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Neurological Stocks List

Neurological Stocks List is a list of public traded Neurological companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Neurological Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AEI Alset EHome International Inc 1.20 1.20 1.03 1.06 230.8K -8.62%
BCLI Brainstorm Cell 1.82 1.86 1.76 1.86 30.6K 3.33%
BHVN Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd 42.17 42.82 41.22 41.43 480.3K -0.86%
BIIB Biogen Idec Inc 140.14 141.69 136.05 137.33 1.69M -0.81%
BTAI Bioxcel Therapeutics Inc 2.36 2.50 2.30 2.31 130.9K -2.94%
CLPT Clearpoint Neuro Inc 18.19 18.85 18.15 18.32 121.9K -0.33%
CPRX Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc 23.26 23.35 22.85 23.27 954.4K 0.04%
DMAC Diamedica Therapeutics Inc 6.21 6.37 6.15 6.29 61.4K 0.64%
EDIT Editas Medicine 1.24 1.48 1.24 1.38 8.92M 12.20%
EHC Encompass Health Corp 100.31 101.65 99.03 100.86 588.6K 0.72%
ENZ Enzo Biochem, Inc 0.50 0.57 0.50 0.55 163.7K 7.84%
GANX Gain Therapeutics Inc 2.61 2.78 2.55 2.73 256.4K 6.64%
HRMY Harmony Biosciences Holdings Inc 39.00 39.91 38.83 38.98 415.1K -0.26%
ITCI Intra-Cellular Ther 127.95 128.19 127.80 127.82 1.38M -0.19%
LCTX Lineage Cell Therapeutics Inc 0.69 0.70 0.66 0.69 799.4K 0.00%
MNOV MediciNova, Inc 1.87 2.04 1.87 1.97 65.5K 5.35%
MTNB Matinas Biopharma Hl 0.70 0.70 0.59 0.61 1.09M 1.67%
MYO Myomo Inc 6.28 6.30 6.13 6.22 98.8K -1.43%
NBIX Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc 116.87 116.97 113.79 115.02 1.48M -1.58%
NHC National HealthCare Corporation 104.21 104.54 102.56 102.76 61.1K -0.76%
OPCH Option Care Health Inc 31.94 32.05 31.43 31.46 1.12M -1.07%
OVID Ovid Therapeutics Inc 0.65 0.66 0.63 0.64 280.6K -1.54%
PRTC PureTech Health Plc 19.51 19.51 18.06 18.95 4.1K 0.00%
SEM Select Medical Holdings Corporation 18.75 18.88 18.55 18.65 492.2K -0.53%
TRVI Trevi Therapeutics Inc 4.04 4.13 3.93 4.07 682K 1.50%
USPH U 86.50 87.79 86.50 87.02 77.5K 0.60%
VYGR Voyager Therapeut 4.38 4.60 4.20 4.23 441.4K -3.42%
XENE Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc 39.34 39.84 38.46 38.91 411.2K -0.89%
XTNT XTENT, Inc 0.61 0.62 0.56 0.60 121.6K 0.00%

Neuroscience Stocks

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