 0.94%
BAC Bank of America Corporation 47.06 47.06 46.40 46.75 26.87M -0.53%
BANC First Pactrust Bancorp 17.11 17.13 16.88 17.06 1.34M 0.77%
BBN Blackrock Build America Bond Trust 17.16 17.20 17.09 17.17 119K 0.47%
BCO The Brinks Company 94.47 95.52 93.76 94.63 216.1K 1.14%
BCSF Bain Capital Specialty Finance Inc 16.96 17.02 16.86 16.92 203.1K 0.06%
BCV Bancroft Fund Ltd 18.47 18.49 18.40 18.43 17.2K 0.16%
BGH Buckeye GP Holdings L 16.25 16.34 16.22 16.24 79.7K 0.19%
BGX Blackstone Gso Long Short Credit Fund 13.09 13.12 12.99 13.00 69.8K -0.31%
BHK BlackRock Core Bond Trust 11.21 11.36 11.19 11.20 156.6K -0.09%
BK The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 81.33 81.69 80.07 80.51 2.51M -1.20%
BKT BlackRock Income Trust 12.14 12.24 12.12 12.13 56.3K -0.08%
BLK BlackRock, Inc 1044.42 1053.23 1038.35 1042.87 550.1K -0.18%
BLW BlackRock Ltd 14.42 14.42 14.36 14.42 101.8K 0.42%
BOE BlackRock Global Opportunities Equity Tr 11.40 11.43 11.29 11.35 179.1K 0.18%
BOKF BOK Financial Corporation 118.50 119.10 116.95 118.38 147.8K 0.49%
BR Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc 236.29 237.96 235.37 235.43 389.4K -0.20%
BRKL Brookline Bancorp, Inc 12.76 12.76 12.48 12.62 479.4K 0.08%
BSBK Bogota Financial Corp 8.23 8.23 8.11 8.22 1.6K 1.36%
BSL BSL - Google Finance Search& 14.62 14.69 14.60 14.62 103.6K 0.00%
BTZ AUTHENTEC INC 11.03 11.05 10.99 11.02 262.2K -0.09%
BX The Blackstone Group L 187.53 188.95 186.65 187.00 2.36M -0.11%
BYFC Broadway Financial Corporation 7.01 7.16 7.01 7.01 4.9K 0.00%
C Citigroup Inc 72.31 72.60 71.71 72.15 8.78M -0.11%
CATY Cathay General Bancorp 51.38 51.68 50.70 51.44 339.6K 0.98%
CBSH Commerce Bancshares, Inc 69.26 69.44 68.46 68.75 408.4K 0.01%
CCBG Capital City Bank Group, Inc 39.64 39.64 38.98 39.25 19.3K -0.76%
CCD Calams Dy Cnv IN 23.71 23.78 23.55 23.70 39.7K -0.42%
CET Central Securities Corp 47.47 47.48 47.17 47.31 34.2K 0.13%
CEV Eaton Vance California Mun 10.68 10.70 10.67 10.67 5.1K 0.28%
CFB Crossfirst Bankshares Inc 17.55 17.58 17.25 17.40 12.6K -0.46%
CFFN Capitol Federal Financial 6.68 6.70 6.58 6.69 416.8K 0.90%
CFR Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc 139.39 139.52 137.55 138.26 242.4K 0.03%
CGO Calamos Global Total Return Fund 11.95 12.10 11.95 12.06 22.4K 1.01%
CHI Calamos Conv 12.03 12.07 11.91 11.91 142.4K -1.00%
CHMG Chemung Financial Cp 54.75 55.73 54.74 55.10 19.1K 0.84%
CHMI Cherry Hill Mortgage Investmen 2.64 2.69 2.64 2.69 353.6K 1.89%
CHW Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund 7.22 7.25 7.22 7.23 71.6K 0.28%
CHY Calamos Convertible & Hi Income Fund 12.08 12.20 12.08 12.15 92.8K -0.08%
CII BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fd 20.42 20.43 20.30 20.38 68.5K 0.20%
CIM Chimera Investment Corporation 14.71 14.88 14.64 14.71 526.5K 0.34%
CIVB Civista Bncshrs 23.00 23.00 22.41 22.61 29.5K -1.44%
CMA Comerica Incorporated 69.80 70.24 68.89 69.38 1.58M -0.77%
CNS Cohen & Steers, Inc 102.16 102.57 100.52 100.60 105K -0.61%
COHN Cohen and Co Inc. 11.25 11.25 10.51 10.83 4.3K 1.12%
CSQ Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund 18.50 18.52 18.37 18.44 159.5K 0.44%
CSWC Capital Southwest Corporation 23.05 23.07 22.60 22.92 1.46M 0.09%
CTBI Community Trust Bancorp, Inc 59.29 59.29 57.99 58.40 32K -0.78%
