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Ophthalmic Stocks List

Ophthalmic Stocks List is a list of public traded Ophthalmic companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Ophthalmic Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ABBV Abbvie Inc 191.90 194.49 190.56 192.97 4.59M 0.64%
ALDX Aldeyra Therapeu 5.73 6.15 5.71 6.00 605.2K 5.08%
AMRX Amneal Pharmaceuticals Inc 7.98 8.08 7.86 7.97 1.38M -0.13%
ANIK Anika Therapeutics, Inc 17.96 18.11 17.77 17.79 51.6K -1.00%
CCM Concord Medical Services Holding Ltd. 4.88 5.00 4.88 5.00 700 7.53%
ENZ Enzo Biochem, Inc 0.57 0.60 0.57 0.58 134.5K -1.69%
ETON Eton Pharmaceutcials Inc 17.90 18.19 17.33 17.37 343.5K -4.82%
EYEN Eyenovia Inc 2.35 2.38 2.01 2.04 356.6K -14.29%
EYPT Eyepoint Pharmaceuticals Inc 7.81 7.82 6.60 6.62 1.7M -15.13%
GKOS Glaukos Corp 156.77 156.77 152.50 155.28 467.2K -1.16%
HROW Harrow Health Inc 32.30 32.97 30.90 31.04 330K 0.49%
IRIX IRIDEX Corporation 1.64 1.70 1.63 1.64 16K 0.00%
JNJ Johnson & Johnson 154.79 154.84 153.38 153.51 7.42M -0.76%
OCUL Ocular Therapeut 8.15 8.20 7.63 7.64 1.03M -6.03%
OPK Opko Health Inc 1.63 1.66 1.60 1.62 3.29M 0.62%
OTLK Outlook Therapeutics Inc 1.72 1.79 1.67 1.73 673.9K -1.70%
PGEN Precigen Inc 1.51 1.62 1.47 1.60 3.32M 7.38%
PVH Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation 82.08 82.08 78.91 79.18 1.39M -0.21%
STAA STAAR Surgical Company 23.79 23.79 22.63 22.83 388K -3.39%
TARS Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc 56.57 56.96 52.57 53.32 587.2K -6.36%
WST West Pharmaceutical Services Inc 335.20 335.20 327.20 330.47 404.6K -1.39%

Opioid Stocks

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