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Petrochemical Stocks List

Petrochemical Stocks List is a list of public traded Petrochemical companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Petrochemical Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AGX Argan, Inc 154.76 158.05 148.39 150.44 219.5K -2.40%
AIT Applied Industrial Technologies 273.90 276.97 271.47 271.62 241.3K -0.83%
AME AMETEK, Inc 193.56 196.70 192.41 195.42 1.43M 0.73%
AZZ AZZ Incorporated 85.83 86.00 83.36 84.04 247K -0.69%
BOOM Dynamic Materials Corporation 8.71 8.71 8.14 8.14 421.1K -6.54%
BW Brush Engineered Material 2.15 2.16 1.71 1.81 4.51M -28.46%
CLIR Clearsign Combustion 0.93 0.99 0.91 0.94 228.6K 0.00%
CVX Chevron Corporation 156.07 159.02 154.53 158.72 8.81M 2.21%
DNOW Now Inc 14.96 15.06 14.66 14.86 669.7K -0.34%
DXPE DXP Enterprises, Inc 70.38 71.17 69.16 69.66 112.6K -0.41%
ECL Ecolab Inc 248.38 250.14 247.86 249.90 998.1K 0.64%
EME EMCOR Group, Inc 515.00 517.00 498.61 500.36 454.7K -2.67%
EPD Enterprise Products Partners L 30.38 30.42 30.18 30.39 4.87M -0.13%
FLR Fluor Corporation (NEW) 48.55 50.66 48.43 50.33 3.49M 3.77%
GENC Gencor Industries, Inc 22.34 22.37 21.58 21.58 32.4K -1.05%
GHM Graham Corporation 41.11 42.65 41.10 41.59 90.1K 2.14%
GIFI Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc 6.82 7.14 6.76 7.13 75K 3.48%
GPC Genuine Parts Company 122.39 124.48 122.10 123.68 1.44M 0.80%
HRI Herc Holdings Inc 225.30 227.80 219.56 222.17 362.4K -1.03%
IMO Imperial Oil Limited (USA) 72.47 73.08 70.93 72.91 320.5K 0.08%
KBR KBR, Inc 71.78 72.11 69.94 69.97 1.35M -2.15%
KEX Kirby Corporation 130.00 130.52 128.47 128.48 381.9K -1.31%
KMT Kennametal Inc 29.49 29.84 29.24 29.36 1.09M 0.10%
LAKE Lakeland Industries, Inc 20.62 20.62 19.44 19.66 60.4K -3.77%
LQDT Liquidity Services, Inc 25.64 25.79 25.17 25.27 152.3K -0.75%
MEG Media General, Inc 22.15 23.11 21.69 22.00 657.2K 0.18%
MEOH Methanex Corporation (USA) 42.23 42.66 42.03 42.29 108.4K -0.09%
MMLP Martin Midstream Partners L 3.96 3.99 3.96 3.97 139.7K 0.25%
MSA Mine Safety Appliances 175.88 179.91 175.88 176.91 215.2K 0.74%
MTRX Matrix Service Company 12.90 13.24 12.74 13.13 145.7K 2.58%
MTW Manitowoc Company, Inc 10.82 11.12 10.57 10.57 319.3K -1.77%
NGL Ngl Energy Partners LP 4.01 4.37 3.84 4.33 816.7K 4.84%
NPO EnPro Industries, Inc 164.00 166.09 162.36 162.67 58K -0.35%
NR Newpark Resources, Inc 7.48 7.49 7.26 7.28 520.8K -2.02%
OFLX Omega Flex, Inc 54.31 54.80 53.25 53.25 11.1K -0.17%
OII Oceaneering International 28.43 28.51 27.79 27.83 471.6K -1.66%
OKE ONEOK, Inc 108.45 108.83 107.46 108.17 4.36M 0.32%
PBF PBF Energy Inc 30.11 30.51 29.40 30.34 1.6M 0.76%
POWL Powell Industries, Inc 344.90 346.28 316.07 317.23 455.3K -7.74%
PRIM Primoris Services Corp 80.70 81.76 78.95 79.20 1.18M -1.02%
RRC Range Resources Corp 34.12 34.27 33.63 33.91 1.88M -0.53%
SPGI S&P Global Inc 503.85 515.80 503.54 510.29 1.1M 1.35%
SU Suncor Energy Inc 39.79 39.98 38.72 39.60 9.3M 3.91%
THR Thermon Group Holdings Inc 29.85 30.70 29.58 29.89 217K 1.46%
TISI Team, Inc 15.37 16.89 13.78 14.27 108.1K -7.16%
TRGP Targa Resources Investments Inc 194.29 194.80 191.74 193.00 1.46M -0.67%
VLO Valero Energy Corporation 137.82 139.99 135.86 139.56 1.99M 1.85%
X United States Steel Corporation 40.30 40.33 36.61 37.81 9.06M -5.55%
XOM Exxon Mobil Corporation 120.57 122.05 118.80 121.47 15.08M 0.93%

Petroleum Stocks

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