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Grocery Store Stocks List

Grocery Store Stocks List is a list of public traded Grocery Store companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Grocery Store Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
ACEL Accel Entertainment Inc 11.21 11.34 11.12 11.19 189.6K 0.09%
CALM Cal-Maine Foods, Inc 68.75 69.68 68.33 68.45 444.9K -0.81%
CASY Caseys General Stores, Inc 376.78 376.78 365.96 366.97 345.1K -1.83%
DIT AMCON Distributing Co 144.50 144.50 139.00 141.00 293 -1.40%
GDEN Golden Entmt 32.05 32.13 31.35 31.46 218.5K -1.81%
GIS General Mills, Inc 75.06 75.46 74.52 75.15 3.64M -0.36%
HSY The Hershey Company 199.59 203.44 198.00 203.25 1.37M 1.73%
JAKK JAKKS Pacific, Inc 23.26 24.15 23.26 23.74 63.5K 0.47%
KKR KKR & Co. L.P. 117.99 119.89 117.51 118.46 2.52M 1.91%
KOSS Koss Corporation 7.21 7.50 7.20 7.22 170.4K -0.69%
LCUT Lifetime Brands, Inc 6.33 6.43 6.16 6.18 57.2K -2.37%
NWL Newell Rubbermaid Inc 7.54 7.55 7.10 7.10 8.38M -6.70%
ODC Oil-Dri Corporation of America 64.64 65.01 64.12 64.40 13.6K -0.19%
PEP PepsiCo, Inc 177.05 178.79 175.85 178.19 4.06M 0.32%
PG The Procter & Gamble Company 175.54 176.84 174.66 176.06 6.45M 0.27%
POST Post Holdings Inc 115.75 116.98 115.39 116.53 371.8K 0.49%
PPC Pilgrims Pride Corporation 45.46 45.92 45.02 45.12 1.22M -0.33%
REYN Reynolds Consumer Products Inc 32.34 32.52 32.03 32.08 773.9K -0.96%
SAM The Boston Beer Company, Inc 284.70 284.88 273.75 274.42 134.1K -3.49%
SCHL Scholastic Corporation 31.06 31.21 30.31 30.35 192.3K -2.25%
SEB Seaboard Corporation 3148.57 3172.45 3083.51 3091.99 1.4K -1.76%
SFM Sprouts Farmers Mark 99.20 102.40 99.20 100.10 1.31M 1.29%
UNFI United Natural Foods, Inc 15.21 15.25 14.53 14.53 430.3K -4.85%
WDFC WD-40 Company 261.82 261.82 256.45 258.00 90.6K -2.46%

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