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Luxury Stocks List

Luxury Stocks List is a list of public traded Luxury companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Luxury Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ABNB Airbnb Inc 136.97 137.92 135.38 137.29 963.4K -0.15%
AN AutoNation, Inc 180.16 180.88 177.33 180.44 523K 0.29%
BHR Braemar Hotels & Resorts Inc 3.60 3.68 3.57 3.67 264.9K 2.23%
CREX Creative Realities Inc 3.07 3.12 2.88 2.97 93K -4.50%
EXPE Expedia, Inc 185.73 186.67 183.30 183.69 625.5K -0.71%
F Ford Motor Company 10.99 11.01 10.82 10.82 37.8M -1.46%
FUN Cedar Fair, L 48.55 48.55 46.87 47.21 1.09M -2.36%
GOOS Canada Goose Holdings Inc 9.52 9.74 9.36 9.74 2.37M 1.14%
GRBK Green Brick Partners 72.32 72.32 70.46 71.62 430.5K 0.21%
H Hyatt Hotels Corporation 156.73 158.64 156.52 158.04 363.8K 1.17%
HOV Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc 194.82 200.98 188.42 196.74 59K 1.07%
HST Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc 18.57 19.08 18.49 18.52 10.02M 0.71%
JD Inc Ads 37.08 37.61 36.95 37.10 5.03M -0.99%
KKR KKR & Co. L.P. 160.25 160.59 157.20 157.90 2.8M -1.10%
KMX CarMax, Inc 83.22 84.67 82.73 84.22 2.22M 1.25%
LAD Lithia Motors, Inc 386.55 388.20 383.36 384.33 398.2K -0.77%
LEN Lennar Corporation 174.80 175.65 173.14 173.58 1.4M 0.06%
LGIH LGI Homes Inc 109.86 110.04 107.58 109.16 119.4K -0.87%
MAR Marriott International, Inc 287.21 287.99 283.71 284.93 924.4K -0.46%
MCFT Mcbc Holdings 21.00 21.06 20.42 20.55 52.2K -2.28%
MHK Mohawk Industries, Inc 136.90 137.22 133.79 135.43 941.2K -0.66%
MHO M/I Homes, Inc 168.13 168.50 165.82 167.97 257.5K 0.65%
MPX Marine Products Corp 10.05 10.05 9.78 9.80 16.5K -2.39%
MTN Vail Resorts, Inc 176.26 183.20 173.97 181.00 962.9K 2.35%
REAL The Realreal Inc 6.06 6.09 5.73 5.90 3.56M -2.32%
REVG Rev Group Inc 31.17 31.74 30.69 31.67 397.7K 1.96%
RMAX Re/Max Holdings Inc 13.35 13.44 13.04 13.21 157.8K -0.68%
RVLV Revolve Group Inc 35.50 36.79 34.82 35.53 1.35M -1.93%
SHYF The Shyft Group Inc 13.46 13.58 13.22 13.44 114.5K 0.45%
SLRC Solar Capital Ltd. - $0.01 par value common stock 16.90 16.90 16.70 16.74 132.6K -0.53%
STRS Stratus Properties Inc 25.29 25.65 25.25 25.42 8K -0.90%
THO Thor Industries, Inc 111.05 111.10 107.85 108.49 735.1K -2.22%
TILE Interface Inc 26.73 26.73 26.12 26.29 429.2K -1.13%
TM Toyota Motor Corporation (ADR) 176.70 176.76 175.57 176.00 397.6K 0.11%
TOL Toll Brothers, Inc 165.00 165.05 162.29 162.34 770.2K -0.96%
TPR Tapestry Inc 65.00 65.30 63.68 64.32 10.64M -0.40%
VNCE Vince Holding Corp 1.60 1.63 1.42 1.63 19.4K 1.24%
WYNN Wynn Resorts, Limited 95.13 95.55 93.23 93.76 2.98M -2.50%
XHR Xenia Hotels & Resorts Inc 15.64 16.29 15.64 16.27 570.6K 5.58%

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