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4 Monthly Dividend Stocks

Peripheral Stocks List

Peripheral Stocks List is a list of public traded Peripheral companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Peripheral Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ALRN American Learning Corp 2.70 2.88 2.64 2.88 8K 5.11%
AMWL American Well Corp Cl A 7.94 8.27 7.94 8.21 15K 2.24%
ANGO AngioDynamics, Inc 7.34 7.46 7.18 7.42 444.7K 0.41%
APLT Applied Therapeutics Inc 5.17 5.37 5.00 5.21 1.41M 0.19%
ATHA Athira Pharma Inc 0.48 0.50 0.46 0.49 818.8K 0.00%
AVGR Avinger Inc 1.14 1.19 1.14 1.16 25K 1.75%
AXGN Axogen Inc 13.05 13.42 13.05 13.28 475.4K 0.84%
BBY Best Buy Co 96.07 97.72 94.83 97.60 3.06M 1.28%
BCRX BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc 7.68 7.77 7.55 7.73 1.38M 0.13%
BDX Becton, Dickinson and Co 234.15 234.97 229.31 233.69 1.23M -0.85%
BOXL Boxlight Corp Cl A 0.47 0.47 0.45 0.46 7.8K -2.13%
CARA Cara Therapeutics 0.28 0.30 0.27 0.29 294.7K 3.57%
CCCC C4 Therapeutics Inc 6.49 6.51 5.81 6.00 1.12M -7.98%
CNXN PC Connection Inc 69.47 70.11 67.83 69.94 76.7K 0.03%
CRSR Corsair Gaming Inc 5.72 5.85 5.59 5.81 622K 1.75%
DELL Dell Inc 107.15 108.90 105.55 108.80 9.7M 2.03%
HEAR Turtle Beach Corp 13.52 13.82 13.20 13.73 155.3K 1.55%
IART Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp 17.71 17.77 16.96 17.60 1.68M -0.68%
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc. 26.71 27.13 26.07 27.10 1.27M 2.03%
IRIX IRIDEX Corporation 1.95 2.03 1.93 2.03 10.2K 4.10%
ITGR Integer Holdings Corp 122.14 124.45 120.09 124.25 251.7K 0.89%
LLY Eli Lilly & Co 902.15 921.54 897.20 920.89 2.72M 2.18%
LMAT LeMaitre Vascular, Inc 85.81 87.47 84.10 86.75 65K 0.47%
MANH Manhattan Associates, Inc 259.00 268.90 256.12 268.12 415.4K 3.33%
MMSI Merit Medical Systems, Inc 96.30 97.40 95.30 97.15 283.6K 0.40%
MNOV MediciNova, Inc 1.92 1.96 1.91 1.96 48.9K 0.00%
MRVL Marvell Technology Group Ltd 72.87 75.15 70.95 74.89 14.52M 4.59%
NSSC NAPCO Security Technologies, Inc 36.72 37.46 35.60 36.58 495.2K 0.03%
NURO NeuroMetrix, Inc 3.86 3.99 3.86 3.99 13.1K 1.79%
PASG Passage Bio Inc 0.74 0.78 0.70 0.77 181.1K 0.00%
PEN Penumbra Inc 201.88 205.23 198.87 202.31 393.4K -0.89%
REZI Resideo Technologies Inc 17.81 18.30 17.56 18.15 839.5K 0.95%
SILK Silk Road Medical Inc 27.15 27.26 27.12 27.24 802.9K 0.18%
SNPS Synopsys, Inc 466.49 482.54 460.13 481.50 1.56M 3.44%
SNX SYNNEX Corporation 110.02 110.80 107.84 110.56 657.3K 0.34%
SONN Sonnet Biotherapeutics Holdings Inc 0.87 0.88 0.80 0.82 63K -1.20%
SONY Sony Group Corporation 92.96 93.84 92.28 93.77 488.3K 0.85%
SPSC SPS Commerce, Inc. 185.58 187.58 183.81 186.89 210.9K 0.54%
SRDX SurModics, Inc 39.51 39.79 39.22 39.23 156.6K -0.98%
SYNA Synaptics, Incorporated 70.84 72.32 68.32 72.20 360.6K 2.18%
TER Teradyne, Inc 125.78 131.86 124.36 131.51 2.59M 4.90%
TFX Teleflex Incorporated 245.52 245.52 240.09 244.53 232.8K -0.92%

Personal Care Stocks

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