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4 Monthly Dividend Stocks

Gateway Stocks List

Gateway Stocks List is a list of public traded Gateway companies trading on the US stock exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

Gateway Stocks

Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume % Change
AAL American Airlines Gp 10.95 11.01 10.48 10.77 40.47M -2.00%
ADTN ADTRAN, Inc 5.00 5.19 4.97 5.18 420.8K 3.81%
AMPG Amplitech Group Inc 0.77 0.80 0.77 0.80 10.2K 3.90%
BDC Belden Inc 98.47 99.19 96.69 99.05 190.5K -0.14%
BXMX Nuveen Equity Premium 13.45 13.46 13.27 13.44 198.5K 0.30%
COMM Commscope Holding Company 4.96 5.21 4.74 5.14 6.18M 3.84%
DGII Digi International Inc 26.61 26.64 25.32 25.94 280.9K -3.10%
DRH DiamondRock Hospitality Company 8.23 8.36 8.18 8.31 1.95M 0.00%
EBON Ebang International Holdings Inc Cl A 5.81 5.95 5.81 5.95 5.4K 2.59%
ENPH Enphase Energy Inc 108.21 111.26 106.90 110.59 4.13M 5.72%
FCUV Focus Universal Inc 0.36 0.41 0.36 0.37 437K -2.63%
FFIV F5 Networks, Inc 200.64 203.19 197.34 202.91 425.4K 0.81%
FKWL Franklin Wireless Corp 4.13 4.15 4.10 4.15 3.3K -0.72%
FOUR Shift4 Payments Inc 75.79 77.90 74.02 77.58 643.6K 2.20%
FTNT Fortinet, Inc. 75.78 76.84 74.71 76.64 4.06M 0.75%
GSAT Globalstar, Inc 1.25 1.26 1.20 1.21 3.18M -4.72%
GSIT GSI Technology, Inc 3.00 3.15 2.93 3.14 80.6K 4.67%
HLIT Harmonic Inc 13.48 14.01 13.40 13.84 2.47M 1.91%
INSG Inseego Corp 15.57 16.40 14.98 16.35 224.3K 5.01%
IRDM Iridium Communications Inc. 26.71 27.13 26.07 27.10 1.27M 2.03%
IRT Independence Realty Trust Inc 20.07 20.43 20.00 20.41 1.18M 0.54%
JNPR Juniper Networks, Inc 38.40 38.63 38.25 38.53 4.6M 0.34%
LEA Lear Corporation 105.00 105.00 102.56 103.43 749.7K -1.39%
LSPD Lightspeed Pos Inc 12.23 12.67 12.03 12.62 559.5K 2.77%
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 124.81 131.00 121.30 129.28 8.69M -0.28%
MXL MaxLinear, Inc. 13.56 14.16 13.14 14.16 939.5K 5.28%
NEWT Newtek Business Services, Inc 11.26 11.32 10.85 11.09 221.8K -2.38%
NTGR NetGear, Inc 15.87 15.97 15.40 15.93 286.7K -0.19%
OKTA Okta Inc Cl A 70.89 73.81 70.81 73.34 2.31M 3.30%
OLB Olb Group Inc 1.97 1.97 1.93 1.94 1.8K 7.18%
PEB Pebblebrook Hotel Trust 12.47 12.59 12.30 12.52 830.3K 0.00%
PI Impinj Inc 179.32 183.00 175.62 180.62 524.2K 0.76%
PYPL Paypal Holdings 69.16 69.70 67.76 69.35 12.27M 0.73%
QCOM QUALCOMM, Inc 162.36 166.90 159.25 166.56 8.18M 3.02%
SATS Echostar Corporation 21.50 22.99 21.16 21.89 1.78M 1.81%
SIFY Sify Technologies Limited 0.42 0.45 0.42 0.43 812.4K -4.44%
TAL TAL International Group, Inc 7.64 7.67 7.54 7.58 2.29M -0.26%
UI Ubiquiti Networks 192.38 199.05 192.11 198.82 47.2K 2.34%
UNP Union Pacific Corporation 250.64 251.50 243.43 247.50 2.37M -2.01%
VNET 21Vianet Group Inc 3.01 3.04 2.94 2.96 3.1M -2.63%
ZM Zoom Video Communications Cl A 66.61 67.58 66.26 67.30 3.03M 0.90%

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