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Integrated Oil Stocks List

Integrated Oil Stocks List is a list of public traded Integrated Oil companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Integrated Oil Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BP BP plc (ADR) 32.33 32.49 32.07 32.27 10.04M 0.97%
BPT BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust 0.51 0.57 0.51 0.56 121.4K 5.66%
CLMT Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L 16.52 16.69 16.10 16.21 734K -1.82%
COP ConocoPhillips 100.06 100.45 98.27 98.36 12.12M -1.58%
CVI CVR Energy, Inc 18.51 18.66 18.20 18.34 653.7K -0.27%
CVX Chevron Corporation 152.48 153.81 151.92 152.62 4.72M 0.47%
HES Hess Corp 142.78 144.16 142.25 142.94 1.08M 0.71%
IMO Imperial Oil Limited (USA) 66.87 68.32 66.13 67.51 480.7K 1.20%
MUR Murphy Oil Corporation 26.91 27.30 26.65 26.82 4.48M 1.98%
SU Suncor Energy Inc 38.80 39.14 38.12 38.75 6.71M 0.81%
SUN Sunoco, Inc 57.02 57.14 55.79 56.43 449.3K -2.51%
VLO Valero Energy Corporation 135.21 135.43 132.99 133.08 2.09M -0.90%
XOM Exxon Mobil Corporation 108.78 109.73 108.32 108.89 10.04M 0.42%
YPF YPF SA (ADR) 39.10 39.35 37.45 37.79 1.54M -3.92%

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