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Microwave Stocks List

Microwave Stocks List is a list of public traded Microwave companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Microwave Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
A Agilent Technologies Inc 148.21 149.39 144.41 145.21 1.56M -1.65%
ADI Analog Devices, Inc 207.68 209.55 203.74 205.21 3.19M -1.26%
AMPG Amplitech Group Inc 2.25 2.37 2.25 2.32 730.1K 0.87%
ANGO AngioDynamics, Inc 11.05 11.16 11.00 11.04 342K -0.54%
AVNW Aviat Networks, Inc. 24.58 24.92 22.92 23.66 274.9K -3.70%
COMM Commscope Holding Company 5.14 5.20 4.96 5.05 3.23M -1.56%
DCO Ducommun Incorporated 66.69 67.03 66.08 66.36 53.4K -0.55%
EMKR EMCORE Corporation 3.03 3.05 3.01 3.03 74.3K 0.33%
FEIM Frequency Electronics, Inc 17.35 17.52 16.96 16.97 25.1K -2.75%
GLW Corning Incorporated 53.79 53.82 52.43 52.97 3.84M -1.27%
HEI HEICO Corporation 234.23 235.88 233.40 234.89 347.4K 1.07%
HRL Hormel Foods Corporation 29.28 29.28 28.82 29.20 3.77M 0.07%
KEYS Keysight Technologies Inc Comm 178.36 178.39 173.68 174.32 1.13M -1.84%
KTOS Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc 32.60 32.86 32.14 32.46 1.47M -0.25%
LGL The LGL Group, Inc 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 900 -2.07%
MIDD The Middleby Corporation 167.36 167.63 164.45 164.87 577.6K -1.34%
MKSI MKS Instruments, Inc 111.66 112.38 108.51 109.38 652.7K -2.29%
MRCY Mercury Computer Systems Inc 47.17 47.17 44.94 45.35 764.2K -4.20%
MSN Emerson Radio Corp 0.46 0.48 0.46 0.47 4.6K 2.17%
MTSI Macom Technology S 127.76 130.71 125.90 127.21 1.28M -1.77%
NPK National Presto Industries Inc 98.56 98.92 97.23 98.04 30.6K -0.54%
RELL Richardson Electronics, Ltd 13.09 13.30 12.90 13.01 46.4K -0.69%
TRC Tejon Ranch Company 16.40 16.44 16.16 16.29 50.7K -0.97%
TTMI TTM Technologies, Inc 26.26 26.64 25.42 25.75 1.09M -3.63%
VSAT ViaSat, Inc 9.33 11.42 9.30 11.38 8.28M 19.54%

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