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Homebuilding Stocks List

Homebuilding Stocks List is a list of public traded Homebuilding companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Homebuilding Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
BZH Beazer Homes USA, Inc 32.87 32.96 31.36 31.96 446.8K -0.31%
CCS Comcast Corp (New) 88.04 88.04 85.17 85.64 216.4K -0.55%
CHCI Comstock Homebuilding Companies, Inc 9.15 9.53 8.70 9.04 47.1K -0.33%
CVCO Cavco Industries, Inc 472.93 473.24 464.07 466.18 27K -0.31%
DHI D 164.61 165.41 160.92 161.13 2.92M -0.43%
FTDR Frontdoor Inc 57.38 57.52 56.33 56.53 448.1K -0.44%
GRBK Green Brick Partners 70.49 71.12 69.73 69.86 394.8K 1.01%
HOV Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc 176.27 179.43 166.41 168.34 94K -2.16%
KBH KB Home 80.70 80.90 78.28 78.41 990.5K -0.96%
LEGH Legacy Housing Corp 27.34 27.35 26.15 26.24 50.6K -2.38%
LEN Lennar Corporation 169.13 169.56 165.94 166.33 1.46M 0.09%
LGIH LGI Homes Inc 107.12 107.40 103.40 103.93 125.3K -0.96%
MHO M/I Homes, Inc 159.50 159.91 153.00 153.61 247K -1.53%
MTH Meritage Homes Corporation 184.63 185.00 176.94 177.92 589.9K -1.62%
PATK Patrick Industries, Inc 131.68 133.51 129.74 132.45 435.6K 2.01%
PHM Pulte Homes, Inc 131.00 131.40 127.22 127.48 1.86M -1.08%
SKY Skyline Corporation 96.53 98.62 95.93 96.52 496.1K 1.69%
SSD Simpson Manufacturing Co, Inc 185.97 187.70 183.97 184.00 162.4K -0.07%
TMHC Taylor Morrison Home Corp 71.37 71.55 69.47 69.79 568K -0.58%
TOL Toll Brothers, Inc 154.67 154.79 151.14 151.66 935.6K -0.11%
TPH Tri Pointe Homes Inc 42.67 42.67 41.26 41.38 689.6K -1.08%

Homeowners Stocks

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