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Meal Stocks List

Meal Stocks List is a list of public traded Meal companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Meal Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ADM Archer Daniels Midland Company 59.22 59.22 58.11 59.00 2.54M -0.08%
ADUS Addus HomeCare Corporation 126.59 129.09 126.06 129.05 80.1K 1.59%
ALTO Alto Ingredients Inc 1.38 1.40 1.35 1.40 397.6K 2.94%
BG Bunge Limited 96.32 96.32 94.49 95.90 968.4K -0.29%
BGS B&G Foods, Inc 8.42 8.43 8.21 8.37 588.9K -0.48%
CAG Conagra Foods, Inc 32.64 32.86 31.22 31.47 9.14M -4.03%
CPB Campbell Soup Company 51.25 51.26 48.78 49.14 4.04M -3.84%
CRI Carters, Inc 69.23 69.63 68.00 68.88 1.07M -1.13%
CVGW Calavo Growers, Inc 26.62 28.86 26.62 28.18 676K 5.86%
DAR Darling International Inc 33.79 34.50 32.67 34.39 2.98M 1.18%
FRPT Force Protection, Inc 135.22 138.48 134.58 137.62 499.5K 1.77%
GIS General Mills, Inc 74.53 74.66 72.55 73.12 3.74M -2.29%
HCSG Healthcare Services Group, Inc 10.68 10.68 10.35 10.59 213K -1.58%
HLF Herbalife Ltd 7.11 7.21 6.98 7.21 1.77M 0.42%
HRL Hormel Foods Corporation 32.05 32.22 31.23 31.34 1.76M -2.73%
INNV InnovAge Holding Corp 6.46 6.46 5.78 5.78 86.1K -6.47%
JBT John Bean Technologies Corporation 84.81 85.60 82.64 85.56 544.5K 0.74%
KHC Kraft Heinz Company 35.51 35.51 34.91 35.16 6.41M -1.01%
MED Medifast, Inc 18.76 18.76 17.91 18.26 173.9K -3.34%
NHC National HealthCare Corporation 123.87 123.87 119.92 122.22 60.4K -1.33%
PBPB Potbelly Corp 7.51 7.69 7.46 7.66 190.4K 1.46%
PEP PepsiCo, Inc 177.44 177.75 174.43 175.78 3.96M -1.14%
PNTG The Pennant Group Inc 32.21 33.80 31.84 33.62 316.8K 4.64%
SEB Seaboard Corporation 3097.54 3106.74 3045.00 3094.36 2.2K -0.15%
SLGN Silgan Holdings Inc 49.80 49.80 48.75 49.60 282.4K -0.72%
SMPL The Simply Good Foods Company 33.30 33.36 32.61 33.34 640.5K -0.57%
THS TreeHouse Foods Inc 41.15 41.17 40.33 40.89 481.4K -1.16%
TSN Tyson Foods, Inc 62.87 63.27 61.30 61.65 2.09M -2.42%
UBER Uber Technologies Inc 68.83 70.22 67.12 70.11 14.67M 1.62%
USNA USANA Health Sciences, Inc 37.03 37.35 36.30 37.28 61.2K -0.24%
WMK Weis Markets, Inc 67.31 67.31 66.52 66.75 77.1K -1.51%

Meat Stocks

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