Stock Screener

Holdings Stocks List

Holdings Stocks List is a list of public traded Holdings companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Holdings Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACI Arch Coal, Inc 21.36 21.40 20.69 20.83 3.61M -2.39%
ADN Advent Technologies Holdings Inc 5.20 5.20 4.81 5.15 15.2K 0.59%
AEHL Antelope Enterprise Hldg Ltd 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 2.47M 0.00%
AFRM Affirm Holdings Inc 79.79 80.72 78.06 80.69 6.25M 1.78%
ALRM 63.88 64.26 62.79 62.97 467.5K -1.33%
ALSN Allison Transmission Holdings 101.62 105.44 101.19 104.55 968.1K 2.90%
ALXO Alx Oncology Holdings Inc 1.08 1.13 1.06 1.10 314K 1.85%
AMC Amc Entertainment Holdings Inc 3.49 3.64 3.49 3.55 9.97M 2.01%
AMRX Amneal Pharmaceuticals Inc 7.91 7.92 7.69 7.73 484.8K -2.28%
ARCT Arcturus Therapeutics Ltd 16.50 18.89 16.50 18.05 842.1K 9.99%
AREB American Rebel Holdings Inc 1.07 1.10 1.04 1.08 63.3K 0.93%
ARMK Aramark Holdings Corp 38.91 38.91 37.75 37.75 1.12M -2.40%
AROC Archrock Inc 27.63 27.97 27.34 27.63 1.01M 0.22%
ASH Ashland Inc 65.48 65.93 64.76 64.90 528.3K -0.12%
ASRT Assertio Therapeutics Inc 0.84 0.87 0.84 0.84 239.1K -2.33%
ATEC Alphatec Holdings, Inc 10.97 11.17 10.74 10.74 733K -1.29%
ATER Aterian Inc 2.25 2.40 2.25 2.31 61.2K 3.13%
ATLC Atlanticus Hld Cp 59.70 60.09 59.38 59.82 27.4K 0.59%
ATSG Air Transport Services Group Inc 22.29 22.30 22.24 22.24 297.6K -0.09%
AVAH Aveanna Healthcare Holdings Inc 4.81 4.81 4.59 4.60 144.4K -4.17%
AWX Avalon Holdings Corporation 3.29 3.35 3.21 3.33 13.5K -1.77%
AXL American Axle & Manufact 5.32 5.43 5.12 5.15 6.3M 8.42%
BALY Ballys Corporation 15.93 15.93 15.66 15.70 8.7K -0.13%
BAOS Baosheng Media Group Holdings Ltd 3.22 3.29 3.02 3.10 32.5K -5.78%
BBCP Concrete Pumping Holdings Inc 7.22 7.24 7.04 7.13 149.3K -0.28%
BCRX BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc 8.83 9.11 8.72 9.05 5.15M 2.61%
BEDU Bright Scholar Education Holdings Ltd 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 200 0.63%
BEKE Ke Holdings Inc ADR 21.01 21.03 20.17 20.50 8.22M 0.54%
BGS B&G Foods, Inc 6.15 6.29 6.03 6.03 1.05M -1.31%
BH Biglari Holdings Inc 245.00 246.02 241.07 241.83 1.9K -0.43%
BIGC Bigcommerce Holdings Inc 7.07 7.09 6.84 6.96 788.7K -1.28%
BILL Holdings Inc 60.84 61.07 58.67 59.82 4.69M -1.74%
BJ BJs Wholesale Club, Inc 106.98 107.70 105.75 105.95 1.29M -0.94%
BLDR Builders FirstSource, Inc 154.15 157.96 152.91 153.90 1.47M 0.92%
BOOT LaCrosse Footwear, Inc 137.31 138.51 135.24 137.26 907.9K 1.86%