CZWI Citizens Community Bancorp Inc 17.03 17.03 16.70 16.85 16K -0.65%
DBL Doubleline Opportunistic Credi 15.57 15.60 15.53 15.59 37.6K 0.19%
DFP Delphi Financial Group, Inc 20.73 20.73 20.53 20.68 50.1K 0.10%
DHF Dreyfus High Yield Strategies Fund 2.64 2.64 2.62 2.63 117K -0.75%
DHY Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund (ETF) 2.22 2.23 2.20 2.23 405.6K 1.36%
DMB Dreyfus Municipal Bond Infrastr 11.04 11.05 10.96 11.02 41.3K 0.09%
DMO Western Asset Mrtg Defined Oppn Fund Inc 12.05 12.09 12.01 12.05 53.3K 0.17%
DSL Doubleline Income Solutions Fun 12.96 13.00 12.94 12.98 510.3K 0.70%
DSS Document Security Systems 0.86 1.08 0.86 1.04 92.2K 13.04%
DX Dynex Capital, Inc 12.63 12.72 12.57 12.64 2.68M 0.64%
EAD Evergreen Income Adv 7.05 7.07 7.04 7.06 121.1K 0.28%
EARN Ellington Residential Mortgage 6.82 6.90 6.79 6.85 509.6K 1.33%
EBTC Enterprise Bancorp, Inc 36.84 36.84 35.80 36.45 8.7K 0.00%
ECF Ellsworth Fund Limited 9.90 9.90 9.86 9.90 41.7K 0.30%
EDF CITIGROUP FDG 5.11 5.14 5.07 5.12 165.5K 0.79%
EFC Ellington Financial LLC Common Shares representing Limitied Liability Company Interests, no par valu 12.14 12.29 12.14 12.27 622.7K 0.90%
EFT Eaton Vance Floating-Rate Income Trust 13.50 13.50 13.41 13.47 47.5K 0.07%
EGF BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund, Inc 10.15 10.15 9.91 9.91 2.2K -1.78%
EHI Western Asset Global High Income Fnd Inc 6.88 6.89 6.83 6.84 77K -0.29%
EMD Wstrn Asst Emrgng Mrkts Incm Fnd Inc 10.12 10.15 10.06 10.13 124.6K 0.60%
EMO Entergy Mississippi, Inc 49.37 49.81 48.72 49.06 60.4K -0.12%
EOI Eaton Vance Enhanced Equity Income Fund 21.81 22.07 21.70 21.74 73.8K -0.32%
ERC Evergreen Multi-Sector Income Fund 9.19 9.21 9.16 9.16 54.8K 0.00%
ERH Evergreen Utilities and High Income Fund 11.07 11.13 11.07 11.07 18.5K -0.54%
EVF Eaton Vance Senior Income Trust 6.23 6.25 6.22 6.24 49.8K 0.00%
EVG Eaton Vance Short Duration Diversified I 11.29 11.32 11.23 11.29 18.2K 0.00%
EVV Eaton Vance Limited Duration Income Fund 10.35 10.39 10.32 10.34 195.9K 0.19%
FCN FTI Consulting, Inc 200.37 201.59 197.13 198.00 197.3K -0.96%
FFC Flaherty & Crumrine/Claymore Preferred S 16.05 16.11 16.00 16.04 156.5K 0.06%
FFIC Flushing Financial Corporation 17.47 17.47 16.95 17.19 151.7K -1.72%
FFIN First Financial Bankshares, Inc 41.35 41.36 40.78 40.91 247.3K -0.07%
FGB First Trust Spclty Fin & Fncl Opptnts Fd 4.30 4.30 4.25 4.25 11.6K -1.16%
FGBI First Gurty Banc 14.60 14.80 14.11 14.13 17.5K -3.22%
FHI First Trust Strategic High Income 43.30 43.30 42.70 42.79 572K -1.20%
FHN First Horizon National Corporation 20.70 20.79 20.25 20.69 5.83M 0.44%
FIS Fidelity National Information Services 85.86 85.86 84.07 85.34 4.35M -0.18%
FLC Flaherty & Crumrine/Claymore Total Retur 16.83 16.95 16.81 16.88 48.4K -0.30%
FLIC The First of Long Island Corporation 14.35 14.35 14.10 14.21 43.2K -0.21%
FMNB Farmers Natl Banc Cp 15.86 15.87 15.51 15.64 58.6K -0.64%
FMY First Trust/FIDAC Mortgage Income Fund 12.12 12.17 12.12 12.17 1.1K 1.08%
FNB F 16.61 16.64 16.37 16.55 1.7M 0.06%
FOF Cohen & Steers Clsd-End Optuny Fnd, Inc 13.32 13.32 13.23 13.24 55.5K -0.23%
FPF First Trust Intermediate Durat 18.70 18.71 18.60 18.68 124K 0.11%
FRA BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strat 14.18 14.37 14.10 14.31 355K 1.42%
