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Publishing Stocks List

Publishing Stocks List is a list of public traded Publishing companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Publishing Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
CARG Cargurus Inc Cl A 28.22 28.43 27.16 27.23 594.7K -3.68%
DJCO Daily Journal Corporation 486.76 488.75 460.20 460.20 7.3K -5.45%
DNB The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation 11.86 11.93 11.66 11.69 628.4K -1.10%
EDUC Educational Development Corporation 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 267 -0.50%
ENV Envestnet, Inc. 62.84 62.88 62.65 62.75 145.5K -0.16%
FDS FactSet Research Systems Inc 427.76 430.53 421.57 424.03 226.2K -0.70%
GCI Gannett Co 4.70 4.78 4.51 4.57 2.21M -4.59%
LEE Lee Enterprises, Incorporated 7.98 8.19 7.68 7.68 15.6K -5.07%
MCO Moodys Corporation 484.55 486.87 473.92 475.44 684.5K -1.74%
MORN Morningstar, Inc 311.43 312.48 303.36 304.72 49.7K -2.31%
MSCI MSCI Inc. 567.22 572.42 557.80 559.85 414K -1.89%
NWS News Corporation 28.05 28.31 27.55 27.65 1.3M -1.43%
NWSA News Corporation 27.00 27.18 26.46 26.57 2.96M -1.34%
NYT The New York Times Company 54.29 54.90 52.81 52.99 935.8K -2.05%
PSO Pearson PLC (ADR) 14.18 14.20 14.00 14.02 313.4K -0.21%
SCHL Scholastic Corporation 31.69 31.69 30.91 31.05 136.5K -1.68%
SPGI S&P Global Inc 517.09 521.50 510.12 510.64 970.3K -1.23%
TRI Thomson Reuters Corporation (USA) 168.28 169.18 165.49 166.24 183K -1.05%
VALU Value Line, Inc 41.60 42.81 41.55 42.81 12.8K 3.36%
YELP Yelp Inc 34.50 34.54 33.90 34.05 428.8K -0.70%

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