BPTH Bio-Path Holdings 0.63 0.65 0.60 0.63 630.8K 0.00%
BRBR Bellring Brands Inc Cl A 77.28 78.14 76.47 76.68 948K -1.12%
BV Brightview Holdings Inc 14.83 14.88 14.63 14.66 646.7K -0.48%
BXC BlueLinx Holdings Inc 102.30 103.10 101.21 101.82 39.7K 0.27%
CBOE CBOE Holdings, Inc 209.45 209.45 202.00 202.33 691.2K -2.83%
CCK Crown Holdings, Inc 88.50 88.98 87.92 88.03 716.1K -0.44%
CCO Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc 1.44 1.45 1.37 1.39 920.6K -4.14%
CCOI Cogent Communications Group, Inc 82.60 82.78 81.82 82.00 161.7K -0.80%
CELH Celsius Holdings, Inc. 23.06 23.39 22.32 22.34 7.13M -1.41%
CELZ Creative Medical Technology Holdings Inc 4.98 5.20 4.60 4.74 172.4K 3.27%
CF CF Industries Holdings, Inc 81.79 83.69 81.48 82.48 2.19M 1.25%
CHPT ChargePoint Holdings Inc 0.79 0.86 0.79 0.81 38.39M 2.53%
CLEU China Liberal Education Holdings Ltd 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 19.35M -9.09%
CMBM Cambium Networks Corp 1.37 1.41 1.31 1.31 44.1K -5.07%
CMCM Cheetah Mobile Inc 6.00 6.25 5.69 5.74 152.7K 0.70%
CME CME Group Inc 248.73 250.31 245.20 245.48 1.44M -1.85%
CMP Compass Minerals International, Inc 11.51 11.87 11.22 11.23 468.7K -2.35%
CNET Chinanet Online Holdings Inc 1.66 1.66 1.62 1.63 800 -1.81%
CNF Cnfinance Holdings Ltd ADR 1.16 1.21 1.10 1.20 6.6K 3.45%
CNFR Conifer Holdings 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.00 4.3K 0.00%
CNK Cinemark Holdings, Inc 32.56 33.02 31.99 32.56 1.94M 0.12%
CNNE Cannae Holdings Inc 19.71 19.87 19.61 19.78 234K 0.92%
CNTB Connect Biopharma Holdings Ltd 0.92 0.98 0.92 0.92 7.1K -5.15%
COSM Cosmos Holdings Inc 0.63 0.65 0.61 0.62 407.4K -3.13%
CPHI China Pharma Holdings, Inc. 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.22 587.2K 4.76%
CPS Cooper Std Hld Inc 14.03 14.09 12.77 13.51 989.1K -9.27%
CRBP Corbus Pharma 8.27 9.41 8.01 8.51 1.16M -10.23%
CRWD Crowdstrike Holdings Inc 449.47 453.46 442.87 451.74 2.84M -0.45%
CTOS Custom Truck One Source Inc 5.20 5.22 5.02 5.02 378.1K -2.71%
CWH CommonWealth REIT 23.27 23.40 22.45 22.78 911.1K -0.87%
CYTH Cyclo Therapeutics Inc 1.06 1.06 0.97 0.98 151.5K -5.77%
DFH Dream Finders Homes Inc 22.51 23.00 22.33 22.50 288K 1.90%
DHX DICE HOLDINGS, INC 3.26 3.26 2.96 2.98 205.5K -9.15%
DK Delek US Holdings, Inc 17.51 18.35 17.51 18.25 1.19M 4.70%
DKL MSSATURNS FORD 8 41.37 42.00 40.90 41.87 108.6K 1.75%
DLHC Dlh Holdings Corp 6.13 6.18 5.85 5.88 57.9K -2.97%
DLTH Duluth Hld Cl B 2.99 2.99 2.91 2.93 6.1K -1.68%
DNB The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation 10.72 10.83 10.63 10.64 2.75M -0.47%
