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Renewable Energy Stocks List

Renewable Energy Stocks List is a list of public traded Renewable Energy companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Renewable Energy Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AGR AB Svensk Ekportkredit (Swedish Export Credit Corporation) Accelerated Return Notes Linked to the Russell 2000 Index 35.49 35.61 35.49 35.58 422.8K 0.25%
AGX Argan, Inc 148.96 153.16 148.12 148.82 380.9K -0.11%
ALE ALLETE, Inc 64.75 64.80 64.64 64.76 257.3K 0.02%
ALEX Alexander & Baldwin, Inc 19.48 19.55 19.38 19.42 296.5K -0.72%
AMRC Ameresco Inc 27.97 28.54 27.18 27.30 240.8K -1.94%
AMSC American Superconductor Corporation 36.05 37.90 34.55 34.89 1.85M -0.97%
ATNI Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc 19.45 19.45 18.66 19.23 88.5K -0.72%
BK The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 80.27 82.18 80.24 81.49 2.83M 1.62%
CHX Championx Corp 30.17 30.32 29.83 29.99 135.9K -0.86%
CLSK Cleanspark Inc 15.43 16.25 13.87 13.93 48.69M -5.11%
CMS CMS Energy Corporation 67.41 68.05 67.28 67.38 3.65M -0.18%
CWEN Clearway Energy Inc Cl C 28.31 28.72 28.18 28.62 586.9K 0.88%
DUK Duke Energy Corporation 113.21 114.40 113.00 114.01 2.18M 0.64%
EOSE Eos Energy Enterprises Inc 2.98 3.05 2.90 2.98 1.83M -4.79%
ESE ESCO Technologies Inc 145.90 146.21 144.09 144.54 70.6K -1.20%
EXC Exelon Corporation 37.94 38.24 37.82 37.98 4.65M 0.34%
GE General Electric Company 180.33 180.77 172.71 172.91 7.37M -5.33%
GPRE Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc 10.48 10.49 10.18 10.39 1.01M -0.57%
HASI Hannon Armstrong Sustainable IN 31.14 31.35 30.90 30.95 822.2K 0.10%
HE Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc 10.29 10.39 10.16 10.37 2.08M 1.37%
HLX Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc 10.57 10.69 10.48 10.49 665.9K -1.22%
KKR KKR & Co. L.P. 157.39 159.38 156.84 157.04 3.68M -0.36%
MDU MDU Resources Group, Inc 19.68 19.84 19.40 19.47 1.34M -1.52%
MG Mistras Group, Inc. 9.32 9.32 9.13 9.15 85.8K -1.61%
MGEE MGE Energy, Inc 102.60 103.21 100.61 100.92 107.8K -1.77%
MNTK Montauk Renewables Inc 4.01 4.07 3.90 3.90 29.1K -3.70%
MTZ MasTec, Inc 143.23 143.23 140.38 141.27 832.6K -1.26%
MYRG MYR Group Inc 163.22 167.32 161.20 166.56 194.7K 1.55%
NOV National-Oilwell Varco, Inc 15.90 16.04 15.62 15.64 2.42M -1.26%
NR Newpark Resources, Inc 8.02 8.03 7.67 7.85 579K -1.63%
OII Oceaneering International 28.78 28.85 28.03 28.36 889.6K -1.29%
OPTT Ocean Power Technologies, Inc 0.38 0.40 0.36 0.37 18.26M -9.76%
PLPC Preformed Line Products Company 132.00 136.29 132.00 135.22 11.2K -1.01%
POLA Polar Power Inc 2.95 3.04 2.91 3.01 15.1K 1.35%
PW Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railroad 2.18 2.59 1.98 2.27 1.76M 3.18%
ROCK Gibraltar Industries, Inc 72.00 72.18 70.58 70.66 108.2K -1.87%
RSG Republic Services, Inc 215.08 215.87 213.51 215.48 1.02M -0.03%
SO The Southern Company 85.90 86.65 85.89 86.19 3.01M 0.40%
SRCE 1st Source Corporation 65.09 65.41 64.29 64.45 44.6K -0.88%
STEM StemCells, Inc 0.39 0.41 0.37 0.38 5.55M -5.00%
TG Tredegar Corporation 7.62 7.70 7.50 7.66 82K 0.00%
TITN Titan Machinery Inc 15.20 15.29 14.87 15.00 144.4K -1.38%
VMI Valmont Industries, Inc 350.77 351.35 344.64 345.42 76.4K -1.24%
WEC Wisconsin Energy Corporation 98.29 98.65 97.53 97.72 956.7K -0.64%

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