FSK FS KKR Capital Corp 21.39 21.58 21.36 21.54 1.59M 1.13%
FTF Franklin Templeton Limited Duration Income Trust 6.70 6.74 6.67 6.71 153.9K 0.60%
FULT Fulton Financial Corp 21.34 21.34 20.96 21.24 583.7K 0.38%
GAB Gabelli Equity Trust Inc 5.82 5.83 5.80 5.83 431.6K 0.17%
GAIN Gladstone Investment Corporation 13.55 13.77 13.55 13.73 97.6K 0.81%
GBAB Guggenheim Build America Bonds Managed Duration Trust Common Shares of Beneficial Interest 15.95 16.00 15.81 15.92 212.3K 0.13%
GCV Gabelli Convertible & Income Securities 4.12 4.12 4.06 4.07 41.8K -1.21%
GDL The Gabelli Global Deal Fund 8.08 8.14 8.08 8.11 1.3K 0.50%
GDO Western Asset Global Corporate Defined Opportunity Fund Inc. Western Asset Global Corporate Defined Opportunity Fund Inc. 11.84 11.84 11.76 11.83 54.1K 0.77%
GGN Gabelli Global Gold, Natural Resources & Income Trust (The) 4.08 4.09 4.06 4.07 482K -0.25%
GGT Gabelli Global Multimedia Trust Inc 5.08 5.13 5.05 5.12 173.9K 1.59%
GLO Clough Global Opportunities Fund 5.34 5.38 5.34 5.38 59.6K 0.75%
GLU Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust (The) 16.66 16.66 16.39 16.40 25.2K -0.73%
GLV Clough Global Allocation Fund 5.72 5.75 5.72 5.73 19.1K 0.00%
GNT Gabelli Natural Resources Gold 5.78 5.85 5.77 5.83 19.2K 1.39%
GOF Claymore/Guggenheim Strt Opp 15.99 15.99 15.95 15.99 610.3K 0.25%
GS Goldman Sachs Group, Inc 597.16 600.00 594.37 599.68 1.4M 0.48%
HBCP Home Bancorp, Inc 49.43 50.14 49.11 50.14 11.3K 0.93%
HDB HDFC Bank Limited (ADR) 67.34 67.45 66.60 67.31 1.91M -0.59%
HFRO Highland Floating Rate Opportunities Fund 5.76 5.79 5.76 5.79 175.2K 0.00%
HIX Western Asset High Income Fund II Inc 4.51 4.54 4.50 4.53 600.5K 0.22%
HLI Houlihan Lokey 186.51 186.98 183.54 184.30 322.1K -0.54%
HPF John Hancock Pref 17.35 17.35 17.22 17.35 45K 0.23%
HPI John Hancock Preferred Income Fund 17.47 17.47 17.40 17.42 43.1K -0.40%
HPS John Hancock Preferred Income Fund III 15.77 15.78 15.61 15.64 61.5K -0.32%
HTGC Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc 18.98 19.58 18.95 19.51 1.17M 3.17%
HTH Hilltop Holdings Inc 31.67 31.85 31.27 31.83 185.3K 1.60%
HYB New America High Income Fund Inc 8.35 8.35 8.31 8.31 27.6K 0.00%
HYI High Yield Income Fund 12.21 12.22 12.18 12.22 39.2K 0.33%
HYT BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund VI, 9.97 9.97 9.92 9.93 395.4K 0.00%
IAE ING Asia Pacific High Divid Eq Inco Fund 6.20 6.25 6.20 6.21 22K 0.16%
IBKR Interactive Brokers Group, Inc 186.78 187.29 184.22 186.96 964.6K 0.03%
IBN ICICI Bank Limited (ADR) 31.42 31.47 31.08 31.25 4.49M -2.04%
IBOC International Bancshares Corporation 72.22 72.30 71.10 71.95 128.4K 0.33%
ICE IntercontinentalExchange, Inc 157.09 157.64 155.52 155.93 3.27M -0.28%
IDE IDE - Google Finance Search& 10.85 10.93 10.75 10.79 89.6K -0.55%
IGD ING Global Equity Divid&Prem Opp-(ETF) 5.60 5.61 5.58 5.61 144.9K 0.00%
IGI IGI - Google Finance Search& 16.87 16.94 16.84 16.88 43.6K 0.06%
IHD VOYA Emerging Markets High Dividend 5.21 5.21 5.19 5.20 26K 0.19%
IIM Morgan Stanley Insured Municipal Income 12.58 12.59 12.50 12.55 172.2K 0.00%
INBK First Internet Bcp 41.78 42.01 40.83 41.61 12K 0.90%
INDB Independent Bank Corp 72.17 72.55 70.63 71.77 117K 0.48%
INSI Insight Select Income Fund 17.64 17.65 17.57 17.61 18K -0.23%

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