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Plastics Stocks List

Plastics Stocks List is a list of public traded Plastics companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Plastics Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ALB Albemarle Corporation 78.00 79.76 76.77 78.41 2.24M 1.96%
AREB American Rebel Holdings Inc 0.48 0.52 0.47 0.52 194.6K 10.64%
ASIX Advansix Inc 26.95 27.58 26.73 27.56 125.3K 2.11%
AVNT Avient Corp 45.09 45.40 44.61 44.63 439.4K -1.13%
AZEK The Azek Company Inc Cl A 41.22 41.68 40.83 41.00 1.95M -0.15%
BAK Braskem SA (ADR) 6.64 6.68 6.48 6.53 686.6K -3.97%
CSL Carlisle Companies, Inc 404.61 406.57 395.01 395.08 483.5K -1.55%
DD E 79.60 80.79 79.46 79.56 3M 0.67%
EMN Eastman Chemical Company 97.47 98.94 97.37 98.01 1.27M 0.86%
HUN Huntsman Corporation 21.45 21.61 21.27 21.50 2.53M 0.00%
HXL Hexcel Corporation 59.82 60.86 59.40 60.47 643K 1.90%
NTIC Northern Technologies International Corp 12.61 12.62 12.10 12.22 18.7K -2.24%
ROG Rogers Corporation 98.47 99.68 97.65 98.09 115K -1.01%
TSE Trinseo S.A. 3.72 3.72 3.22 3.25 488.4K -14.02%
WMS WMS Industries Inc 140.73 142.53 139.97 140.18 500.9K 0.07%

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