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Robotics Stocks List

Robotics Stocks List is a list of public traded Robotics companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Robotics Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AIT Applied Industrial Technologies 277.75 278.57 274.08 275.01 122.4K -0.99%
AMBA Ambarella Inc 71.15 71.38 68.84 69.32 545.1K -2.48%
AXTI AXT, Inc 2.18 2.18 2.03 2.05 260.6K -5.09%
BOXL Boxlight Corp Cl A 0.40 0.46 0.40 0.42 64.1K 5.00%
CEVA CEVA, Inc 30.83 31.10 29.91 29.96 155.5K -2.95%
GPC Genuine Parts Company 125.87 126.16 123.86 124.62 1.14M -1.01%
HLX Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc 10.57 10.69 10.48 10.49 665.9K -1.22%
KVHI KVH Industries, Inc 5.80 5.94 5.73 5.84 25.9K 0.34%
MBOT Microbot Medical Inc 0.97 1.00 0.93 0.95 171K -4.04%
MYO Myomo Inc 5.49 6.37 5.42 5.95 2.11M 11.21%
NVDA NVIDIA Corporation 145.11 146.54 143.95 145.06 171.91M -0.06%
OII Oceaneering International 28.78 28.85 28.03 28.36 889.6K -1.29%
OUST Ouster Inc 8.89 9.26 8.74 8.94 860.8K 0.45%
RGP Resources Connection Inc 8.50 8.60 8.47 8.50 266.3K 0.24%
SPXC SPX Corp 175.47 175.47 169.72 169.89 232K -3.58%
TISI Team, Inc 15.87 16.73 15.85 16.14 15K 1.64%

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