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Payroll Stocks List

Payroll Stocks List is a list of public traded Payroll companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Payroll Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ATIF Atif Holdings Ltd 0.79 0.90 0.79 0.88 4.3K 10.00%
CBZ CBIZ, Inc 77.33 78.26 76.71 77.43 437.5K -0.59%
DNB The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation 12.08 12.27 12.02 12.22 4.03M 1.50%
EXPO Exponent, Inc 104.25 104.95 102.20 104.20 217.5K -0.54%
FC Franklin Covey Co 38.00 38.00 35.58 37.55 214.7K -14.83%
FCN FTI Consulting, Inc 202.37 206.85 200.39 204.88 226.2K 1.99%
HURN Huron Consulting Group 127.55 127.73 124.94 127.66 126.1K -0.37%
ICFI ICF International, Inc 170.14 173.80 168.36 168.75 179.2K -0.62%
LTBR Lightbridge Corporation 8.32 10.10 8.32 9.74 2.53M 17.35%
MARA Marathon Patent Grou 18.90 19.55 18.75 19.31 49.47M -0.05%
PAYX Paychex, Inc 147.36 147.52 145.70 146.56 1.59M -1.37%
RCMT RCM Technologies, Inc 22.62 23.45 22.62 23.04 50.8K 0.96%
REKR Rekor Systems Inc 1.12 1.15 1.11 1.12 792.7K -0.88%
RGP Resources Connection Inc 8.91 9.04 8.65 8.88 462.6K -0.78%
STN Stantec Inc 84.90 85.93 84.34 84.59 210K 0.34%

Pediatric Stocks

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