DOCN DigitalOcean Holdings Inc 45.66 45.66 44.34 44.51 885.8K -2.90%
DOYU Douyu International Holdings Ltd Ads 15.94 16.10 15.52 15.79 301.4K -0.44%
DRVN Driven Brands Holdings Inc 16.37 16.54 16.17 16.23 508.4K -0.25%
DV DeVry Inc 23.05 23.08 22.56 22.57 971.7K -1.91%
DXF Dunxin Financial Holdings Ltd 20.15 20.15 15.74 16.10 27.1K -14.09%
EBON Ebang International Holdings Inc Cl A 5.49 5.63 5.47 5.63 3.7K 0.18%
EDR Education Realty Trust, Inc 35.50 35.99 35.15 35.17 237.2K -0.93%
EH Ehang Holdings Ltd Ads 27.38 29.76 24.41 25.56 4.86M -0.97%
EIG Employers Holdings, Inc 49.15 49.23 48.86 49.05 115.5K -0.35%
EKSO Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc 0.57 0.61 0.55 0.57 233K 0.00%
ELF E.L.F. Beauty Inc 74.99 75.11 71.39 73.00 3.05M -2.60%
ENR Energizer Holdings, Inc 31.52 31.65 30.92 30.97 459.8K -1.68%
EPC Citigroup Inc. 11% Equity Linked Security (ELKS) based on Apple, Inc 29.70 30.02 29.37 29.78 540.3K 0.24%
EQH Axa Equitable Holdings Inc 53.72 55.78 53.64 55.34 4.53M 2.98%
ESQ Esquire Financial Holdings Inc 85.74 86.40 83.70 83.78 55.5K -1.79%
ETWO E2open Parent Holdings Inc 2.82 2.83 2.66 2.66 547.5K -4.66%
EVRI Everi Holdings Inc 13.77 13.77 13.73 13.74 242.4K -0.07%
EVTC Evotec AG (ADR) 33.93 34.02 33.59 33.91 326.5K 0.62%
EXLS ExlService Holdings, Inc 51.75 51.86 50.83 50.93 603.8K -0.93%
EXPI Exp Realty International 10.86 11.00 10.73 10.93 542.4K 1.58%
EYE National Vision Holdings Inc 12.21 12.51 12.00 12.43 2.17M 3.15%
EYEN Eyenovia Inc 1.89 1.95 1.82 1.92 114.5K 0.52%
FAT Fat Brands Inc 3.89 3.97 3.67 3.75 46.7K -4.82%
FGF SunAmerica Focused Alpha Growth Fund Inc 21.50 22.00 21.50 21.55 18.6K -2.62%
FIVE Five Below Inc 91.36 91.47 88.11 88.72 1.29M -1.61%
FLUX Flux Power Holdings Inc 1.61 1.64 1.58 1.64 38.8K 0.61%
FND Floor & Decor Holdings Inc 99.87 102.49 97.26 97.60 1.73M -0.29%
FPH Five Point Holdings Llc Cl A 6.06 6.33 5.87 5.88 391.7K -1.84%
FRPH Frp Holdings Inc 31.66 31.94 31.08 31.24 30.8K -0.73%
FSLR First Solar, Inc 161.20 163.71 159.33 159.76 1.4M -0.36%
FTHM Fathom Holdings Inc 1.21 1.28 1.17 1.20 95.2K 0.84%
GDRX Goodrx Holdings Inc Cl A 5.09 5.16 4.99 5.04 588.3K 0.20%
GDS Gds Holdings Ltd 41.83 41.83 38.06 39.14 5.75M 8.66%
GDYN Grid Dynamics Holdings Inc 22.93 22.94 22.25 22.52 368K -1.40%
GHC Graham Holdings Company 963.49 963.49 947.49 960.60 15.3K 0.49%
GHLD Guild Holdings Company Cl A 12.82 12.82 12.54 12.61 2.9K 2.94%
GME GameStop Corp 28.90 28.97 26.90 27.00 12.07M 2.51%
GMS Gms Inc 84.01 84.64 83.06 83.34 323.9K -0.16%
GNLN Greenlane Holdings Inc Cl A 1.20 1.20 1.17 1.19 40.6K -1.65%
