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Online Banking Stocks List

Online Banking Stocks List is a list of public traded Online Banking companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Online Banking Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ALRS Alerus Financial Corp 21.99 22.11 21.80 21.87 35.6K 0.18%
AMAL Amalgamated Bk 36.07 36.73 35.81 35.89 141.7K -0.06%
ASB AdvanSource Biomaterials Corporation 26.42 26.54 26.03 26.06 2.63M -0.19%
BHLB Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc 30.81 31.06 30.33 30.40 131.4K -0.82%
BPOP Popular, Inc 101.35 102.44 99.73 99.86 540.2K 0.04%
BRBS Blue Ridge Bankshare 3.45 3.53 3.43 3.45 161.4K 0.29%
CARE Carter Bank&Tr [Va] 18.87 19.15 18.75 19.08 62.4K 1.27%
CCB Coastal Financial Corp 76.94 78.16 76.68 77.11 40.9K 0.61%
CFFN Capitol Federal Financial 6.73 6.76 6.61 6.63 603.8K -0.90%
EQBK Equity Bncsrs Cm A 48.05 48.56 47.54 48.12 85.9K 0.19%
EWBC East West Bancorp, Inc 107.01 107.88 105.74 105.87 572K -0.65%
FCCO First Community Corporation 26.00 26.25 25.91 25.99 16.3K -0.19%
FMAO Farmers & Merch Banc 32.88 33.01 32.51 32.70 12.1K 0.09%
FNB F 16.81 16.86 16.51 16.54 1.6M -0.90%
FRST Primis Financial Corp 12.46 12.52 12.36 12.41 51.4K -0.40%
FULT Fulton Financial Corp 21.36 21.55 21.13 21.16 575K -0.66%
FVCB Fvcbankcorp Inc 14.46 14.46 13.54 13.81 10K -1.29%
HBCP Home Bancorp, Inc 50.25 50.25 49.32 49.68 13.6K -0.90%
HTH Hilltop Holdings Inc 31.60 31.99 31.30 31.33 140.7K -0.98%
HTLF Heartland Financial USA, Inc 69.36 69.76 67.19 67.32 243.8K -2.52%
LARK Landmark Bancorp, Inc 24.02 24.13 24.00 24.10 3.2K 0.42%
MCBS Metrocity Bankshares Inc 34.75 35.13 34.42 34.65 29.8K -0.35%
MPB Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc 31.93 32.35 31.34 31.39 38.7K -1.78%
NBN Northeast Bancorp/ME 101.98 103.76 101.86 102.45 51.8K 0.91%
NRIM Northrim BanCorp, Inc 86.38 88.38 86.03 86.03 16.4K -0.81%
ONB Old National Bancorp 23.16 23.44 23.03 23.12 2.25M -0.47%
OVLY Oak Valley Bancorp 31.30 31.81 31.09 31.51 20.8K 1.12%
PNFP Pinnacle Financial Partners 125.04 126.14 124.21 124.57 261.9K 0.06%
SSBI Summit State Bank 7.60 7.60 7.45 7.45 2.4K -1.72%
TCBI Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc 89.32 89.72 87.05 87.10 229.4K -2.13%
TFC Taiwan Greater China Fund 46.46 47.44 46.27 47.17 6.88M 2.06%
VBTX Veritex Holdings 30.34 30.81 30.21 30.32 315.9K 0.13%
VRT Vertiv Holdings Llc. 133.00 137.04 130.55 134.58 9.21M 2.83%
WNEB Western New England Bancorp Inc 9.44 9.45 9.35 9.37 26K -0.53%
WSBF Waterstone Financial, Inc 15.00 15.09 14.75 14.91 38K -1.00%

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