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Industrial Specialties Stocks List

Industrial Specialties Stocks List is a list of public traded Industrial Specialties companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Industrial Specialties Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AIT Applied Industrial Technologies 265.49 268.26 264.60 267.72 289.3K 1.06%
ALGN Align Technology, Inc 227.46 232.20 211.00 218.38 2.3M 0.93%
APT Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd 5.40 5.49 5.32 5.46 10.3K 1.11%
BOOM Dynamic Materials Corporation 8.01 8.10 7.77 7.91 116.8K -1.25%
BW Brush Engineered Material 1.49 1.53 1.45 1.46 817.6K 1.39%
EW Edwards Lifesciences Corp 71.78 71.90 70.72 70.99 4.18M -1.54%
FRPT Force Protection, Inc 151.08 151.35 147.70 148.51 453.7K -0.68%
HDSN Hudson Technologies, Inc 5.52 5.67 5.52 5.65 317.6K 1.99%
ISRG Intuitive Surgical, Inc 592.78 592.86 585.40 588.50 1.01M -0.41%
JCI Johnson Controls, Inc 86.93 88.37 85.65 88.00 11.13M 2.31%
LAKE Lakeland Industries, Inc 23.72 24.38 23.29 23.57 78.4K 0.08%
MSA Mine Safety Appliances 165.58 166.75 164.78 166.33 141.1K 0.70%
MTRN Materion Corp 101.56 102.71 99.87 102.09 70.2K 1.40%
NTIC Northern Technologies International Corp 11.72 11.87 11.72 11.78 10.1K 1.29%
OFLX Omega Flex, Inc 38.31 38.50 38.25 38.35 9.2K -0.67%
PII Polaris Industries Inc 45.88 46.53 45.06 45.36 1.25M 0.18%
PKOH Park-Ohio Holdings Corp 25.83 26.20 25.32 25.54 20.3K -0.16%
POOL Pool Corporation 340.00 343.10 335.82 338.01 214.6K -0.35%
SNN Smith & Nephew plc (ADR) 25.74 25.81 25.19 25.25 525.6K -3.33%
STE Steris Corporation 221.46 227.38 216.98 225.44 1.33M 2.09%
TRS Trimas Corporation 24.37 24.46 24.07 24.11 154K -0.58%
VIRC Virco Mfg 11.25 11.41 11.23 11.37 136.7K 0.00%
WLFC Willis Lease Finance Corporation 200.91 206.40 200.91 201.66 26.2K 1.48%

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