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Landscape Stocks List

Landscape Stocks List is a list of public traded Landscape companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Landscape Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ALG Alamo Group, Inc 182.90 185.40 181.59 185.01 85.2K 0.94%
AYI Acuity Brands, Inc 328.19 330.48 322.46 323.71 188.6K -1.52%
BV Brightview Holdings Inc 14.69 14.86 14.31 14.58 1.11M -3.06%
BWMN Bowman Consulting Group Ltd 24.82 24.86 23.80 23.81 64.5K -4.45%
DE Deere & Company 468.42 469.47 463.00 465.60 898K 0.13%
GVA Granite Construction Inc 89.21 89.75 88.11 88.52 393K -0.36%
LEG Leggett & Platt, Inc 10.09 10.15 9.82 9.98 2.04M -1.29%
LYTS LSI Industries, Inc 21.20 21.23 20.92 21.03 102.8K -0.71%
MAS Masco Corporation 77.22 77.72 76.46 77.25 1.83M -0.26%
POOL Pool Corporation 337.23 338.11 329.73 331.71 283K -1.86%
SITE Siteone Landscape Supply 136.82 137.09 132.61 133.13 303.6K -3.07%
SMG The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company 68.17 68.44 66.61 67.28 760.6K -1.31%
STN Stantec Inc 76.52 76.83 75.91 76.59 190.6K 0.20%
TRC Tejon Ranch Company 16.40 16.44 16.16 16.29 50.7K -0.97%
TTC The Toro Company 80.80 80.85 79.79 80.19 589.7K -0.55%

Landscaping Stocks

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