GNRC Generac Holdings Inc. 148.66 148.66 144.62 146.85 1.03M 0.01%
GOLF Golfsmith International Holdings, Inc 67.77 67.95 66.49 66.71 461K -2.20%
GOOS Canada Goose Holdings Inc 10.07 10.18 9.98 10.09 644.8K 0.50%
HAYW Hayward Holdings Inc 14.20 14.54 14.19 14.50 1.72M 2.33%
HCA Hca Holdings Inc 322.00 325.81 315.94 316.21 1.45M -1.77%
HCAT Health Catalyst Inc 5.50 5.68 5.41 5.42 645.3K -2.34%
HLT Hilton Inc 270.78 271.00 264.71 265.87 1.7M -1.35%
HRI Herc Holdings Inc 195.33 201.28 192.48 200.74 352K 2.76%
HRMY Harmony Biosciences Holdings Inc 39.00 39.91 38.83 38.98 415.1K -0.26%
HRTG Heritage Insurance Holdings 12.37 12.91 12.37 12.67 188.5K 3.09%
HTH Hilltop Holdings Inc 31.99 32.24 31.40 31.56 227.2K -1.10%
HUYA Huya Inc 3.90 3.94 3.78 3.88 1.38M 4.02%
HYFM Hydrofarm Holdings Group Inc 6.17 6.86 6.10 6.19 57.4K -3.28%
HYLN Hyliion Hldg Corp Cl A 2.16 2.20 2.06 2.12 502K -0.93%
IAC Iac Holdings Inc 48.21 48.50 46.88 47.02 2.03M -1.98%
IART Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp 24.46 24.69 24.08 24.18 238.2K -0.33%
ICFI ICF International, Inc 109.82 110.36 106.26 107.77 207.4K -1.87%
ICHR Ichor Holdings Ltd 32.63 32.71 31.33 31.52 350.7K -4.22%
IESC Integrated Electrical Services, Inc 222.92 228.76 221.09 227.48 181.4K 2.05%
IHRT Iheartmedia Inc 2.25 2.32 2.16 2.22 722.6K -0.89%
INFU Infusystems Holdings 8.04 8.12 7.91 8.12 80.8K 1.50%
INNV InnovAge Holding Corp 3.49 3.53 3.38 3.39 38.3K -2.02%
IQ Iqiyi Inc ADR 2.69 2.73 2.48 2.54 37.88M 0.79%
IQV Iqvia Holdings Inc 198.26 200.28 193.31 193.44 1.53M -1.33%
IR Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited 88.00 89.22 85.57 85.72 7.44M -7.38%
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc. 32.31 33.18 31.52 31.63 1.92M -1.13%
ITGR Integer Holdings Corp 139.80 141.76 138.08 141.00 201.5K 1.68%
JD Inc Ads 42.01 42.22 40.98 41.38 13.3M 4.52%
JOE The St 47.88 48.22 47.71 47.81 121.6K 0.59%
JRSH Jerash Holdings Inc 3.72 3.81 3.63 3.79 36.6K -0.52%
KAR KAR Auction Services Inc 20.58 20.70 20.45 20.60 445.7K 0.19%
KAVL Kaival Brands Innovations Group Inc 1.20 1.25 0.96 0.99 1.15M -17.50%
KC Kingsoft Cloud Holdings Limited ADR 20.25 21.69 20.25 20.81 7.62M 19.94%
KKR KKR & Co. L.P. 139.61 141.79 138.54 140.56 2.2M 0.90%
KLXE Klx Energy Services Holdings Inc 4.77 4.85 4.66 4.71 68.8K -0.63%
KNX Knight Transportation 54.68 54.92 53.92 54.17 2.4M -0.53%
KOP Koppers Holdings Inc 30.21 30.93 30.05 30.14 76.9K 0.00%
KRKR 36Kr Holdings Inc ADR 5.46 6.20 5.31 5.33 100.7K 8.33%

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