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Marine Stocks List

Marine Stocks List is a list of public traded Marine companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Marine Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ASC Ardmore Shipping Corp 11.32 11.54 11.11 11.52 1.2M 3.13%
CMRE Costamare Inc 13.23 13.41 13.12 13.20 317.5K 0.76%
CTRM Castor Maritime Inc 3.45 3.56 3.43 3.44 60.8K -0.58%
DAC Danaos Corporation 80.84 83.74 80.84 82.02 175.5K 2.09%
DHT DHT Maritime Inc 9.48 10.00 9.34 9.90 4.09M 5.54%
DLNG Dynagas Lng Partners LP 4.78 4.80 4.63 4.67 56.4K -2.30%
DSX Diana Shipping Inc 1.91 1.96 1.90 1.94 758.3K 1.57%
EDRY Eurodry Ltd 13.41 13.41 13.00 13.41 6.2K 0.00%
ESEA Euroseas Ltd 39.45 40.11 38.71 39.59 26K 0.23%
FRO Frontline Ltd 15.97 17.11 15.89 17.09 6.69M 8.78%
GASS StealthGas Inc 5.46 5.48 5.40 5.42 98.5K -0.91%
GLBS Globus Maritime Limited 1.48 1.50 1.40 1.40 35.5K -5.41%
GLNG Golar LNG Limited (USA) 39.89 40.45 39.51 39.97 1.87M 0.81%
GNK Genco Shipping & Trading Limited 15.65 15.81 15.51 15.62 380.2K 0.64%
GOGL Golden Ocean Gp 9.91 9.96 9.83 9.95 1.73M 1.22%
INSW InsWeb Corporation 38.75 39.80 38.20 39.71 873.2K 3.82%
KEX Kirby Corporation 125.51 125.86 123.01 123.38 558.4K -1.21%
KNOP Knot Offshore Partners LP 5.70 5.92 5.60 5.89 237.2K 2.26%
LPG Dorian Lpg Ltd 24.49 24.67 23.70 24.29 770.3K -0.53%
NAT Nordic American Tanker Shipping Limited 2.64 2.81 2.64 2.78 3.59M 5.30%
NMM Navios Maritime Partners L 47.88 48.69 47.66 48.37 112.2K 1.53%
NVGS Navigator Holdings 15.56 15.79 15.46 15.77 131.6K 2.27%
PSHG Performance Shipping Inc 1.74 1.85 1.73 1.74 108.7K -0.57%
PXS Pyxis Tankers 3.80 3.81 3.76 3.77 33.7K -0.79%
SB Safe Bulkers, Inc 3.70 3.83 3.70 3.81 1.03M 1.33%
SBBA Scorpio Tankers Inc 7.00% Senior Notes Due 2025 25.32 25.32 25.32 25.32 1.2K -0.28%
SBLK Star Bulk Carriers Corp 17.15 17.40 17.14 17.22 2.24M 1.06%
SFL Ship Finance International Limited 10.55 10.72 10.45 10.69 705.8K 2.30%
STNG Scorpio Tankers Inc. 50.79 52.22 49.91 51.77 1.23M 3.15%
TK Teekay Corporation 7.45 7.73 7.35 7.66 1.49M 4.36%
TNK Teekay Tankers Ltd 40.06 41.78 39.70 41.65 445.6K 4.44%
TRMD Torm AS (ADR) 20.37 20.90 20.19 20.71 1.22M 1.97%

Marine Transportation Stocks

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